Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1483 Triple Test!

Chapter 1483 Triple Test!

"I hope." Tan Yun said via voice transmission.

At this moment, Xue Ziyan came over with a smile and took Tan Yun's arm, "Brother-in-law, we are going to the Immortal Purification Prison soon, can you tell us about it?"

Tan Yun said with a smile: "Okay, no problem. Next, I will not only talk about the Prison of Immortals, but also about the Primordial God Realm, so that you can understand it."

Afterwards, Tan Yun sat on the grass and explained: "As long as the immortal perceives the barrier of the human-god realm, he can climb towards the sky until he reaches the highest enchantment barrier in the fairy world."

"Then, when we sense the barrier, we will be summoned to receive the divine stone, and then, to receive the divine stone, we will be sent to the Immortal Prison."

"The Immortal Refining Prison is extremely vast, and there is no immortal power in it, so I need to refine the Immortal Spring, keep my strength at its peak state at all times, and meet the triple test."

"Only by passing all three tests can one become a god immediately."

"The first test is talent and aptitude. Whether to transform and condense the emperor's fetus into a godhead within ten years."

"Counting from the condensing of the godhead, if it cannot be condensed within ten years, then the power of the **** prison will come and kill the immortal."

Hearing this, Xue Ziyan widened her beautiful eyes, "So scary? Brother-in-law, under normal circumstances, how long does it take for a fairy to condense into a godhead?"

Tan Yun explained: "This depends on the person's aptitude, talent, and understanding. Some people can condense into a godhead in just three to five years."

"Some immortals can't condense for thirty-five years. In short, just this first test alone is a narrow escape."

"Of course you don't have to worry. With your aptitude, talent, and savvy, it's not difficult to complete the first test."

Tan Yun said again: "The second test is to purify the soul and fight decisively with the demons until the demons are defeated."

"Usually, the more killings, the heavier the inner demons. This is why you were not allowed to participate in the massacre of Chaos Immortal Mansion, Changsun Immortal Mansion, and Shiyuan Immortal Mansion later on."

"Even so, you have to be more careful, because the skills and supernatural powers you know, the demons will also be able to. The only way to defeat the demons is to not matter what you see, think, or hear. To be as calm as water.”

Hearing this, Ouyang Qianqian looked at Tan Yun and said worriedly: "You killed so many people, by then, your inner demon must be very strong, right?"

"Yes." Tan Yun nodded and said: "However, you don't have to worry about me. No matter what, I will not be defeated by the demon."

"Hearing you say that, then I'm relieved." Ouyang Qianqian asked curiously, "What's the third test?"

Tan Yun explained: "The last test is the most dangerous life-and-death tribulation of becoming a god."

"This calamity is extremely terrifying. Since ancient times, countless immortals have died in this calamity."

"But in the same way, once the tribulation is successfully crossed, you will be one step closer to the Dao. When you step into the first class of human gods, your strength will increase a hundredfold. That feeling of power is what any immortal dreams of."

Hearing this, everyone was full of yearning for becoming a god.

"Brother-in-law." At this time, Nangong Ruxue smiled and said, "What is the essential difference between the cultivation of gods and the cultivation of immortals?"

"Also, are there really many races in the Primordial God Realm?"

Hearing this, Tan Yun explained: "After becoming a god, we will breathe in the divine essence of the divine world and transform it into divine power in the spirit pool."

"Shenyuan is an existence above the immortal energy, because the divine power is much stronger than the immortal power in the immortal body, which is the fundamental reason why the immortal is as powerful as an ant in front of the god."

"As for the number of races in the Hongmeng God Realm, it is beyond your imagination. When I was the Supreme Master of Hongmeng God Realm in the past, there were tens of thousands of races in the Hongmeng God Realm. Although those who were loyal to me were almost slaughtered, I believe that There must be some people who think that I will not die, waiting for me to go back."

Speaking of this, Tan Yun seemed to think of something, and his star pupils showed a deep look of longing.

Shen Subing, who is ice-snow and smart, said softly: "Husband, do you want to wash your hands?"

"Hmm." Tan Yun looked at Shen Subing and said, "You are the roundworm in my stomach, you can guess everything I think."

"Sister Shen, who is Yushu?" Ouyang Qianqian asked curiously.

"She was one of the Twelve Great Generals of my husband's past." Shen Subing said with a smile: "She is so powerful in the Hongmeng God Realm, she is known as the Lord of the Wild Gods."

Ouyang Qianqian looked at Tan Yun, and out of a woman's intuition, she asked, "Tan Yun, isn't she beautiful? Also, do you like her?"

Tan Yun nodded after a little hesitation.

Tan Yun looked at the crowd and said, "When I was in the Heaven's Punishment Continent, Yushu told me that the descendants of the Primordial God Race and the Wild God Race lived in the Gods' Abyss in the Primordial God Realm."

"After we become gods and arrive at the Primordial God Realm, we will go to the Abyss of the Gods to find them."

"Also, in the ancient times, Yushu and the Lord Honghuang led the two clans, and before the heaven punished the mainland in the future, they sealed a ray of soul in the Zhenyuan God's Stele in the Gods' Ominous Abyss."

"I must bring her back to life!"

At this time, Ouyang Qianqian said softly: "I'm curious, how beautiful Yushu looks, Tan Yun, can you condense her appearance, let me see it?"

"Yes." Tan Yun held Ouyang Qianqian's hand, and said via voice transmission: "You are my fiancée, you don't have to be so outspoken when you talk, what do you want to ask, what do you want to know, just ask."

Hearing this, Ouyang Qianqian's heart was as sweet as honey, and she nodded her head.

Tan Yun smiled, and with a wave of his right arm, a puff of immortal power transformed a memory image from the void.

In the image, a tall woman of hundreds of feet stands tall and graceful.

The woman was wearing a light yellow long dress. Although she was hundreds of feet tall, Miaoman's body was coordinated to perfection.

The woman's face possessed a strange beauty, a face that became more and more beautiful the more she looked at it, and her pupils were somewhat similar to Xuanyuan Rou's, exuding a deep sapphire-like luster.

Her beauty is fresh and refined, and her charm is not inferior to any of the beauties present.

Tan Yun looked at Ouyang Qianqian and said, "Her full name is Dongfang Yushu."

After Ouyang Qianqian expressed her understanding, she praised: "She is so beautiful, I am a little envious of her beauty."

Tan Yun smiled, and said firmly in his heart: "Yu Shu, we will meet again in a short time, and I will definitely bring you back to life!"


For the next ten years, Tan Yun and the others waited for Shangguan Fei to practice in the secret territory.

When Shangguan Fei was promoted to the twelfth level of the Great Emperor Realm and sensed the barrier of the Human-God Realm, Tan Yun let everyone enter the Lingxiao Tower. After putting the tower in his ears, he flew out of the secret realm and soared into the sky!

Seven days later, Tan Yun passed through the sea of ​​clouds and came to the end of the sky. Immediately, he closed his eyes and focused his attention, and began to perceive the immortal prison in the dark!


A moment later, a gust of wind raged above Tan Yun's head, and a space crack with a width of an unknown number of billions of miles appeared in the sky in a trance!

Immediately, in the pitch-black space crack, a spot of pure white light shot towards Tan Yun at top speed!

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