Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1565 Excited!

Chapter 1565 Excited!

Hearing this, Tan Yun slowly clenched his fists, and thought to himself, "No matter what, I will win the nine titles of God of War!"

"In this way, I can propose nine desired rewards!"

At this time, King Bai Cheng said lightly: "Commander Fang, next, you will host it!"

Hearing this, one of the three old men stood up and bowed at the seat of the fifth-floor shrine, "I obey."

The old man's name is: Fang Sheng, he is one of the three commanders.

Fang Sheng looked around at the 30 billion divine soldiers of thousands of races, and said in a confident voice: "Next, this commander will briefly introduce the rules of the battle of the one-star soldier gods."

"The battle of the one-star soldier god is divided into two parts."

"First, when the battle of the God of War begins, this commander will activate the invisible aura in the one-star battlefield."

"This invisible aura has a power comparable to the attack of the Seven Star Divine Weapon. If it cannot bear it and is knocked into the air, it will be considered eliminated."

"The one who can withstand or fight back without falling down will win the first round."

"All one-star soldiers must remember, if you don't have the strength to leapfrog to challenge the seven-star soldiers, don't enter the one-star battlefield lightly, so as not to lose your life."

"The winner of the first round will enter the second round of duels, until the last one wins and becomes a one-star warrior!"

"If you become a one-star soldier god, you will have the only qualification to challenge the two-star soldier god!"

"That is to say, the one-star soldier god born today can challenge the two-star soldier god after the two-star soldier god is born tomorrow!"

"If you win the challenge, you will be honored. You will be not only a one-star warrior god, but also a two-star warrior god!"

"The Commander-in-Chief has finished speaking, the magic soldiers who want to participate in the first round of knockout rounds can enter the one-star battlefield!"

As soon as the words fell, a celebrity race one-star soldier and countless other race one-star warriors rose into the sky and landed in the huge one-star battlefield.

Among them, there are tens of thousands of one-star warriors of the human race, and more than 8,000 one-star warriors of other races!

Among the more than 18,000 one-star soldiers, many of them have the strength to leapfrog to challenge the six-star soldiers, but more are difficult to resist the strength of the seven-star soldiers!

However, in order to challenge the supreme glory of the one-star soldier god, they had to give it a go!

"Husband, we will not participate." Shen Subing said via voice transmission: "We will not be your opponent in the end."

"Husband, perform well, this is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Tan Yun sent a voice transmission to Shen Subing: "Well, don't worry, I won't let you down."

At this time, Bai Xu patted Tan Yun's shoulder heavily, "Good brother, come on!"

"Yeah." Tan Yun smiled slightly, and flew into the One Star Battlefield in the air.

At this time, Bai Xu looked at Bai Feng who was frowning in the seat of the divine tower, and said via voice transmission: "Father, you should pay more attention to my brother Jing Yun, he will definitely not let you down."

Bai Feng nodded, looking down at the imposing Tan Yun in the One Star Battlefield.

At this time, the great general Bai Yun looked sideways at Bai Feng, with an unconcealable sarcasm in his eyes, "Sixth brother! There are quite a few people who went up, do you think your subordinates will be able to give birth this time?" Famous soldier god?"

Without waiting for Bai Feng to open his mouth, the second son, Bai Zhi, said with a smirk: "Brother, you can ask this question, don't you embarrass the sixth brother?"

"Sixth Brother's subordinates have been under him for three thousand years, and there has never been a God of War. This time there must be no more, hehehehe!"

Faced with the eldest brother and second brother's insult, Bai Feng's anger can be imagined.

Bai Feng said coldly: "Don't bother the two elder brothers to worry about it."

After saying that, Bai Feng no longer paid any attention to his brothers.

At this time, on the five-story tower, Commander Fang Sheng looked down at the more than 18,000 divine soldiers in the One Star Battlefield, and an old voice sounded, "Life and death are at stake, and we should cherish them."

"The commander-in-chief only asks once. It's still too late for you to choose to quit. Can anyone quit?"

At this time, a goddess soldier pursed her red lips, "I quit."

After saying that, the woman flew away from the One Star Battlefield.

"Others, if you don't quit, then the Commander will start the One-Star Battlefield." After Commander Fang Sheng said, with a light flick of his right arm, a round token flew out from the sleeve of his robe and shot down into the sky. Into the eye of the formation in the center of the One Star Battlefield.


Suddenly, in the violent tremor of the void, a skyscraper light curtain emerged above the huge one-star battlefield, covering the entire battlefield!

Immediately afterwards, Tan Yun's pupils shrank slightly, and he felt an invisible aura emanating from the battlefield.


"Boom, boom—"

In an instant, the void above the One Star Battlefield collapsed one after another, and waves of energy storms with a thickness of one hundred feet and a length of three thousand feet rushed towards Tan Yun and others!

Every energy storm is comparable to a powerful blow from a seven-star soldier!

More than 18,000 energy storms locked each of the one-star soldiers in the battlefield, making it impossible for Tan Yun and others to escape, so they had to fight back!


A divine soldier with a height of hundreds of feet and the body of a bull's head sacrificed a huge axe, circulated the power of the gods in his body, poured into the axe, and slashed towards the thundering energy storm!

The moment he hit the ability storm, he let out a scream. He felt the giant ax as if it was hitting an extremely hard object. The powerful impact made him throw the giant ax out of his hand!

And his body of hundreds of feet, after being swallowed by the energy storm, spewed blood from the mouth, and his hill-like body was knocked into the air and fell ten thousand feet away!

Covered in blood, bruised and bruised, horrible to look at, life or death unknown!

at the same time.



"Hahahaha, I resisted, I succeeded!"

"I also held on, I was not eliminated, I can enter the second round!"


All of a sudden, in the huge one-star battlefield, the sounds of fear, pain, cries for help, excitement, excitement, and excitement can be heard endlessly.

In the eyes of everyone, there are hundreds of magic soldiers on the one-star battlefield. Their entire bodies cannot withstand the attack of the energy storm, and they turned into blood mist, leaving no bones left!

"Plop plop—"

"Puff puff--"

The blood stained the void, and more than 10,000 magic soldiers, some were injured, some lost their arms and legs;

The howling of pain is creepy!

At this moment, in the eyes of Shen Subing and others, Tan Yunang watched the energy storm crashing down in the One Star Battlefield filled with blood mist, with a calm expression!

"Huh?" The great general Bai Feng, who had been listening to his son and paid special attention to Tan Yun, frowned.

When Bai Feng thought that it was too late for Tan Yun to react and attack, what happened next made Bai Feng extremely excited!

I saw that Tan Yun carried his left hand on his back, swung his right fist lightly, and blasted towards the ability storm!

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