Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1260: Canggu Artifact Spirit!

Chapter 1260 Artifact Spirit Canggu!

At the critical moment, Tan Yun used his grand step, narrowly dodging the sword!

"Bang bang bang—"

Immediately, the sword light destroyed the forest in a radius of ten cents.

Amidst the sawdust flying, Tan Yun soared into the sky, and the moment he appeared above the forest, he roared in his heart: "Hongmeng Tu Shenjian Formation!"


Immediately afterwards, Jin Ni, Mu Xin, Qing Ying and other eleven Hongmeng swords shot out from their minds, and scattered like lightning within a thousand miles around Tan Yun.

The moment Lu Xian charged into the void from the forest, the eleven Grandmist Excaliburs released a grandmist formation, enveloping him and Tan Yun.

With the successful deployment of the sword formation, the primordial space in the sword formation has increased to eleven thousand cents!

"Sword Formation?" Lu Xian frowned, a little confused, and immediately said disdainfully: "Tan Yun, the reason why you didn't use the sword formation during the decisive battle with Duan Tiande must be that the sword formation is not powerful at all."

"Let me tell you, I'm the fifth level of Immortal Refining Realm, killing you is as easy as pie!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun looked at Lu Xian like he was looking at an idiot, "Then try it!"

Tan Yun stopped talking nonsense with Lu Xian, he wanted to fight quickly, the longer the fierce battle, the more points he would get, and the danger of being discovered by the sword array.

"Five Elements Slaughter God Palm!"

Following Tan Yun's words, immediately, the primordial void collapsed one after another!

"Hoo hoo—"

Amidst the howling wind, an extremely terrifying aura vented down from the void, covering Lu Xian!

Immediately afterwards, a gigantic sky-high palm exuding the power of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements to punish immortals, with a shattered void, patted Lu Xian on it!

"What a strong aura!" Lu Xian's expression changed, and he couldn't help asking: "Tan Yun, Duan Tiande might not be able to withstand your palm. Why didn't you use this sword formation at that time?"

While questioning, Lu Xian clenched the broad sword tightly in both hands, and said arrogantly: "No matter how strong you are, you are only the fourth level of Punishment Immortal Realm. You are no match for me at all!"

"Sword Slashing Eight Desolations!"

Lu Xian danced a series of mysterious sword styles, and in an instant, a huge gust of wind vortex appeared in the sky above his head.


Within the majestic vortex of eight gusts of wind, each shot out a thousand-foot sword light, slashing towards the palm of the Five Elements Slaughtering God!

This was one of Lu Xian's most powerful attacks. He knew he had to kill Tan Yun as quickly as possible, and then return to his life.

In the process of killing Tan Yun, the longer it takes, the more dangerous it is. If you encounter a strong man above the major general in the army, then you will be in danger!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Four loud noises exploded from the void, but they were eight sword lights of the immortal power of wind, among which three sword lights and the Five Elements Slaughtering God Palm were destroyed together from the primordial void!

The remaining five sword beams were like five flood dragons, intertwined in the air, like a huge drill bit rotating at extremely high speed, and rushed towards Tan Yun at an extremely fast speed!

"So strong!" Tan Yun looked horrified, he guessed that Lu Xian should be the best in the fifth level of Immortal Realm!

"Five Elements Extinguishing God Fist!"

In a moment of Tan Yun's thought, the vast and bright power of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth surged out of the majestic void in front of him.

The power of the five elements merged from the void at a high speed, turning into a brilliant five-element extermination fist!


In the loud noise that shook people's eardrums, the five sword lights that looked like giant drills pierced the Five Elements Extinguishing God Fist like a bamboo, and headed towards Tan Yun with undiminished power!

"Hongmeng Soil Body!"

Immediately, under Lu Xian's unbelievable gaze, Tan Yun's body size soared to five hundred feet, and his whole body was brown, like a human-shaped mountain!

Immediately afterwards, Tan Yun shot out the Hongmeng Slaughtering God Sword between his eyebrows, and it turned into a giant of three hundred feet. When it appeared in his hand, Tan Yun used the Hongmeng Slaying God Sword Art, and his aura soared to the third level of the Immortal Refining Realm!

"Hongmeng kills the gods!"

With a resolute expression, Tan Yun slashed across the air in front of him!



Immediately, the void collapsed, and the pitch-black void was like a ghost weeping. A ten-thousand-foot-long Hongmeng sword shadow erupted from the Hongmeng Killing God Sword, and collided with five sword lights like giant drills!


A storm of power swept in concentric circles in all directions. In Tan Yun's shocked eyes, even though the power of the sword formation tripled, Hongmeng Sword Shadow was still defeated by the five swirling sword lights!

The five sword glows like a giant drill were greatly reduced in power, and they still blasted towards Tan Yun!

Tan Yun, who couldn't dodge in time, was hit in the chest!



Amid the clear sound of bone cracking, Tan Yun's chest was ripped apart, six huge ribs were shattered, blood was sprayed from his mouth, and his mountain-like body was blasted into the air!

"Hahaha! Go to hell!"

Holding a broad sword in his hand, Lu Xian rushed to Tan Yun in an instant, and slashed towards Tan Yun's neck!


Tan Yun dodged in the air. Although he escaped the fatal blow, a deep wound was cut on his neck, bleeding profusely.

If it wasn't for Tan Yun's neck, which became thicker with the skyrocketing body size, otherwise this sword would have killed Tan Yun!

"No, my Hongmeng Tu Shenjian Formation has also activated two supernatural powers, even if I use it, I am still no match for him!"

Just when Tan Yun felt helpless and wanted to run for his life, suddenly, Tan Yun, who was seriously injured, burst out laughing, "Hahahaha, God help me, God help me too!"

"Crazy!" Lu Xian was holding the winning ticket. He stared at the pale Tan Yun in the void, and said with a sneer: "You have been injured like this. I can crush you to death with a single finger. Don't try to play tricks today. You must die!"

Blood gushed from Tan Yun's mouth, and his star eyes shone with excitement, "Death is inevitable? Yes, it is indeed inevitable, but it's a pity that the person who died was not me, but you!"

The reason why Tan Yun was full of confidence was because he felt the Hongmeng Killing God Sword in his hand trembling faster and faster!

He knew that the weapon spirit of the Hongmeng Killing God Sword was about to wake up!

Once awakened, the power of the Hongmeng Killing God Sword will explode tenfold, and when the Hongmeng Killing God Sword Art is used, the power will also increase tenfold!

Ten times lower, Tan Yun was conceited that even a strong man of the sixth level of the Immortal Refinement Realm would have the power to fight, let alone the black-clothed masked man of the fifth level of the Immortal Refinement Realm in front of him!

"Idiots talking about dreams, die..." Lu Xian's indifferent voice stopped abruptly, and immediately, his eyes showed an unconcealable look of horror!

He saw that the originally ordinary Hongmeng Killing God Sword in Tan Yun's hand exuded an aura that made his heart palpitate.

Following this, the Hongmeng Killing God Sword exudes the luster of Hongmeng, giving people a sense of mystery!

"Master, this old slave has finally woken up." At this moment, a phantom of an old man exuding the power of eleven attributes flew out of the Hongmeng Godslaying Sword.

The old man knelt down on one knee in the void towards Tan Yun respectfully, and the old voice sounded, "Subordinate Cang Gu pays homage to the master!"

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