Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1469 Bloodbath Seven Heavens Immortal Mansion!

Chapter 1469 Bloodbath Seven Heavens Immortal Mansion!

Looking at the Eight Heavens Immortal Mansion in ruins and the corpses in the ruins, the old man felt chills down his spine. He shouted the words "Lord Immortal Emperor", but no one responded for a long time!

In the heart of the old man, the Eight Heavens Immortal Emperor is the disciple of Chaos Heavenly Venerable, whose strength is so powerful that he will never be killed.

But when he saw the Eight Heavenly Emperor Sword stuck in the ruins, he realized that the Eight Heavenly Emperor should have been killed!

He suppressed his panic, and went to the Eight Heavens Immortal City again, but there were also no survivors!

In the following two days, he scanned the entire city carefully with his immortal sense, and finally found out in horror that they were all dead!

In the Eight Heavens Immortal City, known as the largest city in the Eight Heavens Immortal Realm, none of the more than 60 billion immortals survived!

The old man was terrified and trembling all over, "Oh my God! What's going on here? Who did it!"

"I have to tell the other city lords about this immediately, and then recommend a representative to the Chaos God Realm to report this matter to Master Immortal Emperor!"


Afterwards, the old man told the bloodbath of the Eight Heavens Immortal City and the Eight Heavens Immortal Mansion to thousands of city lords who are quite prestigious among millions of city lords over a period of one month.

Thousands of city lords were shocked when they heard the words, and it took time to meet and arrive at the Eight Heavens Immortal City. They were terrified when they found out that there were indeed no survivors in the Eight Heavens Immortal City and the Eight Heavens Immortal Mansion.

After recovering from the fear, they jointly elected Qi Yan, the lord of the Immortal City of Immortal Soul, as a representative, and rushed towards the Chaos God Realm in a hurry.

The city lords knew that if things went well, Qi Yan would be able to reach the Chaos God Realm within two years, and he would report the matter to Ke Yin's master, Lord Chaos Tianzun...

When Qi Yan went to the Chaos God Realm, Tan Yun had already led everyone through the enchantment gate in the fairy island and arrived at the Hongmeng Seven Heavens Immortal Realm!

In the central area of ​​the Seven Heavens Immortal Realm, among the fairy mountains filled with immortal energy, there is a majestic Immortal Mansion: Seven Heavens Immortal Mansion.

The Seven Heavens Immortal Mansion is not big, covering an area of ​​only a million miles.

Clouds rise in the mountains, and the silver moon is hazy at night.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Beams of light descended from the sky and formed a group of people outside the Seven Heavens Immortal Mansion.

The man in the lead is handsome and unrestrained, who else could it be if it wasn't Tan Yun?

"Who is here?" The guards guarding the Immortal Mansion were not afraid because they couldn't see Tan Yun and others' cultivation level, so the guards asked sharply.

"The person who killed you." As soon as Tan Yun finished speaking, with the flick of his fingers, a burst of power from the Great Emperor Primordial Mist pierced through the head of the guard.

The guard gushed blood and died on the spot.

"Master, this servant has sensed an ice attribute fire in Seven Heavens Immortal Mansion." At this moment, Tan Yun remembered the beautiful voice of Hongmeng Bingyan Bing'er.

"Okay, I get it. After the Seven Heavens Immortal Mansion is destroyed, I will take you to find the kindling." Tan Yun kicked the gate of the mansion after transmitting the sound.


A loud noise pierced the night sky and was clearly heard by hundreds of thousands of people in the Immortal Mansion.

Tan Yun said to the crowd without turning his head: "Leave no survivors, kill!"

Ever since, Tan Yun, his seven wives, Yingying, Zhen Ji and others flew into the Qitian Immortal Mansion aggressively, and started a merciless slaughter...

"Ah! Who are you? Why did you attack the Seven Heavens Immortal Mansion at night!"

"Are you rebelling! You bold lunatics..."


In the next two hours, the sounds of cursing and panic, mixed with the sounds of various emotions, returned to calm.

In the Seven Heavens Immortal Mansion, except for the chief steward, hundreds of thousands of other immortals and beasts were all killed.

Outside the main hall, the chief executive who was seriously injured fell to the ground, staring at Tan Yun with his eyes wide open, and roared without fear of life and death:

"You daring bastards, you are dead, our Lord Immortal Emperor will be back tomorrow!"

"Your uncle, who are you scolding!" Tianluo Dragon and Bear King slapped the manager away, grinning his teeth and said: "Your so-called **** emperor Lin Yu will be back tomorrow? Pooh!"

"Lin Yu has been slaughtered by my master in the Eight Heavens Immortal Realm!"

Hearing this, the manager looked terrified, and roared: "Impossible! My lord Immortal Emperor is the disciple of Shiyuan Tianzun. He is so powerful that he can never be killed!"

When the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King was about to say something, Tan Yun cast his primordial pupils, controlled the manager, and asked, "Where is the Seven Heavens Secret Mansion?"

"In the secret territory." The manager said with a dull expression.

"Take me there." Tan Yun ordered.

"Yes." Then, the manager led Tan Yun and others into the main hall, and entered the Seven Heavens Secret Mansion through the secret door on the wall.

After entering, Tan Yun discovered that besides the dazzling array of magic weapons, there are more than 12,000 fairy springs!

"There are so many fairy springs, more than I imagined." Tan Yun said with a smile: "Su Bing, put it away."

"En." Shen Subing nodded her head, and after collecting all the fairy springs in the divine master ring in her jade finger, she smiled, "Husband, we now have more than 16,000 fairy springs in total."

Tan Yun said with a smile: "At least 50,000 fairy springs are needed, which will be enough for me to use in the Immortal Refining God Prison in the future."

"I hope that the six-day secret mansion, the five-day secret mansion, and the Shiyuan fairy world and the chaotic fairy world can make up so many!"

Shen Subing smiled, "Husband, Shiyuan Immortal Realm and Primal Chaos Immortal Realm are vast, and there are many places that breed immortal springs. We will definitely be able to find enough immortal springs."

After finishing speaking, Shen Subing looked at the magic weapon in the secret mansion and said: "Do you want to put these away?"

Tan Yun shook his head and said, "Forget it, these magic weapons are of the highest level, but they are only second-level artifacts. The magic weapons in our hands are better than these."

"Wait a moment, I will take Bing'er to collect the fire seeds, and then go to the Six Heavens Immortal Realm!"

After saying that, after Tan Yun killed the manager with one palm, under Binger's perception and guidance, Tan Yun came to the secret room behind the main hall.

A box was suspended in the secret room. After Tan Yun easily opened the seal, he found a dark blue flame slowly burning inside.

"Let go of the deity, let the deity go!" An angry old voice came from the flame.

Tan Yun stared at the kindling, "Not bad, not bad, it's actually a third-order divine fire: the most cold god, Binghuo!"

Restraining the excitement in his heart, Tan Yun put the box into the fairy ring.

He is confident that in the future, after the two primordial flames, Bing'er and Zixin, will devour the fire seeds obtained in the Eight Heavens Secret Mansion, the Golden Crow God Pill, and the Cold God Binghuo collected here, they will definitely be able to advance by leaps and bounds!

Afterwards, Tan Yun left the secret room with a smile like a spring breeze, and flew out of the Seven Heavens Immortal Mansion with everyone...

The next day, someone went to the Seven Heavens Immortal Mansion to report the matter to the manager, and found that the Seven Heavens Immortal Mansion had been bloodbathed!

One month later, the news that Seven Heavens Immortal Mansion was looted and Seven Heavens Immortal Emperor's life lamp was extinguished spread throughout the Seven Heavens Immortal World!

Everyone is terrified, everyone is in danger!

They really couldn't figure out who would dare to kill the Seven Heavens Immortal Emperor. You must know that the Seven Heavens Emperor is the last disciple of Shiyuan Tianzun!

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