Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1421 Qianqian's Choice!

Chapter 1421 Qianqian's Choice!

"Okay, everything is up to you, big brother." While speaking, Wuxin Shangshen smashed Di Wulong's head with a palm.

Afterwards, Tan Yun sacrificed to Lingxiao Dao Palace, Wuxin God entered to recover from his injuries, Wuxin God took Tan Yun to fly for half a month, passed through the teleportation array in Nine Heavens Immortal Sea, and arrived at Hongliu Immortal City!

At this moment, he was inattentive, still masking his face.

Tan Yun disguised himself as an old man in his seventies.

"Brother, at our speed, we can reach Tongtian Immortal City within ten days' flight." Wuxin Shangshen said.

"Yeah." Tan Yun nodded, and said, "Third brother, you can enter Lingxiao Dao Palace, and I will call you again when necessary."

"Okay brother." Wuxin Shangshen disappeared out of thin air, and after entering the Lingxiao Dao Palace in Tan Yun's ears, Tan Yunfei left Hongliu Immortal City, and then flew towards Tongtian Immortal City...

The stars move, ten days later, the sky is full of stars.

Tongtian Immortal City, the City Lord's Mansion, is brightly lit.

Qianqian Pavilion.

In the fairy pavilion decorated by the daughter's house, a beautiful girl in a blue dress stands in front of the window, looking up at the vast starry sky, tears dripping down her beautiful face.

The girl is none other than Ouyang's daughter: Ouyang Qianqian.

Ouyang Qianqian's vermilion lips trembled, and a beautiful voice filled with endless sadness sounded:

"Tan Yun, I miss you so much, I really miss you so much."

"In another year and half a month, I'm going to get married. I regret that I didn't tell you before I left that I like you so much."

"Tan Yun, do you know? I grew up listening to your legend... Woooo... I really love you..."

At the same time, Tan Yun, who was disguised as an old man, descended from the sky, faced the two guards, cupped his fists and said, "Old man, you are a friend of Miss Jia, please let me know."

When the two guards heard that they were friends of the young lady, they immediately became respectful, "Just wait a moment."

Immediately, a guard entered the mansion.

A moment later, the guard was outside the Qianqian Pavilion, and said respectfully: "Miss, there is an old man outside the mansion who claims to be your friend and wants to see you."

Ouyang Qianqian raised her soft and boneless jade hand, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said softly: "I see, you can bring the guests into the VIP hall first, and I will come later."

Afterwards, Ouyang Qianqian stepped out of the boudoir, went downstairs and just walked out of the pavilion when Ouyang Duantian just walked over and said with a smile: "Daughter, it's so late, where are you going?"

"Daddy, just now the guard said that someone was looking for my daughter, and my daughter went to have a look." Ouyang Qianqian said truthfully.

"Oh." Ouyang Duantian responded casually, "Who is it?"

"I don't know." Ouyang Qianqian responded.

Ouyang Duantian smiled and said: "I have nothing to do with my father, how about going with you?"

"Good dad." Ouyang Qianqian smiled, and went to the VIP Hall together with Ouyang Duantian.

On the way, Ouyang Duantian looked at his daughter's red eyes, and he knew that there were only two reasons why her daughter was crying.

First, he doesn't want to marry the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor.

Second, she was reluctant to part with her beloved man Tan Yun.

Ouyang Duantian didn't say anything to comfort his daughter, because he didn't know how to comfort his daughter.

The father and daughter walked into the VIP hall silently, but saw a strange old man standing in the hall.

"You are?" Ouyang Qianqian'e frowned.

Tan Yun took a deep breath and looked at Qianqian with longing in his eyes.

Tan Yun tore off the fake beard, his old face, as if time had been reversed, the wrinkles began to fade, and he regained his handsome appearance while breathing.

"Tan Yun!" Ouyang Duantian's eyes widened.

Ouyang Qianqian also opened her eyes wide, as if she had guessed Tan Yunlai's intentions, she thought to herself: "I can't, show my love for him, otherwise, I will hurt him."

Immediately, Ouyang Qianqian said coldly, "What are you doing here?"

Ouyang Duantian watched his daughter's changes, he seemed to guess what her daughter was thinking.

He frowned, did not say anything, but exited the hall of honored guests, and immediately, with a wave of his right arm, the door of the hall closed.

"Sigh." Ouyang Duantian sighed and stood outside the hall.

Facing Ouyang Qianqian's indifference, Tan Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Why did you lie to me?"

Ouyang Qianqian said coldly: "I explained it clearly in the letter I sent you. I lied to you because I escaped marriage."

Tan Yun took a step forward and grabbed Ouyang Qianqian's shoulders with both hands, "You know, that's not what I'm asking."

"I'm asking you, why did you lie to me that you would go back to find me, but when you actually left Nine Heavens Immortal Sea, you had already decided that you would never go back."

"Qianqian, you can't marry Immortal Emperor Gou! Come with me!"

As Tan Yun said, he took Ouyang Qianqian's jade hand and was about to pull her away.

"Tan Yun, please show some respect." Ouyang Qianqian looked at Tan Yun holding her hand, and said coldly, "Let me go!"

"Also, please don't slander my fiancé!"

After hearing this, Tan Yun seemed unable to believe his ears, and slowly let go of Ouyang Qianqian.

The word "fiance" pierced into Tan Yun's heart like thorns, causing a dull pain.

It wasn't until now that Tan Yun realized that he cared about her, and this kind of caring was not just between close friends!

"What... what did you say?" Tan Yun stared at Ouyang Qianqian with a scrutinizing gaze, trying to see her true thoughts from Ouyang Qianqian's eyes.

However, what he saw in Ouyang Qianqian's eyes was sincere affection.

With a happy smile on Ouyang Qianqian's face, she said softly, "I said, don't slander my fiancé."

"Tan Yun, do you know? I found out that I was wrong. It turns out that I don't like you, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor has pursued me for thousands of years."

"Until now, I didn't realize that the person I love is Fang Rulong. It's such an honor to be the wife of the Immortal Emperor."

Tan Yun shook his head abruptly, "No! It's not what you said in your heart. You didn't come with me because you were afraid that after you left, Fang Rulong, a bastard, would attack your father and your City Lord's Mansion, right?"

"Tan Yun!" Ouyang Qianqian said sharply, "If you dare to insult my fiancé again, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"I don't want to see you, please leave! From now on, don't disturb my life again!"

"I've made it clear enough! During the years I've been away from you, I've really thought it through. I aspire to be Mrs. Xiandi!"

Speaking of this, Ouyang Qianqian said with a smile: "You won't understand. Anyone who sees me these years will be respectful. Among these people, there are city lords from major cities. I really long for this feeling. .”

Tan Yun clenched his fists tightly and said in a deep voice, "Don't you know that Immortal Emperor Nine Heavens is Xiaoqing's enemy!"

"I know!" Ouyang Qianqian flipped his right hand, and a divine sword appeared in his hand, pressing against Tan Yun's chest, "The grievances between you and my fiancé are the grievances of Ouyang Qianqian."

"Tan Yun, I'll count to three. If you don't leave, I'd rather die if I break my oath. I'll reveal your identity!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun shook his head and said, "You are not such a person, I don't believe it!"

"Qianqian, you can't fool me!"

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