Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1488 Defeat the demons!

Chapter 1488 Defeat the demons!

Looking at the heart-piercing middle-aged woman and the crying child in her arms, Tan Yun's heart felt like a knife!

Because the woman is the mother of Tan Yun II, and the child is Tan Yun!

"No!" Tan Yun was in great grief, watching his mother and his five-year-old self being killed by the robbers!

Although Tan Yun knew that he was in a hallucination, he knew that the scenes he saw had all happened in real life!

He is human, he has feelings and blood, he can't be as calm as water!

In Tan Yun's grief, the scene in front of him changed again. He saw a mansion being slaughtered!

This scene stimulated Tan Yun, and he was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe!

Because there is him in the third life in the mansion, and all his relatives!

Afterwards, the scene continued to change, each picture represented each of his lives!

Every scene is the death of oneself, the death of a loved one!

Just like, Tan Yun went back to the past again, watching helplessly, his parents, brothers and sisters were killed in every life!

When the scene of ten thousand deaths disappeared, Tan Yun had already spent half a year in the Heart Demon God Tower, his eyes were already red, and his eyes were full of hostility!

"Ah!" Tan Yun roared like a beast: "Demon, I know you are here, get out!"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

Suddenly, a hoarse and gloomy laughter came from the huge Tower of Inner Demon God, "Tan Yun, so what if the deity comes out? You know everything, so the deity is afraid of you?"

As soon as the words fell, a black-robed young man with disheveled hair came out of nowhere in front of Tan Yun.

The young man's eyes are dark and deep, his eyebrows are raised, and he is extremely charming.

The young man looks exactly the same as Tan Yun, and he is Tan Yun's inner demon!

The heart demon stared at Tan Yun, with a breathtaking luster in his pitch-black eyes, and sneered, "Tan Yun, why do you still have the nerve to live?"

"You should die and forgive your sins!"

Tan Yun said sharply: "My life is up to me, you don't need to make irresponsible remarks!"

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!" The heart demon's voice was full of curses, and they sounded one after another, "You still have the nerve to say that your life is up to you?"

"Do you think how many people you killed?"

"Because of you, your parents and relatives in the eternal life will suffer with you, and all of them will die!"

"Because of your eternal reincarnation, your former subordinates were brutally slaughtered by Shiyuan Supreme and Chaos Supreme!"

"It's all because of you, the wild god master, the prehistoric god master, the golden dragon god master, the devil dragon god master, and the other eight god masters are all dead!"

"Why do you still have the nerve to live? You evil spirit, the number of people who have been killed is countless, you give up resistance now, and apologize with death!"

What the inner demon said was the eternal pain in Tan Yun's heart, the pain that Tan Yun never wanted to mention.

The scene of the death of Wan Shi's relatives kept flickering in Tan Yun's mind, and the curse-like voice of the inner demon kept lingering in his ears. At this moment, a hundredfold sadness and self-blame raged in his heart and eroded every nerve in his body.

Gradually, Tan Yun's eyes changed from red to bewildered, and finally helpless. He muttered to himself, "Yeah... I killed so many people, what face do I have to live in this world?"

Obviously, Tan Yun at this moment is controlled by the demon.

Is Tan Yun not determined enough?


of course not!

Rather, what the demon said was the pain deep in Tan Yun's heart.

At this moment, Tan Yun's sadness and self-blame, under the control of the inner demon, gave rise to a hundredfold sense of guilt.

"Yes, you have finally awakened." The inner demon continued to induce, "You have no face to live in this world. Only death can free you, and only death can forgive your sins."

"You who have committed a serious crime, sacrifice the Hongmeng Slaying God Sword and kill yourself."

Hearing that, Tan Yun did it!

In a moment of his thought, the Hongmeng Killing God Sword flew out of Tan Yun's mind and was absorbed into his right hand.


The Hongmeng Killing God Sword trembled crazily from Tan Yun's hand, trying to break free, Qi Lingwangu roared: "Master, no! He is a demon, you can't be controlled by the demon!"


At this moment, Primordial Flame Purple Heart and Primordial Bingyan Bing'er appeared in front of Tan Yun, crying, "Master, wake up quickly... wake up quickly!"

At this moment, Tan Yun seemed to have fallen into the dark sea. He kept sinking into the bottom of the sea. He was about to suffocate, struggling desperately to stop sinking, but it didn't help!

As for the shouts of Hongmeng Slaying God Sword Canggu, Zixin, and Binger, he couldn't hear them at all.

This is the frightening thing about the inner demon. Only Tan Yun himself can overcome the control of the inner demon, and he can be reborn like Nirvana!

If he can't get rid of the control, Tan Yun will eventually obey the command of the demon and kill himself!

In the dark water, Tan Yun suddenly stopped struggling, and he said to himself, "No, I can't die."

"I am now in the Tower of the Heart Demon God. I am not in the sea, and I have not sunk towards the bottom of the sea. All of this is an illusion, a fatal illusion."

"I still have to take care of Subing and Xian'er, I can't die!"

"The culprit who caused the death of my relatives is not me, but the Supreme Being Shiyuan and the Supreme Chaos. I must not die. I want to live and seek revenge from them!"

As Tan Yun's belief in survival continued to grow stronger, at this moment, the dark sea water around him gradually became brighter.

After a few breaths, Tan Yun found that the sea water around him became transparent, and the next moment, he opened his eyes suddenly!

In his eyes staring at the demon in his heart, there is no emotion anymore, and he has reached the state of neither joy nor sadness!

"You can actually wake up? No... Impossible!" The heart demon opened his eyes wide and roared like a mad bull: "You have committed a lot of murder, and you have given this deity a powerful control. It is impossible for you to wake up, it is impossible !"

Facing the roar of the inner demon, Tan Yun's expression was shockingly calm, and he said lightly: "The culprits of the curse of all ages are the two Supreme Beings, not me."

Immediately, Tan Yun closed his eyes, sat cross-legged, and whispered to himself, "Seeing but not seeing, hearing but not hearing, my mind is as calm as water, and the sky and earth are clear."

"Since you are not controlled by this deity, then this deity will kill you!" As the heart demon roared angrily, a pitch-black Hongmeng Killing God Sword flew out from between his brows, and pierced Tan Yun's neck with a stream of blood.

Facing the pain, Tan Yun remained calm. He slowly opened his eyes and said calmly, "You do it. Also, you can't kill me by piercing my neck."

"You should have pierced my heart, or pierced my skull so I could die."

"But it's a pity, you dare not!"

Tan Yun knew very well that as long as he didn't resist in the face of his inner demons, all he would suffer was the pain before dying, but when the inner demons killed him, the inner demons would disappear!

At that time, I will be reborn!

The inner demon who was told by Tan Yun pulled out the long sword that pierced into Tan Yun's neck. He was like a demon and kept cursing Tan Yun as a coward, not daring to fight him decisively, trying to break the peace of Tan Yun's heart .

However, Tan Yun remained unmoved.

Tan Yun's tranquility is what the demons fear most. Because the peace cannot be broken, the inner demons will slowly disappear!

In the next year, the inner demon kept roaring, and his figure gradually faded until it disappeared into a wisp of smoke!

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