Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1288 Haokong returns!

Chapter 1288 Haokong returns!

"Yes." Tan Yun said: "Come on! If you win someone's heart, you have to treat him well."

"Thank you boss for your encouragement." Chu Xiao said with a smile.

Immediately, Chu Xiaosa noticed that Tan Yun's face had gradually turned cold, and asked, "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

Tan Yun said solemnly: "Chisa, I ask you a question, I hope you will answer me seriously."

"Boss, tell me." Chu Xiaosa put away her smile.

Tan Yun asked: "If one day, you and Xuanyuan Ling'er got married, and the Xuanyuan family and I became unequal enemies, how would you choose?"

"Don't lie and tell the truth."

Hearing this, Chu Xiaosa clenched her fists tightly and said sincerely: "If you have to choose between your wife and the boss, the boss...I really don't know what to do now."

"But I will protect Ling'er, and I will never betray the boss."

"If my little brother had only one choice, protect Ling'er with my life, I will also use my life to apologize to you!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun looked at Chu Xiaosa and suddenly felt a little inexplicably sad.

Chu Xiaosa has been with Tan Yun for so many years. Although he keeps calling himself his younger brother, in Tan Yun's heart, he is a brother!

At the same time, Tan Yun knew that if Xuanyuanrou regained her memory one day and found out her identity, she would definitely turn against each other!

At that time, I and Chu Xiaosa will definitely face the most difficult and painful choice.

Tan Yun felt a little sad in his heart, "I know this day will always come, I just hope it will come later."

At this moment, Tan Yun did not selfishly ask Chu Xiaosa not to pursue Xuanyuan Linger any more.

Because in Tan Yun's mind, everyone is fair and has the right to seek happiness.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?" Chu Xiaosa looked at Tan Yun anxiously.

Tan Yun smiled and patted Chu Xiaosa's shoulder, "I'm just teasing you, but I'm very satisfied with your answer, at least your answer is very honest."

"Not like one of my apprentices."

Mentioning the only apprentice Lingxia Tianzun in the past, Tan Yun's eyes revealed an uncontrollable look of sadness.

She once said to herself, this apprentice will never betray you in this life!

She once said that Tuer will stand by your side at any time and repay your kindness of nurturing and nurturing!

However, she betrayed herself mercilessly!

Every time he thought of these things, Tan Yun's heart would ache.

Because Tianzun Lingxia, who was born in Hongmeng God Realm, is not only Tan Yun's apprentice, but also an orphan who was raised by Tan Yun!

"Boss, are you crying?" Seeing that Tan Yun's eyes were slightly red, Chu Xiaosa asked cautiously.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could I cry?" Tan Yun smiled, and when he turned to leave, Chu Xiaosa asked, "Boss, what happened to your former apprentice?"

"Disciple? Did I say that?" After Tan Yun left a sentence that made Chu Xiaosa feel inexplicable, he came to the sixth floor, entered the top-grade immortal tower, and began to condense the star forging furnace while practicing, burning thirty Two kinds of ores, refining eleven space-time magic weapons at the same time...

In the lobby on the first floor, Chu Xiaosa wrinkled her nose, and muttered to herself, "Boss is acting weird today. When he clearly mentioned Tuer just now, he looked sad, and there was anger in his sadness."

"My God, the boss won't turn against the Xuanyuan family one day, will he?"

"No, how is it possible? Admiral Xuanyuan is so kind to the boss, and the boss is definitely not someone who will repay kindness and revenge."

At this time, Xuanyuan Ling'er frowned and walked down from the second floor, "Stinky boy, what are you muttering all by yourself?"

Chu Xiaosa smiled and said, "No, no..."


Two months after the outside time, six hundred years have passed in the tower!


Tan Yun, who was sitting cross-legged, let out a deep sigh of relief, and said, "You're done!"

At this moment, on the ground in front of Tan Yun, there are ten pocket-sized halls and a fairy boat!

Each hall is divided into nine floors, and its grade is the same as Tan Yun's top-grade Time-Space Immortal Tower, and it is also a top-grade sacred artifact.

Since each floor of Tan Yun's 66-storey Immortal Tower can only be used by one person to practice, therefore, a day in the outside world is ten years in each floor.

And these ten top-quality time-space fairy temples, because each floor is shared by multiple people for cultivation, therefore, one day outside, each floor inside is five years!

Even so, it is much better than the top-grade fairy weapon time-space magic weapon cultivated by the soldiers before!

Tan Yun looked expectantly and said: "Each of these ten top-quality time-space fairy towers can accommodate 50,000 people, one can accommodate 450,000, and ten towers can accommodate 4.5 million."

"Now there are more than three million soldiers in Xuanyuan Immortal City, and only seven seats are enough to accommodate them."

"I'll keep the remaining three, and distribute the remaining seven to the generals, and let them arrange for the immortal soldiers to practice."

Then, with Tan Yun's thought, ten top-grade time-space fairy temples and top-grade fairy boats flew into its Qiankun ring.

"It's been two years and almost two months since Xuanyuan Rou left Xuanyuan Immortal City, logically she should be back." Tan Yun thought to himself, "Her spirit blue pupils, although they don't have attack power now, can see through any mist in the world. "

"She entered the Lost Canyon, it is impossible to lose herself and not get out..."

Suddenly, Chu Xiaosa's excited voice interrupted Tan Yun's thoughts, "Boss, great news, the city lord has found Admiral Xuanyuan, and now Admiral Xuanyuan has returned intact!"

"What? That's great!" Tan Yun hurriedly left the Immortal Tower, put the tower behind his right ear, and turned into an afterimage. When he appeared in the lobby on the first floor, he saw Zhang Yizhong looking at him with a smile.

"I've met the general." Zhang Yizhong clasped his fists at Tan Yun and smiled.

"You are old, you can just call me by my name, there is no need to be so rude." Tan Yun said.

"That can't be done, there can be no rules!" Zhang Yizhong clasped his fists and said, "My lord, after returning to the City Lord's Mansion, I originally wanted to come to you in person, but he and the second lady haven't seen each other for many years, so I will accompany the second lady first." gone."

"The elder ordered me to come and invite you to come over."

Hearing this, Tan Yun cupped his fists and said, "Okay, let's go."

Later, after Zhang Yizhong and Tan Yun stepped out of the Tiange of Sishu Town, they found that the faces of the fairies in the square city were filled with excitement, and what they were talking about was nothing more than that the auspicious general of Xuanyuan had his own celestial appearance and survived a catastrophe There must be words such as blessings in the future.

When the immortals saw Tan Yun, they all bowed respectfully.

At the same time, the immortals felt that Tan Yun was very different from all the previous generals. They felt that Tan Yun was very approachable and had no airs.

After Tan Yun met the immortals face to face, he looked sideways at Zhang Yizhong and said, "Take my top-quality immortal boat."

"What? Immortal Saint Boat?" Zhang Yizhong was shocked!

You know, the previous twelve generals didn't have the best immortal holy boat either!

"Well, it was successfully refined just now." Tan Yun said, the fairy ring flashed, and a fairy boat, which was empty from the street, became a hundred feet in size. Afterwards, Tan Yun and Zhang Yizhong got on the fairy boat and headed towards the inner city like lightning. drive away!

On the way, Zhang Yizhong exclaimed that he was addicted, because he felt the unprecedented speed!

In just two and a half hours, Tan Yun flew the fairy boat and landed on the halfway up Xuanyuan Sacred Mountain!

Then, putting away the Immortal Saint Boat, Tan Yun and Zhang Yizhong entered the City Lord's Mansion!

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