Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1249 Overcrowded!

Chapter 1249 Overcrowded!

Making up his mind, Tan Yun sacrificed ten thousand bottles of alchemy furnace and the immortal medicine in the immortal medicine bag from the immortal ring!

Suddenly Tan Yun thought of something, and sent a voice transmission to Chu Xiaosa in the Tiange of Sishu Town: "Go to other shops and buy me 10,000 talisman papers!"

"Okay boss!" In the lobby on the first floor, after Chu Xiao spoke, he suddenly thought of something and said, "Boss, our fairy stone has been given to the immortals, and now we are penniless."

Tan Yun's voice came into Chu Xiaosa's mind, "Let's borrow it from the guys first, the talisman paper is very cheap, and you won't need many fairy stones to buy 10,000 pieces."

Afterwards, Chu Xiaosa collected enough fairy stones from his buddies, and then bought ten thousand pieces of talisman paper in the square market and gave them to Tan Yun.

Tan Yun nodded in satisfaction and said, "From now on, you will be the shopkeeper of the Tiange of Sishu Town, and the first floor of this top-grade Time and Space Immortal Tower will be where you will practice in the future."

When Chu Xiaosa was excited, Tan Yun gave Chu Xiaosa twelve top-quality punishment elixir for him to practice.

As for the store, Tan Yun asked Chu Xiaosa to teach Xiaoyu and Axiang, so that the two sisters could become Chu Xiaosa's right-hand assistants.

Chu Xiaosa held the twelve top-quality punishment elixir in his hands, and he felt light when he walked.

He never expected that the boss would actually refine the best punishment elixir!

In the sixty-sixth floor of the Immortal Holy Pagoda, Tan Yun sat cross-legged, focusing on three tasks.

While cultivating with his eyes closed, he released his sense of immortality, covering ten thousand jars of alchemy, and began to refine ten thousand furnaces of punishment elixir at the same time.

While refining the Immortal Punishment Pill, Tan Yun also used golden immortal power to draw immortal talismans in a mysterious and mysterious way!

With Tan Yun's realm, although he can draw an offensive immortal talisman, even if he refines it, he cannot use it because his realm is too low.

Therefore, Tan Yun intends to refine the most offensive fairy talisman: Nine Thunders Breaking the Heavens Fairy Talisman!

Each Nine Thunder Breaking Heaven Talisman is equivalent to a full-strength blow from an ordinary twelfth-order powerhouse in the Immortal Punishment Realm!

The purpose of Tan Yun's refining is not to make money, but for other purposes...


In a blink of an eye, the thirteenth day has passed.

Li Yongchang flew into the barracks in the top grade fairy boat.

But now Duan Tiande has led another seven Thousand Immortal Chiefs, seventy Centurion Immortal Chiefs, and ten thousand Immortal Soldiers, following General Sima, one of the Twelve Great Generals, to set off!

Normally, it will take more than a month to return to the barracks!

After entering the barracks, Li Yongchang hurriedly found someone to help 330 people, while he went to the alchemy guild.

Xuanyuan Immortal City, the alchemy guild in the inner city.

In an antique elegant pavilion on the top floor, Miao Jincheng watched Li Yongchang coming, and greeted him expectantly, "Is it true that Tan Yun has already been arrested in the barracks?"

Li Yongchang sighed, and told Miao Jincheng the ins and outs of the matter.

Hearing this, Miao Jincheng blushed with anger. He thought before that it was the son Miao Wei who was killed by the strong man secretly protecting Tan Yun.

Now it seems that Miao Jincheng believes that his son was killed by Tan Yun. In his heart, since Tan Yun can kill Jia Lie, the Immortal Elder, it means that Tan Yun has the strength to kill his son!

"Li Qianfu Immortal, please wait a moment, I will invite my adoptive father to come!"

After Miao Jincheng left a word, he hurriedly left Accord.

Not long after, Miao Xilin, the vice president of the Alchemy Guild, returned with Miao Jincheng.

"Li Yongchang, the old man has already heard what happened from Jin Cheng." Miao Xilin's cloudy eyes revealed endless killing intent, "This Tan Yun's leapfrog challenge is so powerful, we must not let him continue to grow !"

"Li Yongchang, don't worry about killing Tan Yun, this old man will find a way to get rid of him!"

Hearing this, Li Yongchang clasped his fists and said, "Vice President, there is no rush to kill Tan Yun, because this arrogant and ignorant Tan Yun actually launched a life-and-death battle against our major general!"

"In more than two months, the battle of life and death will begin. By then, Tan Yun will definitely die without a place to bury him!"

After hearing this, a chrysanthemum-like smile finally bloomed on Miao Xilin's face, "It's so good, with Duan Tiande's strength, Tan Yun will naturally have no way out by then!"

And Miao Jincheng on the side clenched his fists, looked up at the sky outside the window with a sad expression, and murmured: "Son, it's almost time, it will be Tan Yun's death soon!"

Time is like a stream, passing away quietly.

At Chenshi tomorrow, it will be the official opening of Tan Yun's Sishu town Tiange.

At this moment, Tan Yun has spent a total of 250 years in the sixty-sixth floor of the Supreme Space-Time Immortal Pagoda. In addition to the more than 100 years of his cultivation before, at this moment, the third Hongmeng Punishment Embryo has condensed in the spirit pool!

It means that he has entered the third level of Punishment Wonderland!

Feeling the unprecedented power in his body, Tan Yun smiled all over his cheeks.

As he entered the third level of the Immortal Punishment Realm, his immortal soul was as powerful as the tenth level of the Immortal Punishment Realm!

Tan Yun stood up with a smile, and disappeared out of thin air from the Immortal Holy Pagoda in one thought, and appeared on the street outside the Tiange in Sishu Town the next moment.

The bright moonlight fell on Tan Yun's body, and his figure was stretched very long under the moonlight.

Tan Yun looked up at the vast starry sky, and the image of his parents and grandpa appeared in his mind, and his star pupils showed deep yearning.

Not long after, the look of longing in Tan Yun's eyes was replaced by hostility, murderous intent, and hatred!

He roared in his heart: "Supreme Chaos, Sovereign Shiyuan, in your hearts, I have died from the samsara of all ages. No matter what, you would never have imagined that I am not only alive now, but I have also appeared in the world of Hongmeng Nine Heavens, right?"

"You wait! The pain and suffering I have suffered, I will repay you double!"

"One day, I will make your life worse than death, even if you want to die!"

Afterwards, Tan Yun closed his eyes, feeling the quiet night.

During the 250 years that Tan Yun lived in the Immortal Saint Pagoda, he successively refined 30,000 furnaces of top-quality punishment elixir!

Each furnace has 64 pills, and 30,000 furnaces have 1.92 million pills. In addition to Tan Yun's previous 319,000 pills, Tan Yun now has a total of 220,000 top-quality punishment elixir. More than thirty thousand!

In addition, Tan Yun still has 10,000 offensive top-grade Nine Thunder Breaking Heaven Talismans in his hand!


The next day, Chen Shi.

Since today is the day when the Tiange of Sishu Town sells the best punishment elixir, the outer city square is overcrowded and crowded with people!

There are so many people on the wide street outside Tiange in Sishu Town that it is already full of people!

Even the void in the entire Outer City Square City was crowded with people.

It is roughly estimated that there are at least 800 million immortals gathered in the outer city square city!

What is surprisingly consistent is that almost all of the countless shops in Fang City are closed and temporarily closed. The bosses, shopkeepers, and staff of these shops have also released their immortal consciousness to cover the Tiange of Sishu Town!

Even in Fangshi, the outer city, on the top of the surrounding buildings, and in the void, there are patches of black human heads.

At this moment, more than one billion immortals have released their immortal consciousness and locked the Tiange of Sishu town!

A series of noisy voices can be heard endlessly:

"Everyone, you said, Boss Tan, is there really a top-quality punishment elixir for sale?"

"I don't know! Anyway, I don't think this news is reliable. Even if our city lord is directly under the alchemy guild, there is no top-quality penalty elixir for sale. How could Boss Tan have it?"

"It's just..."

"Who cares if he is, anyway, let's join in the fun. If Boss Tan doesn't sell the top-quality punishment elixir, I think it will cause public outrage!"

"That's right! But on the contrary, if Boss Tan really comes up with the ultimate punishment elixir, not only will his reputation skyrocket, but it will also benefit our fairy people in the outer city of Xuanyuan Immortal City!"

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