Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1199 Rescue and slaughter barbarians!

Chapter 1199 Rescue and slaughter barbarians!

"Things that don't know how to live or die, just because you still want to kill this commander?" The barbarian leader's huge lantern-like eyes were filled with bloodthirsty luster, and he roared like thunder:

"You don't even weigh it, how much do you weigh!"

The leader of the barbarian tribe sternly said to the ten tenth-level barbarians who were also five hundred feet tall and twenty tenth-level adult barbarians: "Follow this leader, first destroy the humans in this monk alliance." Now, then enjoy our feast of slaughtering humans to the fullest!"

After saying that, the leader of the barbarian clan, with dark blue brute force gushing from his body, took the lead in rushing towards Tan Yun in the air!

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The thirty barbarians behind it followed the leader of the barbarian clan with roars of excitement from the massacre of humans...

"go to hell!"

A moment later, the leader of the barbarian clan rushed to Tan Yun first, opened his fierce fangs, swung a huge fist like a house, blasted the void tens of thousands of miles around, and smashed towards Tan Yun's chest!

In its view, this brute force punch of its own is enough to kill several human beings in the Eternal Transformation Realm!

Faced with such a violent punch, Tan Yun instantly put away the eleven Hongmeng Divine Swords around him. Not only did he not dodge, but his speed increased sharply, and he violently charged towards the barbarian leader!

Facing this scene, the thirty barbarians who followed behind the leader of the barbarian clan screamed excitedly:

"Quack quack! I'm so laughing! This human being is doomed, yet he dares to use his body to fight head-on with our commander. I'm sure the commander can poke him to death with one finger!"

"That's right! Our Lord Commander is the third most powerful existence among our 800 million barbarians!"

"Isn't it! Except for our lord and deputy lord, our command strength is so strong that it can completely shake the world..." At this moment, a barbarian's flattering voice stopped abruptly, and then, with a ghostly expression, Hysterically exclaimed: "Ah..."

In the next moment, in the sight of thirty tenth-rank barbarians, a scene that they will never forget until their death happened!

But see you!

But seeing the extremely powerful commander in their hearts, the moment he punched Tan Yun's chest, it turned into a cloud of blood mist, and burst into pieces amidst the severed fingers and blood spray!


"Click, click, click—"

Amidst the horrified screams of the barbarian leader, after Tan Yun's chest exploded with his fist, and then his entire right arm exploded at a high speed, Tan Yun's whole body hit the barbarian leader in the air!



When the screams and muffled chiseling sounded, the body of the leader of the barbarians, which was five hundred feet high, was knocked and exploded by Tan Yun, who was three hundred feet high!

At this time, thirty barbarians with tenth-level strength who were scared out of their wits suddenly stopped flying in the air.

One of the tenth-order barbarians screamed hoarsely: "Run away, we are not the right of this human being..."

Before the word "hand" could be uttered, Tan Yun threw the Hongmeng Killing God Sword in the air with his right hand. Immediately, the two-hundred-foot-long Hongmeng Killing God Sword pierced the void with a radius of ten thousand feet. The barbarian's mouth was inserted, and it came out from the back of the neck!

That barbarian was killed on the spot!

"Run away!"

"Hurry up and run for your life, and tell our lord the news that there are strong human beings here!"


Twenty-nine barbarians scattered in panic, while trying to escape, they ordered to the barbarians in the city with a radius of three million miles:

"A strong man from the Xuantian Continent Cultivator Alliance has come to rescue us. We are not his opponents, so we all withdraw from the city immediately!"

"Evacuate and escape!"

The more than three million hundred-foot-high barbarians who were massacring and even devouring humans in the city were stunned for a moment, and then, the barbarians with fifth-level strength and above jumped into the air and fled towards the city gate...

As the ground trembled violently, the barbarians of the third and fourth ranks panicked and rushed towards the city gate...

"You slaughtered innocent people. Since you have stepped into this city today, no barbarians will be able to escape!"

"Everyone must die!"

"Great Steps!"

Tan Yun's body was filled with a cold killing intent, and he turned into a huge afterimage. He quickly caught up with the three barbarians with his sword, and beheaded the three barbarians while spraying blood!

"Whoosh whoosh—"


Afterwards, Tan Yun turned into a huge red light beam, and in the next three breaths, he caught up with the remaining twenty-six barbarians and chopped off their heads!

Before the body fell to the ground, Tan Yun had disappeared in place. He used his majestic step to kill the barbarian army fleeing for their lives on the ground of the city hundreds of thousands of miles away!

Half an hour later, Tan Yun chased after him, holding the Hongmeng Slaughtering God Sword in his hand, opened and closed in the void, and swung sword lights that were ten thousand feet long!

"Puchi Puchi—"

Every time a sword light burst out from the void, hundreds of barbarians died!


In the violent turbulence of the void, Tan Yun's mountain-like body suddenly burst out with a giant snake-like power of the primordial power, blasting the body of a barbarian!

"Plop, plop, clatter!"

Pieces of huge broken corpses fell overwhelmingly, crushing down the bloodbathed pavilions...

The human beings in the city looked up at Tan Yun, who was like a murderous god, and they knelt down in gratitude.

In their view, Tan Yun, who descended from the sky, is a peerless powerhouse of the Xuantian Continent Monk Alliance!

Be your own patron saint!

The killing lasted for nearly half an hour, and Tan Yun took practical actions to let more than three million barbarians leave their lives in the city.

Standing in the air, Tan Yun released his spiritual consciousness, covering an area with a radius of 200 million miles. He found Shen Subing and others, and eleven beasts including the old ape in more than a dozen cities. The massacre of the barbarians had come to an end.

After Tan Yun put away the Hongmeng Killing God Sword, his body shrank suddenly, and he changed into a purple robe.

He looked down at the kneeling humans in the city, and said softly, "Get up!"

The surviving humans stood up gratefully. Tan Yun asked: "Tell me, what kind of grievances do the humans on the Xuantian Continent have with the barbarians? They would be so frenzied and massacre you unarmed?"

At this time, a young man covered in blood looked up at Tan Yun, with deep surprise in his eyes.

In his heart, even a three-year-old child in the Xuantian Continent knows the grievances between the barbarians and humans, but how can the peerless powerhouse above not know?

Confused, the young man said truthfully with grief and indignation: "Reporting to the immortal, the barbarian race has been incompatible with human beings since ancient times."

"The barbarians kill innocent people indiscriminately, and they often come out of the wild and fierce areas to harm us humans. Although we human monks love peace, we have to resist."

"Over time, the barbarians and humans became incompatible."

"Also, this war between the barbarians and the monk alliance is the most intense since ancient times. This war has lasted for a full hundred years!"

"The current situation is very pessimistic. Seven of the eight human dynasties have been wiped out. If it wasn't for the alliance of monks to take charge of our Xuantian Holy Dynasty, otherwise, the Xuantian Holy Dynasty would have already been wiped out!"

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