Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1300 Bloodwashing the Alchemy Guild!

Chapter 1300 Bloodbath Alchemy Guild!

As soon as the words fell, Tan Yun turned into a purple beam of light and disappeared into the night sky...

Two hours later, Zishi.

Tan Yun descended from the sky and landed outside a magnificent mansion.

This mansion is the mansion of General Zhuge!

The two guards guarding the gate of the mansion also came from Xuanyuan Immortal City following Zhuge Xiong.

Tan Yun didn't recognize the two of them, but they did recognize Tan Yun!

"Tan, Tan Yun!" The two of them turned pale with shock, and one of them trembled, "It turns out that you were the one who killed the guarding immortal general and slaughtered more than 20,000 immortals. Aren't you dead?"

Tan Yun ignored the two of them, and said, "Betraying Xuanyuan Immortal City and becoming a running dog of a high-ranking immortal, there is more than one death to spare!"

"Bang bang!"

Tan Yun swung two punches, and the heads of the two exploded like watermelons. Headless corpses lay in front of the door!


Tan Yun kicked the door of the mansion, and entered the mansion with a sword!

After hearing the sound, the patrolling guards in the mansion came one after another. When they saw that it was Tan Yun, their legs became weak from fright, and they fled, shouting:

"It's bad, it's bad, Tan Yun from Xuanyuan Immortal City is here to kill you!"

"The big thing is bad, Tan Yun is here!"


The fearful voices of the guards resounded throughout the mansion.

Tan Yun looked indifferent, and started killing the guards with his sword!

After a short while, Zhuge went to the general's mansion, and more than 3,000 people were killed!

After the blood washed General Zhuge's mansion, Tan Yun turned into a beam of light and disappeared into the night.

Before leaving, Tan Yun used the blood of the enemy to write on the gate of the mansion: "This is what happens to traitors!"

Two hours later, in the darkness, Tan Yun entered the King's General's Mansion again, and killed all the more than 2,900 people in the mansion!

Until the night faded, Tan Yun bloodbathed the mansions of the eleven generals who betrayed Xuanyuan Xiancheng overnight!

Afterwards, Tan Yun headed towards Fangshi, the abandoned city.

After Tan Yun flew in the air for seven hours, he came to the extremely prosperous Fangshi.

Now Tan Yun is not only concerned that he will be recognized by others, because in the abandoned city, everyone who has seen him has been killed by him!

When Tan Yun was in Fangshi, he learned through inquiries that there were two shops selling fire seeds.

One is the "Ice and Fire Pavilion" directly under the City Lord's Mansion.

The second is the "Dan Huo Immortal Hall" opened by the Alchemy Guild.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Tan Yun's mouth, and he thought to himself: "Since the eleven generals of Xuanyuan Xiancheng have defected to the Abandoned City, it is obvious that Xuanyuan Xiancheng's alchemy, weapon, formation, and talisman guilds have also followed!"

"Miao Xilin, we will meet soon!"

Tan Yun did not go to the Binghuo Pavilion and Pillfire Immortal Hall, but flew towards the alchemy guild in the depths of Fang City!

In his opinion, whether it is Miao Xilin or the high-level executives of the alchemy guild, since the main focus is on alchemy, there must be a true fire of life!

The natal real fire in these people and the high-level executives of the Refining Guild is very likely to be better than the fire from the two major shops!

In addition, in Tan Yun's opinion, the four major guilds are one of the foundations of the abandoned city, and the top priority is to destroy the four major guilds.

After half an hour.

Tan Yunfei landed outside a tower as high as 3,000 feet. He looked up and saw the words "Alchemy Guild" on the tower wall, and stepped into the Alchemy Guild with a sneer on his face.

"Hello, Shangxian, who are you looking for?" A disciple of the alchemy guild, after realizing that Tan Yun's cultivation level could not be seen, looked a little respectful.

"Is Miao Xilin here?" Tan Yun said.

"You are looking for our vice president!" The disciple said, "Here we are, now our vice president Miao is in the alchemy room on the 305th floor."

Hearing this, Tan Yun slapped the disciple to death.


In the next moment, when the outer layer of the 3,000-foot-high tower was rippling like water, Tan Yun set up a sound-proof barrier.

Holding the Hongmeng Killing God Sword in his hand, Tan Yun came to the second floor and killed all the hundreds of immortals who were refining alchemy in the alchemy room!

Before killing, through the Primordial Eyes, control the crowd and let them hand over all the real fires of the ice attribute and fire subordinates!

Afterwards, Tan Yun climbed up to the third floor in the same way, and slaughtered all the way to the 304th floor, killing more than 30,000 immortals!

Obtain more than 30,000 kinds of real fire of ice attribute and fire attribute, each of which is more than 30,000!

At this moment, Tan Yun climbed to the 305th floor, which is also the top floor of the tower.

In the tower on the top floor, there are four alchemy rooms.

One of them is the alchemy place of the president, and the other three are the alchemy rooms of the three vice presidents.

Tan Yun had already inquired about this information on the way from the first floor to the third and fifth floor!


Tan Yun kicked the door of Miao Xilin's alchemy room, and immediately entered, the alchemy room with a radius of thousands of feet was empty.

"Where are the people?" Tan Yun was confused, and in the first large alchemy room, the meeting Jiang Hong was discussing something with the three vice presidents including Miao Xilin.

"What sound?" Jiang Hong frowned, looked at a vice president and said, "Liu Feng, go and have a look."

The old man named Liu Feng nodded and stepped out of the alchemy room, just in time to see a young man in purple robe stepping out of Miao Xilin's alchemy room!

When Liu Feng saw that the door of Miao Xilin's alchemy room had been reduced to ruins, the aura of the sixth-level Emperor's Saint Realm erupted from his body, and he roared, "You boy of the eighth-level Emperor's Human Realm, you are courting death!"

"That's right, I just want to die? What can you do?" Tan Yun said coldly, flying through the void at a very high speed, and kicked Liu Feng's chest.



Before Liu Feng could react, his chest collapsed, blood spurted from his mouth, and he flew upside down into the president's alchemy room!

"Liu Feng, who hurt you?" Jiang Hong hurriedly asked.

"President, he is a young man in a purple robe..." Without waiting for Liu Feng to say anything, Tan Yun stepped into the alchemy room, his eyes fixed on Miao Xilin, who is now at the fourth level of Emperor Sacred Realm.

"Tan Yun? Didn't you die a long time ago?" Miao Xilin's eyes widened, showing extreme shock.

"Dead?" Tan Yun laughed and said, "Old man, stop talking nonsense, didn't you want to kill me a long time ago to avenge your adopted son Miao Jincheng and grandson Miao Wei?"

"Now that Laozi has come to your door, you must be very happy!"

After saying that, Tan Yun appeared in front of Miao Xilin like a purple lightning, and slapped him away!

"Puchi Puchi—"

Tan Yun's body was like a ghost, and from the flickering room of the training room, he brought out sword lights and cut off the legs of Miao Xilin and the others!

"Tan Yun, don't kill me..." Miao Xilin said in horror, "There is a misunderstanding on this matter! This old man has never sent anyone to kill you, really."

Tan Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he cast his primordial pupils and controlled the four of them, "Hand over your real life!"

"Yes." The four looked dull, and sacrificed the fire-attributed and ice-attributed real fire in their bodies, turning them into eight flames, burning slowly from the void.

Tan Yun sacrificed the best space-time fairy tower in his ear, and collected the flames in the sixty-sixth floor.

Afterwards, Tan Yun put away the Time-Space Immortal Tower, and danced a sword curtain with his right hand, covering the four of Miao Xilin!

"Pu Chi Pu Chi!"

The four of Miao Xilin quickly turned into pieces of corpses!

After a while, Tan Yunfei came out of the alchemy guild, soared into the sky, and landed on the top floor of the alchemy guild's tower!



As Tan Yun stomped his foot down, in an instant, the tower of the Alchemy Guild collapsed!

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