Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1511 Race against time!

Chapter 1511 Race against time!

"Whether I can escape or not is not up to you, you can catch up with me if you have the ability!"

Tan Yun sneered confidently, and under Zhan Zuyun's frantic eyes, he sacrificed a Shenzhou!

Zhan Zuyun could tell at a glance that the Shenzhou was a fifth-order top-grade artifact that his second brother used on a daily basis.

Tan Yun skied onto the Shenzhou, laughed wildly, and said, "Hahahaha, yours is a fifth-order high-grade Shenzhou. Let me see how you can catch up to Grandpa!"

Afterwards, Tan Yun drove the Shenzhou, and shuttled aimlessly through the vast abyss of gods, and the speed was three points faster than Zhan Zuyun's Shenzhou!

Only seven days later, Tan Yun dumped Zhan Zuyun.

Even if Zhan Zuyun released his spiritual consciousness to the extreme, he could not find any trace of Tan Yun!

"Damn!" Zhan Zuyun cursed angrily.

"Eldest young master, what shall we do now?" An old man of the eighth-class earth god asked respectfully.

"What should I do? Of course I will continue to chase!" Zhan Zuyun's face was gloomy, "Just now I blamed this young master for being cheap. I thought I could kill that kid, so I said that I went to the abyss of gods to kill my second brother. "

"In case this kid, in order to get revenge on me, tells my father the memory image of my speaking, then, I will never be able to become a young master!"

"It's just that the ominous abyss of the gods is so vast, if we want to find this person, it will not be easy!"

Hearing this, more than 300 confidantes on the Shenzhou behind him nodded in agreement.

At this time, the old man who had spoken before was called: Fang Dong, his eyes shone brightly, and he bowed and said, "Young master, this old slave has a way."

"Say it quickly," Zhan Zuyun urged.

Fang Dong hurriedly said: "Young master, we can divide our troops into two groups, guarding the exit of the gods and abyss all the way, no matter who wants to leave, we will search for their souls! Of course, the purpose of doing this is to prevent those Boy, hide your true cultivation and escape!"

"The other way is to try your luck in the Abyss of Gods to find it."

"On the way to search, give priority to searching for the souls of the fourth-class human gods!"

"In this way, there is the greatest possibility to catch that kid!"

"We have plenty of time to spend with that kid. Once we catch that kid and kill him, we will not only get his leapfrog challenge skills, but also return to your father with his head."

"Your father must have been furious when he learned that the Second Young Master had been killed, but at this time the murderer was caught by the Eldest Young Master. This old slave thought, the Patriarch will definitely appoint the Eldest Young Master as the Young Master!"

"In addition, Eldest Young Master, you should send someone to go back and notify the Patriarch of the news of the Second Young Master's death as soon as possible, so that the Patriarch can send an army to the Abyss of Gods!"

Hearing this, Zhan Zuyun's eyes lit up, and he praised without hesitation: "Not bad, not bad, this can be said to kill two birds with one stone!"

"No, no, it should be a good thing to kill three birds with one stone. That kid killed the second child for me. Then, after I kill him, I can not only win the favor of my father, but also sit on the position of the young master, hahahaha!"

After laughing loudly, Zhan Zuyun looked at Fang Dong, and ordered: "Although you are an eighth-class earth god, you are stronger than the second child. How about this, you bring twenty-nine eighth-class earth gods, Search in the Abyss of God's Ominous!"

"My young master leads people to guard the exit of the gods' ominous abyss!"

Afterwards, Fang Dong and other thirty eighth-level gods released their spiritual consciousness to the extreme, and started a carpet-like search in the abyss of gods not far away.

And Zhan Zuyun led more than 290 people, piloted the Shenzhou, and flew towards the exit of the gods' fierce abyss...

at the same time.

Tan Yun, who was fleeing for his life, rode a Shenzhou and appeared above a huge waterfall in a valley.


Tan Yun drove the Shenzhou, drew an arc from the void, and got into the water curtain cave in the waterfall.

After Tan Yun arranged the sound-proof barrier, Shen Subing and others came out of nowhere from beside Tan Yun.

Tan Yun said with lingering fear: "You don't have to worry, we have successfully escaped."

Shen Subing said: "Husband, let's not look for cultivation resources for the time being. The cultivation resources in our hands are enough for us to advance to two small realms."

"After we are promoted, we will go out to search, or leave this place to find training resources in other gods."

"I'm worried that now that the other party has blocked the exit of the Gods' Ominous Abyss, they have sent someone to the Supreme God King City to inform Zhan Peng!"

The Zhan Peng that Shen Subing said was Patriarch Zhan. Now you have stepped into the realm of the god king!

Hearing this, Tan Yun nodded in agreement and said, "Su Bing, you are right."

"We should use the existing cultivation resources to quickly raise the realm, then leave the abyss of gods to avoid the limelight, and go to other places to continue looking for cultivation resources!"

At this moment, everyone in Tan Yun knew that they could not return to the secret place deep in the abyss of the gods, because there were no cultivation resources in the secret place.

Although I and others can avoid danger by entering the secret ground, it is difficult for myself and others to improve their strength without cultivation resources.

What's more, if Zhan Peng learned of his son's death, he personally descended into the abyss of the gods. He was in the secret place at that time, and he was undoubtedly seeking his own death.

Tan Yun understands even more that even though the enemy doesn't know his appearance, if he encounters him and uses the soul search technique, the fact that he killed Zhan Zutian will definitely be revealed!

Thinking about this, Tan Yun looked at the crowd and said, "I don't need the top-grade human pill in our hands now, I'll give it to you."

"Taking one Divine Human Fruit is equivalent to the efficacy of a hundred top-grade Human Divine Pills. Now that we have divided them, we will retreat and practice immediately!"

"With the help of a divine fruit, our cultivation speed can increase by more than a hundred times."

"This place is quite far from the Supreme God King City, we must raise our realm and leave the abyss of gods before the army arrives!"

After saying that, Tan Yun sacrificed the Lingxiao God Tower, distributed the Human God Fruit and the Human God Pill to everyone, and entered the God Tower with everyone to practice in seclusion!

In the forty-eight-story divine tower, Tan Yun sat cross-legged, and the Human God Fruit was suspended in front of Tan Yun. As it was refined, surges of surging divine essence gushed out of the Human God Fruit, like torrents in the air. Flooded into Tan Yun Lingchi...

Time flies like a shuttle, and it will never return.

Two years later, Zhan Zuyun led his subordinates to the exit of the gods' fierce abyss, and then sent people to rush to the distant Supreme God King City.

Afterwards, Zhan Zuyun hummed a ditty, and began to plan to sit on the sidelines...

The four seasons alternate, and seven years have passed in a short time. Nine years have passed since Tan Yun retreated to the outside world!

Nine years in the outside world, based on the calculation of a hundred years in the Lingxiao Tower in the outside world, Tan Yun and others have spent a long 328,500 years!

During the time in the tower, Tan Yun's cultivation speed increased by more than one hundred times under the premise of refining the human god fruit. As early as 140,000 years ago, he condensed the fifth Hongmeng human god embryo, which was promoted to five Waiting for God!

During these 140,000 years of cultivation, Tan Yun has vaguely touched the barrier of the sixth class of human gods!

He is racing against time to practice!

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