Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1251 Unbelievable!

Chapter 1251 Unbelievable!

at the same time.

In the head office of the store, in an accordion, the clerk Wang Yuan looked at Zhang Yihan in shock, and said frothingly, "Guan Zhang, what do you think is going on?"

"Sishu Town Tiange, on the day of its opening today, it really took out a million top-quality punishment elixir!"

"At first I doubted whether this pill was fake, but just now I found out that those immortals who have been unable to break through the realm for a long time, after taking the pill, many people have touched the realm barrier! "

"Guard Zhang, what is Tan Yun's background! He actually made a million top-quality punishment elixir all at once!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yihan looked shocked and said: "If the old man guessed correctly, this son of Tan Yun is a holy elixir teacher, otherwise, he would not be able to refine the best elixir of punishment!"

"Besides, the old man is also wondering, isn't it said that in our abandoned land, there is a lack of elixir for refining the top-quality punishment elixir? But how did Tan Yun refine it?"

"Wang Yuan, follow the old man to the Tiange of Sishu Town and pay a visit to Tan Yun!"

Zhang Yihan is a first-level immortal in the Immortal Realm. From the word "visit" he said, it can be seen that Tan Yun's status in his heart has skyrocketed!

At this moment, the voice of a staff came in from outside the door, "Guan Zhang, shopkeeper Chu of the Tiange of Sishu Town, said that he has something to ask for you, and he is waiting in the main hall on the first floor."

"Treasurer Chu?" Zhang Yihan twitched his white eyebrows, looking puzzled.

Wang Yuan said: "It's Tan Yun's little follower, Chu Xiaosa, who is now the treasurer of Tiange in Sishu Town."

Hearing this, Zhang Yihan smiled and said, "Okay, you tell shopkeeper Chu, the old man will come down immediately."

At this moment, in the main hall on the first floor, Chu Xiaosa stopped and stood behind him, followed by ten immortals of the ninth level of Punishment Immortal Realm!

These ten immortals of the ninth rank of Punishment Wonderland are Chu Xiaosa's new bodyguards today!

Not long after, Zhang Yihan and Wang Yuan went downstairs and came to the main hall on the first floor. They smiled kindly and said, "Treasurer Chu came to the door, making my shop's head office flourish!"

"Guan Zhang is absurd." Chu Xiaosa clasped his fists and said, "Today, this junior is ordered by the boss to return the top-quality mustard seed Time and Space Immortal Palace and pay the rent."

With that said, Chu Xiaosa gave Zhang Yihan the Mustard Seed Time and Space Immortal Palace.

Zhang Yihan waved his hand and said: "Forget it, the old man and Tan Xiaoyou hit it off as soon as they saw each other, so this fairy palace will be given to Tan Xiaoyou."

"Besides, in two months, Tan Xiaoyou will have a decisive battle with Duan Tiande, how can he practice without a magic weapon?"

Hearing this, Chu Xiaosa clasped her fists and said, "Thank you, Manager Zhang, for taking care of my boss. My boss now has a new magic weapon for cultivation, so this is why I let the younger ones return to their original owners."

"Oh, that's how it is." Zhang Yihan smiled and accepted the top-quality mustard seed Time and Space Immortal Palace.

As for the cultivation magic weapon that Chu Xiaosa said, Zhang Yihan didn't ask in detail.

Afterwards, Chu Xiaosa once again paid the rent for a centenary year, which is also a hundred years.

One year is one million low-grade immortal stones, and one immortal year is one million middle-grade immortal stones.

After Zhang Yihan accepted the fairy ring containing a million middle-grade fairy stones, he smiled and said, "Shopkeeper Chu, I wonder if you can show me a top-grade punishment elixir?"

Hearing this, Chu Xiaosa slapped his forehead and said, "Look at this junior, I almost forgot important things."

"There are a thousand top-grade punishment elixir inside, and it was my boss who thanked you for your kindness in taking care of me before."

Speaking of Chu Xiaosa, the fairy ring flickered frequently between his fingers, and a thousand blue pills flew out of the fairy ring, floating in front of Zhang Yihan.

Next to Zhang Yihan, Wang Yuan, the guy from Punishment Fairyland, looked at the thousand Punishment Pills, and couldn't help but salivate!

Zhang Yihan was shocked all over, stretched out his fingers and pinched one, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it, then stared at the baby-like pill inside the pill, looked shocked, and exclaimed in a voice: "It smells so strong, It really is the ultimate punishment elixir!"

"It's incredible!"

"Treasurer Chu, you Sishu Town Tiange has purchased 1,600 kinds of elixir for a long time, is it for the purpose of refining the top-quality elixir of punishment?"

Hearing this, Chu Xiaosa nodded and said, "Yes."

"These top-quality elixir of punishment, but Tan Xiaoyou refined them?" Zhang Yihan asked.

"That's right, it was refined by my boss." Chu Xiaosa said with adoring eyes.

Zhang Yihan said with a smile: "Treasurer Chu, I have accepted these pills, please thank Tan Xiaoyou for me."

"Guard Zhang, originally my boss wanted to come here in person, but now he is retreating to arrange for the younger generation to visit your elder." Chu Xiao finished speaking, and then said: "Oh, by the way, my boss, I specifically told the younger generation to give you I brought eleven pills."

"Um, what else?" Zhang Yihan was surprised.

"Well, there are eleven more." Chu Xiaosa said.

"No need, the old man is already at the first level of the Immortal Refining Realm, and the pills taken in the Immortal Punishment Realm are useless to the old man." Zhang Yihan said.

Chu Xiaosa said: "Guard Zhang, you misunderstood. These eleven pills, my boss said, will help your cultivation."

"Oh? That old man really wants to see if it's He Dan!" Zhang Yihan was rather curious.

"Anyway, this junior doesn't know that this is He Dan." After Chu Xiaosa said casually, the fairy ring flashed between his fingers, and eleven crystal clear pills with pill embryos flew out of the fairy ring and floated on Zhang Yihan's body forward.

Zhang Yihan's eyes widened suddenly, and the cloudy eyes revealed an expression of extreme disbelief!

His face, which was engraved with the traces of time, revealed a deep sense of shock.

His old body trembled violently, and he exclaimed in a trembling voice: "God, oh my god! This, this...these elixirs are the best refining elixir!"

"This, this...how is it possible! Everyone in the Alchemy Guild, didn't they say that the abandoned land lacks the elixir for refining the best alchemy?"

At this moment, Zhang Yihan was shocked, but also full of deep gratitude to Tan Yun!

I am the first level of Immortal Refining Realm, if I have these eleven top-quality refining elixir, I will be promoted to the twelfth level of Immortal Refining Realm smoothly through practice!

"What kind of horse? Damn it!" Chu Xiaosa jumped up in surprise, "The ultimate alchemy pill?"

"Don't you know?" Zhang Yihan asked.

"Your junior doesn't know! When my boss gave me the elixir, he didn't mention that it was He Dan." When Chu Xiaosa responded, his whole body was going crazy with excitement!

He never expected that the boss would be so awesome!

Zhang Yihan seemed to have thought of something, and he cupped his fists towards Chu Xiaosa and said: "When Xiaoyou Tan leaves the customs, you remember to inform the old man that the old man is going to visit him!"

"I still have something to do, let Xiao Yuanzi entertain you first."

Hearing this, Chu Xiaosa said: "Oh no, you are busy first, and this junior should go back."

Afterwards, Zhang Yihan personally sent Chu Xiaosa out of the store's head office.

Under the moonlight, Wang Yuan looked shocked and said: "Guan Zhang, what is the origin of Tan Yun?"

"Tan Yun not only refined the best elixir of punishment, he also refined the best elixir of alchemy!"

After hearing this, Zhang Yihan said without doubt: "Since Sishu Zhentian Pavilion has not publicly sold the best alchemy elixir, Tan Yun must not want people to know for the time being, Xiao Yuanzi, remember not to leak this matter!"

"Tan Yun has refined the top-grade elixir of punishment and the top-grade elixir of refinement. This matter is of great importance. I must set off immediately to go back to the city lord's mansion and tell my elder brother about it!"

After saying that, Zhang Yihan turned into a beam of light and soared into the sky, shuttled through the night sky at high speed, and flew towards the City Lord's Mansion in the inner city...

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