Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1504 Step into the fourth class of human gods!

Chapter 1504 Step into the fourth class of human gods!

The giant gods of the two races are both happy and sad at the moment.

The good news is that there is finally a weapon, and it is still an artifact used by the ancestors!

Sadly, thinking of the death of the ancestors!


In Tan Yun's thought, the fairy ring flickered frequently between his fingers, and huge magic axes and hammers flew out one by one, floating in the void.

Tan Yunlang said: "The Great Desolate Colossus uses the Divine Axe, and the Wild Colossus uses the Divine Hammer."

"There are 168,000 divine axes and 109,600 divine hammers!"

"Every god hammer and god ax was stained with the blood of countless enemies in the past, and each one is the best heavenly weapon!"

Hearing this, the giant gods were shocked.

They do know that artifacts are divided into ranks one to twelve, and above the twelve ranks are the artifacts of human beings, gods of heaven, artifacts of gods, and finally the supreme artifacts!

One can imagine how precious the Tianzun artifact is.

Tan Yun looked at the Patriarch of the Primordial Giant God and the Patriarch of the Wild Giant God, and asked, "How are you two, and the giant gods of the two races?"

The patriarch of the Great Desolate Giant God respectfully said: "Reporting to the master, this subordinate is the ninth-class holy emperor."

Tan Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then became quite excited.

You must know the realms in the God Realm, which are human gods, earth gods, heavenly gods, semi-sages, great saints, holy kings, holy emperors, god kings, and eternal realms!

The patriarch of the Honghuang giant gods said again: "In the Honghuang giant god clan, there are a total of 435,000 giant gods."

"Among them, there are more than 300,000 people below the level of gods."

"A total of 81,000 gods, more than 30,000 semi-sages, more than 20,000 great saints, and 620 holy kings. Only one subordinate is the holy emperor."

Hearing this, Tan Yun nodded in satisfaction and said, "You can keep these god axes, and give one to each person above the earth god."

"The remaining 30,000 or so will be given to whoever is promoted to the gods first."

The patriarch of the Great Desolate God, respectfully said: "It is the master."

Later, Tan Yun learned from the patriarch of the wild giant god that he was the eighth-class holy emperor.

Among the wild giant gods, there are more than 90,000 people above the earth gods.

Among them, there are more than 60,000 gods, more than 20,000 semi-sages, 9,300 great saints, and 408 holy kings.

Tan Yun handed over 109,600 hammers to the patriarch of the wild giant gods, and asked him to give one to each of the more than 90,000 giant gods above the earth god.

Save the excess. Whoever is promoted to the god of heaven first will be given a hand.

After arranging everything, Tan Yun looked at the giant gods of the two races and said, "Don't be discouraged if you haven't got the god axe and hammer. From now on, I will find a way to get each of you a god weapon."

"Now, I have a lot of Tier 1 and Tier 2 artifacts in my hands, you can make do with them first."

After finishing speaking, Tan Yun sacrificed all the spoils and weapons in the fairy ring, and let the giant gods of the two races choose.

Afterwards, Tan Yun asked the two patriarchs to distribute the divine ax and the divine hammer, and he led Shen Subing and others into the palace of the wild god.

Shen Subing frowned, and said: "Husband, Yuqin and I have spent 360,000 years in the Lingxiao Tower, but we still haven't touched the barrier of the second-class human god."

"There is no one's magic fruit, and our promotion speed is really too slow."

Others also nodded in agreement.

Tan Yun took a deep breath and said, "I know this. Outside is the fierce abyss of gods, and there must be a god fruit in the abyss. It's just that we just killed Jiang Feixu not long ago, and it's not safe to go out now."

What Tan Yun said was not unreasonable. Because, although Zhan Zusheng, Bai Xuanqi and others who chased and killed him before thought that they were dead after entering the Tunshen Cave, they naturally would not look for themselves again.

However, everyone knew that three years ago, there was a famous old man who brought Jiang Feixu's body back to Jianglong God King City first.

Calculated according to the time, King Jianglong had already learned that his son was dead, so everyone speculated that there was already a large army on the way to the abyss of the gods.

Therefore, it is not very safe outside.

Shen Subing thought for a while and said: "Husband, why don't we practice in seclusion first, and then go out to look for the fruit of the God of Man."

Tan Yun nodded and said: "Well, I also have the same intention. It is not too late. Let's retreat first. After the realm is improved, when we go out to look for the human god fruit and the earth snake, we will have some self-protection ability when encountering enemies. .”

Afterwards, Tan Yun sacrificed the Tower of Lingxiao God, and entered the tower with everyone to practice.

Time flies, one year later.

Chief of the Jianglong God Palace: Jiang Wenyun, leading a million soldiers, met Zhang Chi and five people on the way to the gods' fierce abyss.

"The little one has seen the chief manager." Zhang Chi and the five faced each other, and Jiang Wenyun, who was in front of the army, said respectfully.

At the same time, he could tell that it must be the God King who was furious when he learned of the young master's death, and sent the chief officer to the gods' ominous abyss to catch the murderer.

"You useless trash!" Jiang Wenyun yelled angrily: "With so many of you, you still can't protect the young master well!"

Zhang Chi knelt in the void, weeping, "Sir, you watched me grow up, please help the little ones to intercede in front of the God King, don't kill us!"

The other four old men also knelt down to Jiang Wenyun, begging bitterly.

Jiang Wenyun sighed, "Unless the murderer is caught, then I can save your life. If the murderer cannot be caught, I can't help you."

Zhang Chi seemed to have thought of something, and said, "My lord, the murderer is already dead!"

"Dead?" Jiang Wenyun frowned, "Don't fool the manager."

"The villain doesn't dare." After Zhang Chi finished speaking, he quickly condensed the memory image.

In the memory image, Tan Yun rushed into the Tunshen Cave with a helpless look.

Immediately afterwards, in the dark Tunshen Cave, Tan Yun's screams were heard before he died.

After watching the memory images, Jiang Wenyun nodded and said, "My lord God King has now set out to fight against the demons from outside the territory."

"My Lord God King is not in the mansion now, after Lord God King returns in triumph, I will naturally intercede for you."

"Now go back to the manor with the chief!"

Afterwards, Jiang Wenyun led an army of millions, and flew towards the Jianglong God King City...

A year later, the army returned to Jianglong Shenwang City.

The stars have changed, five years later.

The King Jiang Long returned triumphantly and returned to the Palace of the King of God. After learning that the murderer was dead, he was relieved.

In any case, the son's revenge can be regarded as revenge.

With Jiang Wenyun's intercession, the lives of the five Zhang Chi were also saved...

The seasons alternate, time flies like an arrow.

There is no time in the tower, and the world has been thousands of years!

Tan Yun and others have spent an extremely long 39 million years in the Lingxiao Tower!

During this period, it took Tan Yun five million years to condense the second Hongmeng human god fetus and was promoted to the second-class human god.

It took 10 million years to condense the third Hongmeng human god fetus, stepping into the third class of human gods.

It took another 15 million years to step into the fourth class of human gods.

In the rest of the time, he cultivated the nineteenth-order space-time master body to the stage of Xiaocheng!

Possess the violent power of tearing with bare hands, a third-tier low-grade artifact!

Except for Ouyang Duantian, Guan Xuankong, Guan Xuankui, Huangfu Guchong, Tianlao, and Wei Quan who are third-class earth gods, the others are fourth-class human gods like Tan Yun.

Even Shen Subing, who has the fastest cultivation speed, still hasn't touched the barrier of the fifth-class human gods!

At this moment, Tan Yun, who was sitting cross-legged, got up and muttered to himself: "From now on, every time you improve a small realm, it will take longer. This can't go on, the speed of promotion is really too slow. It's time to leave the secret land and look for the human god Fruit!"

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