Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1445 Eight-day floating land!

Chapter 1445 Eight-day floating land!

"Uncle, you are right." Xuanyuanrou sighed, "The fairy spring in the Nine Heavens Secret Mansion was indeed looted."

"Sister, what should we do now?" Xuanyuan Ling'er asked frowning.

Xuanyuanrou didn't answer immediately, but fell into deep thought.

Xuanyuan Haokong sighed and said: "Rou'er, forget it, let's cultivate slowly, as long as we have enough time, sooner or later we can cultivate to the twelfth level of the Great Emperor Realm."

"No." Xuanyuan Rou said with a cold light in his beautiful eyes: "Tan Yun is the reincarnation of the Supreme Being of Hongmeng, which is extraordinary. I can only kill him when I meet him by raising the realm as fast as possible!"

"Also, if I'm not mistaken, the bloodbath of Nine Heavens Immortal Mansion was done by Tan Yun, Shen Subing and others."

"In the whole world, only Tan Yun, Fang Zhiqing and Jiutian Immortal Mansion have feuds. Apart from them, I really can't think of anyone else who would kill so much."

"If I'm not wrong, Tan Yun's current strength is probably not inferior to mine. He must have encountered great opportunities just like us over the years. Otherwise, how could his strength improve so quickly in such a short period of time? ?”

Hearing Xuanyuanrou's words, Chu Xiaosa kept his face calm, but in fact he was quite worried about Tan Yun's safety.

In his heart, Tan Yun will always be his boss.

Xuanyuan Changfeng looked worried, and thought in his heart: "Yingying, I don't know what's going on with this iceberg. If my sister's guess is correct, I don't know if she was injured in the bloodbath of Nine Heavens Immortal Mansion."

Xuanyuanrou seemed to see through Xuanyuan Changfeng's mind, and said coldly: "Worrying about a woman who has no heart, there is no cure."

"Sister!" Xuanyuan Changfeng frowned, "That's right! I'm just worried about the iceberg, can't I?"

"You..." Xuanyuan Rou was angry, "I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

Looking at Xuanyuan Rou's puffy look, Xuanyuan Changfeng's eyes showed a flash of sympathy.

He knew that Xuanyuanrou was not as free and easy as on the surface. Although he had heard Xuanyuanrou say countless times over the years that he wanted to kill Tan Yun, he also found that Xuanyuanrou was often in a daze when she was alone.

There were still tears in his eyes in a daze.

He knew that it was true that his elder sister wanted to kill Tan Yun, but at the same time she hated her, she also loved Tan Yun deeply.

"Okay, stop arguing." Xuanyuan Haokong frowned, "I'm really upset to see you guys arguing all the time."

"Rou'er, let's get down to business. Tell me, where should we go next?"

Xuanyuan's soft eyes flickered, and he opened his mouth lightly, "Go to the enchanted fairy mountain 30 billion miles east of Nine Heavens Immortal Mansion!"

"Boundary Immortal Mountain?" Xuanyuan Haokong was confused.

Xuanyuan Rou explained: "Uncle, on the top of the enchantment fairy mountain, there is a enchantment gate leading to the Eight Heavens Immortal Realm."

"Since the Nine Heavens Secret Mansion has been looted, let's plunder the Eight Heavens Secret Mansion!"

"As far as I know, there are secret palaces in the nine immortal worlds of Hongmeng. We can plunder all the way to the immortal world. At that time, our cultivation base will definitely increase!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Haokong nodded and said: "Rou'er, it's all up to you. Whatever you say, you can do."

Xuanyuanrou looked at the crowd and said, "With our speed, we can reach the fairy mountain in about 20 days."

"Let's go immediately!"


The stars move, ten days later, at noon.

A towering 90,000,000 feet tall, verdant peak stands majestically between the heavens and the earth: the fairy mountain of enchantment!

On the top of the enchanted fairy mountain, stands a huge black monument as high as 100,000 feet.

There are winding and zigzagging lines engraved on the huge stele, which makes people dazzled when viewed with a fixed eye.


A white beam of light descended from the sky, shot at the top of the enchanted fairy mountain, and turned into Tan Yun in a white robe.

"Subing, you can come out now." After Tan Yun transmitted the sound to everyone in Lingxiao Tower, the next moment, Shen Subing and others came out of Tan Yun's side out of thin air.

"You guys wait a moment, after I open the gate of the enchantment, we will go to the Hongmeng Eight Heavens Immortal Realm." Tan Yun smiled, looking at the slender lines on the monument, with a touch of sadness in his eyes.

Because the prohibitions engraved on this gigantic stele were engraved by Tan Yun himself when he was the Supreme Master of Hongmeng in the past.

And these restrictions are what I learned from my former master, that is, Xuanyuan Rou's father.

At this moment, Tan Yun recalled the past in his mind.

He thought of the past, when Xuanyuanrou was still his senior sister, he and her learned the forbidden scenes together under the teaching of the master...

Thinking about it, Tan Yun thought of Xuanyuanrou in this life again.

"Alas..." Tan Yun let out a long sigh, expressing the soreness in his heart.

"Rou'er, are you okay?" Tan Yun sighed inwardly.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?" Nangong Yuqin asked with concern after capturing the loneliness and gloom in Tan Yun's eyes.

"It's nothing." Tan Yun said with a slight smile: "Yuqin, this giant enchantment monument was made by me in the past, and the sea has changed. When I see it today, it is inevitable that I feel a little sad."

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, I'll open the gate of enchantment right now."

After Tan Yun finished speaking, when his arms were dancing from his chest in a mysterious trajectory, wisps of immortal power shot out from his arms at an extremely fast speed, and penetrated into the huge monument.

A moment later, hundreds of thousands of immortal powers emerged from Tan Yun's body and shot into the monument.


Immediately, the 100,000-foot-high monument began to tremble, and the lines of prohibition lines on the monument seemed to be given life, and began to slowly squirm and converge towards the center of the monument.

The tens of millions of prohibition lines gradually transformed into a round thousand-foot giant gate in the center of the monument.

Immediately afterwards, the thousand-foot giant gate began to become transparent, and finally Tan Yun and others passed through the barrier gate and saw the blue sky in the Eight Heavens Immortal Realm.

"Wow! What a blue sky!" Xue Ziyan looked at the blue sky in the enchantment gate and covered her mouth in surprise.

The faces of the others were also filled with shock.

Because, the sky in Hongmeng Eight Heavens Immortal Realm is really beautiful. The clear blue sky, and the wisps of white clouds slowly wriggling, sketched out a peerless beauty.

"It's so beautiful! Is it really the Eight Heavens Immortal Realm there?" Tantai Xian'er's beautiful eyes showed a strong curiosity.

Tan Yun put his arms around Tantai Xianer's plain waist, and explained: "Among the Nine Great Immortal Worlds of Hongmeng, only the Eight Heavens of Hongmeng is different."

"Because the Hongmeng Eight Heavens Immortal Realm is a vast and boundless sea, and the land area is less than one billionth of it."

"There are two adjacent continents, which are the most extensive."

"Because the continent is constantly moving in the sea, it is also called floating land."

"The largest continent is called the Eight-day Floating Land!"

"The Eight Heavens Floating Land has a radius of about 30 billion centimeters. The Eight Heavens Immortal City is built on the floating land, and the Eight Heavens Immortal Mansion is in the very center of the Eight Heavens Immortal City."

"In the waters of the Eight Heavens Floating Land in the east of the Hundred Billion Immortals, there is a floating mansion, which is the Eight Heavens Secret Mansion!"

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