Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1552 Are you Jing Yun too?

Chapter 1552 Are you Jing Yun too?

After half an hour.

Shen Subing, Tantai Xian'er, Nangong Yuqin, seven Tan Yun's wives, two fiancees, Ziyan, Suzhen, Zhenji and other women stepped out of the gate of the women's barracks together.

Especially Tan Yun's wives and fiancees, who have obviously been well-dressed, are becoming more and more charming at the moment.

Their beauty makes the moonlight dim!

Their beauty spread among the women's barracks after only half a day in the barracks. Everyone knew that among the women who joined the army this time, there were more than a dozen stunning beauties!

Gongsun Ruoxi laughed and said, "Sister Shen, what surprise do you think your husband will give us?"

Shen Subing smiled and said, "How would I know?"

At this time, Xue Ziyan said carelessly: "Tsk tsk, I didn't expect my brother-in-law to become romantic, and I want to surprise you."

All the girls, Yingying and Yanyan, chatting and laughing, entered the square market, and suddenly, the men and women in the square city exclaimed:

"Wow! What beautiful women! They are all first-class gods, are they new here?"

"Yes! It's so beautiful, everyone is envious!"


At this moment, the girls of Shen Subing are undoubtedly the most beautiful scenery in the military camp.

Facing everyone's eyes, Shen Subing and others seemed very calm.

At this time, a rather handsome man in a white robe blocked the way of the women, and behind him were twenty young people.

The white-robed young man clasped his fists politely and said, "My lord, Liang Lu, the seven-star soldier, it's an honor to meet you all."

"I can't help but want to chant a poem and give it to all the beauties."

"since ancient times……"

Xue Ziyan suddenly poked her waist, glanced at Liang Lu, and said bluntly: "Since ancient times, what? Get out of my way, do we know you?"

"Give us poems? Disgusting!"

Facing Xue Ziyan's scolding, without waiting for Liang Lu to speak, the twenty men behind him immediately looked at Xue Ziyan and were furious:

"How dare you call us Boss Liang! What are you!"


With the scolding voices from the younger brothers lingering in his ears, Liang Lu waved his hands politely as before, signaling the younger brothers to be quiet.

Liang Lu clasped his fists at Xue Ziyan and said, "This lady has a personality, I like it very much, are you new here?"

Xue Ziyan laughed suddenly, "That's right, I'm new here, what's the matter? Also, I don't need you to like me, good dogs don't get in the way, let me get out of the way."

"You called me a dog?" The smile on Liang Lu's face disappeared.

Xue Ziyan sneered: "You have something wrong!"

"Fuck, you are shameless!" Liang Lu's face turned cold.

"Is it reasonable for you to block my mother's way?" Xue Ziyan looked at Liang Lu in disgust, and suddenly raised her palm and slapped it on Liang Lu's face!


In the turmoil of the void, Liang Lu clenched his right fist, and smashed towards Xue Ziyan's right palm!


The moment the fists and palms met, a vortex of divine power exploded, causing the surrounding void to collapse!

"Thump, thump, thump!"

Xue Ziyan took three steps back before she stood still, but Liang Lu didn't move at all!

There was a hint of surprise in Xue Ziyan's beautiful eyes, and she sent a voice transmission to Shen Subing and others: "This person has the strength to leapfrog to challenge the Nine-Star God Soldiers!"

From Xue Ziyan's point of view, just now, her own palm was enough to severely injure an ordinary six-star soldier, but in the end, she was at a disadvantage.

"Smelly bitch, you are shameless and want to hit me, do you know who I am!" Liang Lu's eyes were gloomy, and the violent breath of the sixth-level god suddenly filled his body, glaring at Xue Ziyan, "Tonight as long as you Stay with me for one night, make me happy, and I will forgive you!"

"Otherwise, I want you to look good!"

Hearing this, without waiting for Xue Ziyan to open her mouth, Shen Su said as coldly as ice: "Shut your stinky mouth!"

"Hey, little girl, you..." Without waiting for Liang Lu's words, Shen Subing turned into an afterimage and shot towards Liang Lu!

"Sister Shen, he humiliated me and asked me to come in person!" When Xue Ziyan's voice sounded, the power of the Five Elements Celestial God filled his body!

Like a colorful goddess under the night sky, she swung a palm at Liang Lu!

"Overestimate your own strength!" Liang Lu also turned his palms together, and with the shattered void, he hit Xue Ziyan's right palm heavily!

"So strong!" With an exclamation, Liang Lu was sent flying hundreds of feet by Xue Ziyan's palm!

But Xue Ziyan didn't move at all!


At this time, Shen Subing had already appeared in front of Liang Lu, she flipped her jade hand and slapped Liang Lu's chest!


Liang Lu turned his right palm into a fist, and with all his strength, blasted at Shen Subing's palm!



"Who are you guys? Why are the strengths of leapfrog challenges so tyrannical!"

With the clear sound of bone cracking and Liang Lu's terrified screams, Liang Lu's fist skin exploded, and the bone in his right arm could not bear the force of Shen Subing's palm and broke. The bloody bone pierced the skin of his right arm. Creepy!


Amidst the dust, Liang Lu slammed heavily on the street, looking at Shen Subing with horror!

At this moment, Liang Lu's twenty younger brothers looked at Shen Subing, their legs trembling uncontrollably!

And at this moment, the onlookers looked at Shen Subing with shock and admiration in their eyes!

They never imagined that this unbelievably beautiful girl in a golden skirt would be so powerful!

Shen Subing ignored everyone's gaze, and said coldly: "This taking power should be a lesson for you!"

"Also, you should be glad that you met me instead of my husband. If my husband is here, it won't be as simple as crippling your arm!"

After saying that, Shen Subing looked back at the girls, smiled and said: "Let's go."

When Shen Subing led the girls out of everyone's sight, everyone's minds were vaguely haunted by Shen Subing's words just now!

Everyone is confused, who is Shen Subing's husband?

After Liang Lu got up from the ground, he looked at the crowd and roared, "Get out of here!"

Everyone clearly knew that Liang Lu had a background that he and others could not offend. Facing Liang Lu's curse, no one dared to fight back, like a flock of frightened birds, they immediately ran away!

Liang Lu sternly said to the twenty subordinates: "I'll go back to the military camp to heal my wounds first, and you should investigate for me immediately, who are the names of those women just now!"

"And do they have backgrounds? Who is the husband that the girl in the golden skirt is talking about!"

"Tell me immediately after you find out!"

Hearing this, the twenty subordinates responded and turned into beams of light, soaring into the sky and flying towards the women's barracks...

at the same time.

Tan Yun, Ouyang Duantian and others, and Bai Xu came to the gate of the women's barracks.

The one-star goddess soldier guarding the women's barracks looked at Bai Xu, and immediately said with great respect, "Second young master, hello, who are you looking for?"

Bai Xu smiled and said, "I am accompanying my brother to find someone."

Tan Yun took a step forward, cupped his fists and said, "My name is Jing Yun, and my wife's name is Shen Subing. Please tell my wife to bring Xian'er and the others out..."

Without waiting for Tan Yun's words, the woman asked in confusion: "Are you Jing Yun too? Are you looking for Shen Subing and the others?"

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