Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1273 Vicious girl!

Chapter 1273 Vicious girl!

The beautiful and delicious girl is the only daughter of Sima Yongzheng: Sima Fei'er.

This woman is a powerhouse of the twelfth rank of Emperor Human Realm!

"Daughter, I want you to do my father a favor today." Sima Yongzheng said.

"Hehe." Sima Fei'er giggled and said, "Father, is it possible that you want your daughter to help you kill again?"

"My daughter has already assassinated no less than a thousand people for you. Suddenly, my daughter thinks that killing people is also a very interesting thing."


Extremely vicious!

Who would have thought that this delicate and beautiful girl would have a look of enjoyment when talking about killing people?

"Hehehehe, she is really my father's precious daughter." Sima Yongzheng smiled, and said with a serious expression: "Enter the City Lord's Mansion, and the target is Tan Yun who is practicing in the Immortal Tower in the VIP Pavilion."

"This person is a big worry for my father. Now he is at the eighth level of the Punishment Immortal Realm, but he has the ability to kill the eighth level immortals of the Refining Immortal Realm."

Sima Feier smiled and said: "This man is indeed a genius, killing the genius's daughter is very happy."

"It's just father, just an ant. As for letting my daughter do it herself? My daughter will send her killers to do it."

Hearing this, Sima Yongzheng shook his head and said, "This time, you have to go in person. You can't make any mistakes. You must kill Tan Yun."

"Except for Xuanyuan Haokong, there is no one in the City Lord's Mansion who is your opponent. Besides, Xuanyuan Haokong will be called to the barracks tonight as a father. In this way, you will be safe from killing Tan Yun."

Sima Fei'er nodded, with a cold look in his eyes, "Father, don't worry, tonight is Tan Yun's death day."

"And father, you lead Xuanyuan Haokong to the barracks, don't do anything to him, now is not the time."

Sima Yongzheng laughed and said: "Everyone knows that I, Sima Yongzheng, led troops to go out and won nine out of ten battles because I use soldiers like a god."

"As everyone knows, the reason why I can use soldiers like a god is all due to my precious daughter!"

As Sima Yongzheng said, Sima Fei'er is Sima Yongzheng's think tank.

"Father, you have the nerve to say so." Sima Fei'er complained, "If you really followed your daughter's plan to fight, you would definitely win ten out of ten battles. The reason for your defeat is also the reason why you changed your daughter's plan before the battle."

"Okay, okay, it's the father who made the mistake, isn't it okay?" Sima Yongzheng smiled, and said with a straight face: "Daughter, I want to ask you something very seriously as a father."

"Father, tell me."

"Daughter, the superior immortals want Weifu to lead the immortal army to join them and help them slaughter the inferior immortals." Sima Yongzheng said frowningly, "There is only one month left before the time limit for us to consider."

"Do you want to agree to be a father?"

Hearing this, Sima Fei'er sneered and said, "Father, that girl of the city lord is also suspicious of us. If that's the case, what if we take refuge?"

"What do we have to do with the life and death of the immortals in Xuanyuan Immortal City? As long as we are under the command of a high-ranking immortal, we don't have to live in fear in Xuanyuan Immortal City."

"My daughter means to take refuge. As for the time of refuge, my daughter has also figured it out. At that time, I will give a big gift to the high-ranking immortal by the way."

Sima Yongzheng asked in confusion: "When will you take refuge, and what is the great gift?"

Sima Fei'er's eyes were full of coldness, "Father, after more than a year, you and Xuanyuan Haokong will lead the army to go out together, and then, you will defect and slaughter Xuanyuan Haokong's subordinates."

"Then take off Xuanyuan Haokong's head and give it to a high-ranking immortal. Isn't that considered a great gift?"

Hearing this, Sima Yongzheng frowned, "Isn't this too cruel?"

Immediately, Sima Yongzheng laughed loudly and said, "But I like it, hahahaha!"

There is no doubt that Sima Feier, a seemingly innocent girl, has such a vicious heart that she is speechless!


It's late at night, barracks.

Xuanyuan Haokong stepped into Sima Yongzheng's military tent.

"Brother Xuanyuan, the reason why I invite you here so late is because I, my virtuous brother, suddenly thought of a clever plan that can win a complete victory in the battlefield a year later!" Sima Yongzheng said sincerely.

"Really? If that's the case, then we have to do some research." Xuanyuan Haokong said with a smile, looking quite happy.

Sima Yongzheng pointed to the topographic map and said, "Look at this place, it is the Lost Canyon 80 million miles to the east of my city."

"One year later, the battle between our army and the abandoned city will be five million miles north of the Lost Canyon."

"At that time, I will command my subordinates to ambush in the Lost Canyon, and you will send some fairy troops to fight the enemy, and retreat towards the Lost Canyon by pretending to be invincible."

"Lead the enemy to the Lost Fairy Lake outside the Lost Canyon, and then our two armies will rush out of the Lost Canyon and fight the enemy to the death!"

"Of course, you can also take your troops and lurk in the Lost Canyon, and I will lure the enemy. This is not a problem."

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Haokong nodded and said: "This strategy is feasible, but the other party is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so we have to stay behind."

"At that time, let Admiral Zhuge lead the troops and lie dormant in the west of the Lost Canyon, in case of emergencies, to deal with emergencies."

Hearing this, Sima Yongzheng said: "Okay, I will invite Admiral Zhuge here, we will have a long talk all night, draw up detailed strategic arrangements, and make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Well, that's very good." Xuanyuan Haokong nodded.

At this time, he didn't think about Sima Yongzheng's rebellion, because one-third of the immortals in Xuanyuan Immortal City were brought from outside by Sima Yongzheng to build Xuanyuan Immortal City together with the City Lord's Mansion!

at the same time.

In the heavy snowfall, a ghostly beautiful shadow fell outside the city lord's mansion, turning into a masked man in black.

From the proud and delicate body of the masked man, it can be seen that this is a woman and also a stunner.

The two guards guarding the gate of the mansion were knocked out by the woman before they could react. Then, the woman looked at the closed gate, her lips twitched, and she chanted the password to activate the ban on the gate of the city lord's mansion.

In the next moment, a hazy light curtain emitted from the gate of the mansion, and the restriction was lifted.

The moment the woman in black quietly pushed open the door of the Santo's Mansion, an old shout resounded through the Santo's Mansion, "Who dares to break into the Santo's Mansion!"

Following the voice of the old man, a white-haired old man of the eleventh level of the emperor's realm came out of nowhere in front of the mansion, stretched out his wrinkled palm, and slapped the masked woman's chest!

This old man is the guardian lurking in the City Lord's Mansion: Feng Ziming!

Apart from the city lord and Xuanyuan Haokong, not even Xuanyuan Changfeng and Xuanyuan Linger knew about the existence of Feng Ziming!

"Hehe, at the eleventh level of Emperor Human Realm, you also want to do something to me? You can't control yourself!" The black-clothed woman sneered, turned her jade hand, and met Feng Ziming's palm.



With the clear sound of bone cracking, the bone in Feng Ziming's right palm broke, and then, the woman in black, with a flash of beauty, slapped Feng Ziming's chest with her palm!


"You are so powerful, who are you!" Feng Zi spat out blood, and flew upside down into the courtyard!

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