Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1256: Dragon Monument Master!

Chapter 1256: Dragon Monument Master!

Duan Tiande landed on the table in the air, and walked towards Tan Yun who was ten feet away, "You useless thing, you have no strength to resist in front of this major general!"

"Now go to hell!"

Duan Tiande sternly, his figure flashed and appeared next to Tan Yun, raised his foot to hide behind Tan Yun's head!

"Really? I'm afraid I've disappointed you!" Suddenly, an indifferent voice came into Duan Tiande's ears.

"Bang!" In the trembling of the life and death platform, he stomped his foot on the stage, where was Tan Yun's shadow?

But it was Tan Yun who used the divine steps of the mammoth, rose from the table, drew a purple arc, and appeared behind Duan Tiande. With a flash of the fairy ring, he held the low-grade immortal sword and slashed at the back of Duan Tiande's neck!

"You're fine!"

Duan Tiande exclaimed that he was dodging, calming his mind, he is worthy of being a major general who has been on the battlefield for a long time, he dodged sideways like lightning!


With the flash of blood, Duan Tiande escaped the fate of being killed by a sword, but a wound was cut on the left side of his neck, and blood spurted out from his neck!

"Bang!" At this moment, Sima Yongzheng, who was in the upper seat above the relief, was furious. He slapped the handle of the chair and stood up suddenly, "Duan Tiande, you are still injured when you deal with an ant. You are really embarrassing me!"

"There are also soldiers who never tire of cheating, don't underestimate your opponent!"

Hearing this, Duan Tiande was taken aback for a moment, and said respectfully: "I will know my mistake, I will not be careless anymore!"

After saying that, Duan Tiande turned his hands into claws and roared at Tan Yun: "You despicable person, I won't be fooled again, now I want you to die!"

"Dragon Monument Divine Hand!"

Duan Tiande's hair flew up, his claws formed a trajectory in the void, and he muttered something to himself.


Immediately, there was a strong wind in the sky, and a vast and black death refining power gushed out from between his brows and rushed to the clouds!


Amidst the sea of ​​clouds tumbling, the power of death refining immortality transformed into nine misty and pitch-black steles from the void!

Each stone tablet is hundreds of feet high. On the ethereal stone tablets, dense lines emerge, and a black luster blooms, like a nine-wheeled dark sun floating above Tan Yun's head!

"Kill me!!"

Following Duan Tiande's stern roar, suddenly, nine ethereal steles blasted the void with a radius of one hundred thousand feet, and rushed down toward Tan Yun!



There was a deafening dragon chant from inside the nine stone tablets, and then, a shocking scene happened!

"Bang bang bang—"

Accompanied by nine loud noises that shook through the ages, it seemed that there was something terrifying inside the nine steles!

Amidst the loud noise, a jet-black hundred-foot-long dragon claw suddenly protruded from each ethereal stone tablet!

"Stab, sting—"

The moment the nine dragon claws rushed out of the nine stone tablets, the stone tablet collapsed into the air, and the nine dragon claws forcibly tore through the void, and enveloped him one after another at a speed that Tan Yun could not match!

"Boss, be careful!" Chu Xiaosa was so anxious that tears welled up in her eyes.

The same is true for Xiaoyu, Axiang, and the fellows of Sishu Town Tiange behind him!

"It's such a tyrannical breath, if I use the primordial soil body, I won't be afraid, but I can't use it in full view!"

Tan Yun, who couldn't dodge in time, thought to himself, his pale face suddenly became distorted, as if he was enduring unimaginable pain!


A beast-like roar came from Tan Yun's mouth again, his seven orifices were bleeding, and the misty fire of immortal soul was burning on his head!

That's right!

Tan Yun is currently burning the immortal soul, increasing his strength by 30%!

"You ignorant ant, even if you burn the immortal soul, you will still die under the divine hand of my dragon stele!" Duan Tiande, standing in the air, sneered with murderous intent.

"Whether I, Tan Yun, will die or not is not for you to decide!" Tan Yun let out a domineering roar, "The Armor of the Five Elements Punishment Immortals—Ju!"

Immediately, a slew of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth powers of punishing immortals diffused from his body, transforming into a set of colorful armor on the surface of his body!

Tan Yun, who was wearing the armor of the Five Elements Punishment Immortal, stepped on the table suddenly with both feet. In the violent tremor of the Immortal Terrace of Life and Death, Tan Yun's body soared into the sky, turned over from the void, head down, and the Five Elements Punishment erupted from his right foot. Immortal power, kick towards the first hundred-foot-long dragon claw that was photographed!


The loud noise was deafening. Amid the excitement of Chu Xiaosa, Zhang Yihan, Zhang Yizhong, and even most of the immortals, Tan Yun stomped the first jet-black dragon claw!

Immediately afterwards, Tan Yun still turned his head downwards, and kicked his right foot towards the other eight dragon claws that swooped down!

"Bang bang bang bang—"

With seven loud noises, Tan Yun smashed seven more dragon claws one after another. At this time, the five-element armor on his body was already covered with shocking cracks!

What was even more unbearable to look at was that Tan Yun's right foot was bloody and blood gushing out, spilling into the void!

"Tan Yun, I have to admire your ability to leapfrog the challenge, but it's a pity that you can't resist at all, this major general's ninth dragon stele master!" Duan Tiande's tone contained the meaning of controlling the overall situation, "Now, the end Bar!"

Duan Tiande is so confident because of the power of the nine dragon steles he casts, the first one is the weakest and the ninth one is the strongest!


When the ninth dragon stele master hand slapped Tan Yun's bloody right foot, "Crack!" With the clear sound of bone cracking, Tan Yun's right foot, and even the entire right leg, burst into pieces. Turned into nothingness!

And Tan Yun's armor of the Five Elements Punishment Immortal was torn apart, and Tan Yun sprayed blood, which fell on the immortal platform of life and death like a meteorite!

Tan Yun, who lost his right leg, was sweating profusely from the pain, trembling in a pool of blood!

"Boss!" Chu Xiaosa shouted, her eyes filled with despair, and tears rolled down her eyes.

"Alas!" Zhang Yihan and Zhang Yizhong shook their heads and sighed.

The immortals watching couldn't help but say:

"It's over, it's over, Boss Tan, a good man, is about to die!"

"That's right! Boss Tan is really a good person! His ability to leapfrog challenges is really unprecedented, but facing Duan Tiande, after all, he is too weak..."


At this moment, Sima Yongzheng, who was seated in the relief table, had a satisfied smile on his old face.

"The major general is mighty!"

"Major General Duan is mighty!"


Thousands of immortal soldiers under Duan Tiande raised their arms and shouted!

Duan Tiande flitted through the void and appeared a hundred feet above Tan Yun, and said with a sneer: "Ant, you should stand up again!"

At this moment, Duan Tiande was extremely confident that Tan Yun was seriously injured this time, and lost any power to resist!

Duan Tiande looked up at the sky and said sadly: "Miao Wei, you followed me through life and death countless times, but was killed by Tan Yun!"

"You are optimistic about the spirit of the sky, I will kill him to avenge you!"

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