Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1407 Bold!

Chapter 1407 Bold!

Three hours later, the sky is full of stars, and the moon is embedded in the sky.

Tongtian Immortal City, City Lord's Mansion.

Ouyang Duantian, the city lord, stood worriedly outside the majestic hall, looking up at the sky, with deep thoughts in his eyes, "Qianqian, Daddy's precious daughter, I haven't seen you for more than 50 years, you are still living now." okay?"


At this moment, an old man descended from the sky and landed in front of Ouyang Duantian.

The person who came was none other than the old housekeeper who rushed back from the Soul Devouring Abyss to report: Ouyang Fu.

At this moment, Ouyang Fu's old face was filled with excitement, "City Lord, good news, great news!"

"Sigh." Ouyang Duantian shook his head and sighed, "No matter how good the news is, it will be of no interest to the city lord."

"City Master, what the old slave said is that the old slave has seen Miss!" Ouyang Fu said.

"What? Have you seen Qianqian?" Ouyang Duantian hastily pulled Ouyang Fu into the hall. Immediately, with a wave of his right arm, a sound-proof barrier was set up when the void on the surface of the entire hall rippled slightly.

Ouyang Duantian's tone was full of doubts, "Have you really met Miss?"

The reason why the tone is questionable is because he did not tell Ouyang Fu about Ouyang Duantian changing his daughter's appearance, so how did he know?

When Ouyang Duantian was confused, Ouyang Fu said truthfully: "City Master, this old slave was stopped by a strange woman when he was in the Soul Devouring Abyss."

"The strange girl called herself Xianxian, but it turned out to be the alias of the lady after she changed her face!"

Hearing this, Ouyang Duantian finally believed that Ouyang Fu had indeed seen his daughter, and hurriedly urged: "Girl Qianqian, how are you doing now? Tell me quickly, what did she say to you?"

Ouyang Fu smiled respectfully: "City Master, Miss asked about your current situation, and this old slave told the truth."

"Miss learned that after you made a hundred-year agreement with Immortal Emperor Jiutian, she asked the old slave to tell you that she will come back to marry Immortal Emperor Jiutian at that time."

After hearing this, Ouyang Duantian shook his head and sighed: "Silly boy, since he's gone, never come back."

"Daughter, even if you die as a father, I will never let you marry that dog Immortal Emperor!"

At this time, Ouyang Fu looked excited and said: "City Master, this old slave will tell you some good news again, do you know? Miss is now at the seventh level of Emperor Realm!"

"What? The seventh level of the Emperor Realm?" Ouyang Duantian's eyes widened, and he exclaimed in disbelief: "How is this possible? She was only at the twelfth level of the Emperor Realm when she left. How could she, in such a short period of time, Boundary continuous breakthrough?"

"City Master, Miss is indeed at the seventh level of the Emperor Realm." Ouyang Fu said: "According to Miss, the reason why she was able to improve her realm is all thanks to her friends."

"Friends? When did she have friends?" Ouyang Duantian frowned, "Also, are her friends male or female? What is their identity?"

Ouyang Fu thought for a while and said truthfully: "Miss's friend is a handsome young man with a fifth-level strength in the Emperor Realm. As for his identity, this old slave does not know."

"What? A man?" Ouyang Duantian seemed to have thought of something, and said in panic, "Most of the men in the world are lustful. Qianqian is not deep in the world, and she is simple. What if she is deceived by a man?"

Ouyang Duantian turned around in a hurry.

"City Lord, don't worry." Ouyang Fu comforted: "Miss Bingxue is smart, she will protect herself."

At this time, Ouyang Duantian was shocked, and said with a worried expression: "This girl is just messing around! How could she follow a man to such a dangerous place as the Soul Devouring Abyss!"

Just when Ouyang Duantian was thinking more and more worried, a deacon named Wang Bo came to the outside of the hall, bowed and said: "The city lord, the head of the Nine Heavens Immortal Mansion, come to pay a visit."

Ouyang Duantian took a deep breath and said: "Understood, you take Director Fang and invite you to the VIP Hall first, and the city lord will arrive later."


A moment later, the VIP Hall.

"Oh, Manager Fang, what wind brought you here?" Ouyang Duantian laughed, stepped into the hall of honored guests, clasped his fists and smiled towards a ninety-year-old hunchbacked old man on the jade chair.

The stooped old man is the Chief Steward of Nine Heavens Immortal Mansion: Fang Wuchi.

Fang Wuchi clasped his fists and said with a smile: "Today, the manager of Japan came here for two things."

"The first thing is, the Immortal Emperor ordered the old man me to come and inquire about the whereabouts of the noble daughter."

"The second thing is that Wanbaoshan, which guards the great array of gods and gods, and even tens of thousands of immortal soldiers from Nine Heavens Immortal Mansion, were massacred by a man and a woman."

"My lord, the Immortal Emperor, is furious. He wants the ten masters of the Immortal City to go to the Nine Heavens Immortal Mansion and talk about how to capture alive a man and a woman who provoked the Nine Heavens Immortal Mansion!"

After hearing this, Ouyang Duantian shook his head and sighed: "Director Fang, I'm really sorry, but the city lord hasn't found Qianqian yet."

"City Lord Ouyang, you have to hurry up." Fang Wuchi said earnestly, "When the hundred-year agreement comes, if the precious daughter has not been found, I am worried, your City Lord's Mansion will really be ruined!"

Facing Fang Wuchi's seemingly caring words, Ouyang Duantian couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

But he knew that Fang Wuchi was as shameless as his name!

He was even more aware that Fang Wuchi was a serious and honest villain!

The reason this person is so polite to him is because he knows that he may be the father-in-law of the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor.

Thinking about this, Ouyang Duantian clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Director Fang, for your concern. My city lord, please tell Lord Immortal Emperor. My city lord will definitely do my best to find Qianqian."

After saying that, Ouyang Duantian said curiously: "Oh, by the way, Manager Fang, who are those men and women who dare to kill Wanbaoshan so boldly!"

Fang Wuchi said: "I don't know! The manager only knows that the man's name is Tan Yun, the woman's name is Xianxian, and I don't know anything else!"

"Xianxian!" Ouyang Duantian's heart was shocked, and he said calmly, "Director Fang, do you have portraits of Tan Yun and Xianxian?"

"If there is, the city lord will take a look and maybe recognize the two of them?"

"There are indeed portraits." Fang Wuchi flipped his right hand, and a picture scroll appeared in his hand, and handed it to Ouyang Duantian.

The moment Ouyang Duantian opened the picture scroll curiously, the tiger's body trembled suddenly, and he saw his daughter in the picture standing side by side with a handsome man in white robe.

"Master Ouyang, look at you, do you recognize the two?" Fang Wuchi asked.

"No, my city lord doesn't recognize the two of you." Ouyang Duantian shook his head and said, "This city lord just thinks that she seems to have seen this woman named Xianxian before, but he can't remember."

With that said, Ouyang Duantian handed the scroll to Fang Wuchi, "These two are really bold, even dare to kill Wanbaoshan!"

"That's right! The two of you are indeed audacious. This is openly opposing the Nine Heavens Immortal Mansion!" Fang Wuchi said, "Besides, this man and woman killed the young master, the second master, and the third master of Mozhan Immortal City. .”

"At the same time, Bai Xiao, the third son of Grand Marshal Xiahou Immortal City, was also killed. This matter has caused a sensation in all the cities!"

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