Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1223 Red in the face!

Chapter 1223 Red in the face!

"Well, I believe in my brother. In Xiaoqing's heart, my brother will always be the best." Fang Zhiqing said with a smile.

"The mouth is so sweet." Tan Yun said with a smile: "Let's go, let's set up the shop!"

Afterwards, Tan Yun and Fang Zhiqing entered the first floor of the shop.

Tan Yun took out the various shelves and a plaque he had purchased from the Immortal Ring, and then Fang Zhiqing began to arrange them on the first to fourth floors.

According to Tan Yun's request, she arranged shelves for selling pills on the first floor, shelves for magic weapons on the second floor, shelves for selling charms on the third floor, and shelves for array bases on the fourth floor.

Tan Yun knew that almost all the immortals in the outer city were from the Immortal Punishment Realm. Since he wanted to do business, he naturally focused on selling what the immortals from the Immortal Punishment Realm needed.

On the fifth floor, the shelves that Tan Yun asked Fang Zhiqing to place were prepared to refine the things needed to refine the immortals in the fairyland, and put the goods on the fifth floor.

As for the thirty-eight Accords on the sixth floor, they are set up as VIP rooms for living in or receiving VIPs.

While Fang Zhiqing was arranging the shelves, Tan Yun held a sword and engraved the five characters "Sishu Zhentian Pavilion" on the plaque, and then pressed the plaque on the outer wall of the pavilion!

Afterwards, with a satisfied smile, Tan Yun entered the Zhentian Pavilion, and began to help Fang Zhiqing arrange...

At this moment, on the street near Tan Yun's shop, shopkeepers and bosses of a well-known shop gathered in groups of three or four, pointing and commenting on the plaque hanging on Tan Yun's shop:

"Tsk tsk, if I'm not mistaken, the Sishu Zhentian Pavilion should sell pills, arrays, weapons, and talismans, but the tone of the name is not small!"

"Hahaha, yes! Returning the Four Techniques to Town Tiange is really laughing out loud!"


At the same time, the outer city, Xiahou Mansion.

In an antique but luxurious room, Xia Houshuo was lying on the couch, his broken limbs had been connected by an old man in front of the couch.

The old man said earnestly: "Third young master, just listen to the old slave! The old slave will send you to the Mustard Seed Space-Time Immortal Pagoda so that you can recover from your injuries."

"Don't worry, as long as you enter the Immortal Pagoda, you will be able to recover in the next day at most."

Hearing this, Xia Houshuo, unable to move, gritted his teeth and said, "In my heart, there is no overnight hatred! I must kill that kid tonight!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Following the sound of hurried footsteps, a guard entered the room, and respectfully said to Xia Houshuo who was on the couch, "Third young master, the kid who hurt you has been found!"

"Tell me where?" Xia Houshuo said excitedly.

The guard said truthfully: "That kid has rented that shop now, and the name of the shop is Sishu Town Tiange!"

"Suppress his ancestor!" Xia Houshuo's facial features were extremely distorted, "Is my second brother back?"

The guard said truthfully: "I have already told the second young master about your injury, and the second young master should be on his way back to the house now..."

Before the guard could finish his sentence, a mighty young man in white robe walked into the room with a gloomy expression!

This person is Xia Houshuo's second brother, Xia Houcan!

"Second brother! You are back!" Xia Houshuo looked at Xia Houcan on the couch, as if he had a backbone, and burst into tears!

"Third brother, you have been wronged, and second brother will avenge you!" Xia Houcan said with red eyes, "Who hurt you!"

"Second brother, he is the boss of Tiange in Sishu Town!" Xia Houshuo cried.

"Damn, my younger brother Xia Houcan dares to hurt me, I think he is impatient!" Xia Houcan's whole body was filled with the aura of the ninth level of the Punishment Wonderland, and his eyes were fierce: "Third brother, you are in the house to take care of your wounds. Second brother, go and break the limbs of the person who hurt you, and bring them back for you to deal with!"

"Second brother, I want to go with you!" Xia Houshuo wiped away tears, gritted his teeth and said, "Third brother, when was I ever beaten like this? I can't bear it for a moment, and now I have to go to him to settle the score!"


Three hours later, the night grew thicker, with a bright moon embedded in the sky.

Sishu Town Tiange.

Fang Zhiqing has now entered the third floor of the Mustard Seed Time and Space Immortal Palace to practice in seclusion with the Yun Lingshi.

At this moment, on the first floor of the Tiange of Sishu Town, Chu Xiaosa handed a jade slip in his hand to Tan Yun, "Boss, the task you entrusted to my younger brother has been completed."

"In the valleys, canyons, plains, rivers, and forests in our outer city, no matter whether they are common or rare immortal medicines and refining materials, my little brother has recorded almost all of them."

"Okay, this is a good job." After Tan Yun praised, he released his immortal consciousness and entered the jade slips. What came into view were the names of thousands of refining materials and hundreds of thousands of immortal medicines.

Tan Yun was quite satisfied after reading it, because many of these elixir were not only elixir for refining punishment elixir, but also elixir for refining elixir, and even emperor elixir!

Even the elixir for refining Emperor Saint Pill and Emperor Pill accounted for more than half of it!

What made Tan Yun even more excited was that among the countless refining materials, there were 32 kinds of refining materials, not to mention the refining of top-grade fairy weapons and magic weapons, even immortal weapons and holy weapons could be refined!

"Boss, how are you? Do you have any fairy medicine or refining materials you want?" Chu Xiaosa asked expectantly.

"Yes! It can be said to have everything!" Tan Yun said domineeringly: "Look, we will have huge wealth in a short time!"

"Become the richest person in the entire outer city!"

Hearing this, Chu Xiaosa rubbed her hands excitedly and said, "Boss, what are you waiting for? Why don't we set off immediately to collect immortal medicines and mine refining materials!"

"Whether it's fairy medicine or refining materials, we naturally have to collect them, and the more the better." The corners of Tan Yun's mouth rose slightly, "However, we don't collect them ourselves."

"If we don't go, why invite someone?" Chu Xiaosa finished speaking, and when Tan Yun nodded, Chu Xiaosa twitched her lips, "Boss, we are penniless, do you still want to invite someone?"

"Is it possible that someone will give you free work? Is there such a stupid person?"

Hearing this, Tan Yun played a riddle, "I have my own way. Well, it's getting late, let's rest early!"

At this time, Tan Yun suddenly frowned, as if he had noticed something, and said in a low voice: "Someone is here."

As soon as the words fell, a roar that resounded through the night sky came from outside the pavilion, "People inside, get out!"

"Go, go out and have a look." Tan Yun got up, waved his right arm, and the door of the pavilion opened with a loud bang. Then, Tan Yun took a step, and he covered a distance of hundreds of feet, appearing on the wide street outside the pavilion.

Tan Yun looked indifferently, but saw a young man in white robes, leading thirty guards of the Xiahou Mansion from the fourth to sixth ranks of Punishment Immortal Realm, staring at him angrily.

Tan Yun could tell at a glance that the young man in white robe was the ninth level of Punishment Immortal Realm!

At this time, Tan Yun suddenly laughed, but it was Tan Yun who saw that four guards were carrying a couch, and the person lying on the couch was none other than Xia Houshuo whose limbs had been crippled by him today!

"Tsk tsk, young man, you can really enjoy yourself!" Tan Yun put his hands on his shoulders and said teasingly, "I thought that if you want to take revenge, at least you have to recover from your injuries, but I didn't expect that you are already like this, and you still shout Come help!"

"What's the matter? Didn't you feel like you've just got your hands and feet? If yes, the young master doesn't mind, I'll interrupt you later!"

Hearing this, Xia Houshuo blushed with anger, stared fixedly at Tan Yun, and yelled, "Second brother, it's him who hurts me!"

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