Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1568 So Scary!

Chapter 1568 So scary!

Zhu Chuanshu was convinced, he clearly realized that Tan Yun hadn't displayed his true strength at all!

At this moment, in Zhu Chuan's heart, Tan Yun is like an insurmountable mountain, which makes him stop at sight, and also like a mysterious deep sea, which makes him feel small and unable to see through Tan Yun!

But there is one thing that he is very clear about, that is, if the other party wants his own life, it is undoubtedly as simple as taking something out of a bag.

Tan Yun clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Brother Zhu, for your kind words. I will do my best in the next duel."

"Brother Jing, farewell." After Zhu Chuan left a sentence, he flew down into the void and returned to his barracks.

"Wow, that's great!" Bai Xu laughed heartily. In that way, it was as if he had won.

On the other hand, Tan Yun's wife and confidantes looked at Tan Yun without any disturbance in their eyes.

Because in the hearts of all the girls, it is inevitable for Tan Yun to win...

Afterwards, Tan Yunfei landed on platform No. 5, sat on the floor, closed his eyes and concentrated.

A moment later, on the high platform No. 10, a soldier of the ice wolf protoss: Nie Wang, after easily defeating his opponent, looked back at Tan Yun with disdain in his eyes!

Nie Wang is a member of the great general Bai Lie, and he is a one-star soldier that the great general Bai Lie is very optimistic about.

"Nie Fan, how are you doing? Are you sure you can defeat Jing Yun?" At this moment, the questioning voice of Great General Bai Lie rang out from Nie Fan's mind.

Nie Wang was shocked, and said respectfully through voice transmission: "Don't worry, your subordinates will definitely defeat him!"

"Mm." Master Bai Lie said in a voice transmission with satisfaction: "This master will take good care of you."

Just as Bai Lie was transmitting the sound, on the No. 3 high platform, a purple-clothed girl who was all over the country defeated her opponent calmly.

From the beginning to the end, she did not reveal her weapon!

At this moment, Commander Su Ben, one of the three commanders on the five-story tower, dotingly looked down at the purple-clothed girl, and said via voice transmission: "Xiaoxuan, according to Grandpa, your biggest opponent is not Jing Yun, but the ice wolf." Nie Wang, a boy from the Protoss."

"Next, you should be careful when you meet two people, especially Nie Fan. Grandpa believes that the winner of the one-star soldier god is either you or Nie Fan."

The girl in purple smiled all over the city, and said via voice transmission: "Grandpa, don't worry, my granddaughter will not embarrass you, a commander of the god king level. Since my granddaughter has joined the army, then this one-star soldier god belongs to my granddaughter."

"Not only that, the titles of two-star soldier god and three-star soldier god will be given to my granddaughter!"

"Hehehehe." Commander Su Ben smiled and said: "You have ideals. Grandpa believes in you. However, it doesn't matter even if you lose. Grandpa doesn't agree with you joining the army. You have to come to experience the life in the military camp. "

In the next hour or so, the fierce battles in other high platforms ended one after another.

Among the fifteen winners, three of them had to give up their qualifications to enter the next round due to serious injuries. Now there are only twelve people left, including Tan Yun, Su Yuxuan, and Nie Wang.

At this time, on the fifth floor of the God Tower, Commander Fang Sheng changed his normal routine, looked down at the twelve Tan Yun people, stroked their beards and smiled and said: "Congratulations, little guys, entering the fifth round of twelve and six."

"I have to say that the commander-in-chief admires Su Yuxuan, Jing Yun, and Nie Wang very much. From the beginning to the end, you have never used weapons, nor have you displayed your true strength."

"The commander-in-chief looks forward to your next performance."

"Okay, let's get down to business, and now we will hold the fifth match, a twelve-in-six duel!"

After finishing speaking, Commander Fang Sheng released the light curtain of divine power again, and the twelve chose their opponents to end.

Tan Yunpiao climbed onto the No. 1 high platform, and his opponent was a young man from the Flying God Leopard family who was riddled with scars.

The opponents of Su Yuxuan and Nie Wang also suffered injuries to varying degrees in the previous duel.

Facing Su Yuxuan and Nie Wang, the two opponents arched their bodies with wry smiles, chose to retreat without fighting, and flew down the high platform.

At this moment, on the No. 1 high platform, Tan Yun in a purple robe looked at the blood-soaked young man, and when he was about to speak, the scarred young man showed a green and fierce look, "I am bound to become a one-star soldier god!" , Those who stand in my way will die!"

Flying panthers are ferocious and competitive by nature.

And Tan Yun knew that the blood of the Flying Panthers had a physique that other races did not have!

The more powerful they encounter, the more passionate they will be, and the blood in their bodies will endow them with violent energy to fight against their opponents!

After learning about the characteristics of the flying panthers, Tan Yun was not angry because of the young man's words, because it is their nature to be competitive.

But what made Tan Yun really angry was that the young man saw that Tan Yun was indifferent, and cursed through sound transmission: "You motherfucker, since you don't roll off the high platform, then I will tear you apart!"

After insulting Tan Yun, the young man's size suddenly swelled, and in an instant he turned into a flying leopard with a height of more than two hundred feet and a length of more than two hundred feet!

The reason why they are called Flying Panthers is because their speed far exceeds the speed that they should have in their own realm!

And their bones are surprisingly hard! And the bone hardness of this Flying Divine Leopard Soldier is already comparable to that of a fifth-order low-grade artifact!

Even Tan Yun, who has cultivated the Primordial Hegemony, can only crush a fourth-order top-grade artifact with a single punch. This shows how powerful the Flying God Leopard is.

Fast speed, hard bones, and strong and sharp claws are the biggest support for this flying panther soldier to confidently defeat and even kill Tan Yun!

"Roar!" With a loud roar, the blood in Flying Panther's body completely boiled, and as the blood in his body opened, a tyrannical aura diffused out!

Feeling this aura, Commander Su Ben twitched his white eyebrows on the fifth floor of the God Tower, and thought to himself: "Good guy, this little guy has all twelve blood vessels in his body activated!"

"It's the commander-in-chief who just missed it!"

When Commander Su Ben was surprised, the other two commanders, as well as King Bai Cheng on the sixth-floor tower, were also very optimistic about the Flying God Leopard!

They believed that the strength of the Flying Divine Leopard was enough to kill the Nine-Star Divine Soldier!

"Jing Yun, don't be careless!" At this moment, Grand Master Bai Feng couldn't sit still anymore, he hurriedly warned through sound transmission.

Tan Yun still calmly transmitted the sound to General Baifeng, "General, you don't have to worry. Your subordinates know the Flying Panther well, so we don't have any pressure to deal with it."

Hearing this, Master Bai Feng's face was a little displeased, he felt that Tan Yun was a little arrogant.

But the scene that happened after that made Master Bai Feng feel deeply shocked!


With a terrifying roar, the flying leopard was as fast as lightning, swung its sharp claws, and shrouded the tiny Tan Yun below!

"What a fast speed!" Master Baifeng thought to himself, but Tan Yun drew an arc from the low sky and appeared on the left side of the flying leopard. Face to face!


With a loud noise, the fur on the face of the Flying Panther exploded, revealing dense white bones, and its huge body was kicked by Tan Yun, violently flying tens of thousands of feet!

"Is this kid a man or a beast? The power is so terrifying!" The Great Master Bai Feng was shocked!

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