Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1571 First time!

Chapter 1571: The first time!

"Canggu Meteor Sword Art!"

Su Yuxuan opened her teeth lightly, and when the sound of the sounds of nature sounded, her graceful body disappeared in place, and appeared in the sky above the No. 1 high platform in an instant.

While her black hair was dancing, her left hand formed a seal on her chest, and her right hand held a sword. As her wrist swung at high speed, a sword glow of ancient god power suddenly appeared in the sky on No. 1!

Immediately afterwards, the second, third...

In the blink of an eye, Su Yuxuan danced out a thousand swords, a thousand bright sword lights, like shooting stars, circled around her delicate body with bumps and convexes, and brought voids that collapsed one after another, like one after another containing the power of destroying the sky and destroying the sky. A meteor with earth-like power descended overwhelmingly towards Tan Yun!

There was a smile on the corner of Tan Yun's mouth, he stood with his hands behind his back, and his figure shone like a stroll on a high platform!

Tan Yun's steps are nimble and mysterious, and when it seems that he is about to be swallowed by the sword light again and again, he can always walk past the sword light gracefully.

In the eyes of the soldiers watching the battle, Tan Yun was never in danger, but in the eyes of all the generals, Tan Yun was not in danger.

Tan Yun, who was dressed in a purple robe, was chic and handsome in a dodge at this moment, attracting countless young girl warriors who were onlookers to look like nymphomaniacs.

On the sixth floor, God King Bai Cheng stared at Tan Yun, approvingly, and secretly said: "The steps are light, with mystery in the steps, soft in the mystery, and soft in the softness. This set of steps is enough. It can be seen that Jing Yun's understanding of Taoism is much higher than that of his peers."

"This kid is a bit interesting."

When King Bai Cheng was thinking secretly, Great Master Bai Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and gradually calmed down from being amazed by Tan Yun.

In his opinion, Tan Yun is the one-star warrior god...

"Wow!" Xue Ziyan raised her frail and boneless jade arm, looked at Tan Yun, her eyes were full of little stars, and shouted adoringly: "Brother-in-law, you are so handsome! Ziyan loves you so much!"

Tan Yun, who was dodging Su Yuxuan's attack, twitched the corner of his mouth violently.

And Shen Subing's daughters were amused by Xue Ziyan.

Shen Subing quietly transmitted voice to Tang Mengyao: "Sister Mengyao, you have the best relationship with Zi Yan, have you noticed that Zi Yan likes her husband?"

Tang Mengyan's stunning face was full of confusion, shook his head, and said via voice transmission: "I used to think that Ziyan had feelings for her husband, but later I didn't. I can't see through Ziyan's heart."

"Perhaps her love for her husband is hidden so deep that I can't touch it."


When Tang Mengyan and Shen Subing were transmitting voices, Su Yuxuan, who was above the No. 1 high platform, looked down at Tan Yun below, her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief!

She never thought that Tan Yun would escape all of her attacks unscathed, but he still looked contented.

This is undoubtedly a deep blow to her who is proud and arrogant!

She thinks that she is the proud daughter of heaven, and she doesn't pay attention to all the men in the world who are in the same realm as herself, but today when she looks at Tan Yun, she suddenly feels powerless.

"Miss, I don't believe that I can't defeat you!" Su Yuxuan yelled, a milky ancient god's power emerged from her body, like dragons, circling around her at a high speed!

"Canggu Meteor Sword Art - Eight Swords Kill!"

Su Yuxuan swooped down with the divine sword in her hand. Due to her high speed, her beautiful shadows appeared in all directions of Tan Yun almost at the same time, and killed Tan Yun with her eight swords from different tricky and deadly angles!

"It's such an exquisite sword art. If this girl hadn't met me, she would have become a one-star warrior god." While Tan Yun was thinking to himself, the violent power of the wind god exploded out of his body!

"Look, everyone, Su Yuxuan is forcing Jing Yun to fight back!"

"That's right! This is the first time Jing Yun has released the power of an attribute god!"


While everyone was discussing, Tan Yun still didn't fight back. Under the blessing of the power of the wind god, his speed suddenly increased sharply, like an erratic ghost, flashed out from the embattled situation, and stood in the air. Su Yuxuan is a thousand feet above the sky!

"How is it possible? He avoided it!" Su Yuxuan looked up at Tan Yun, and a storm arose in her heart.

How many favored sons of heaven who pursued her were defeated by her eight-sword lore, but she never thought that when she first came to the military camp, she would meet a man with such unfathomable strength!

"Yuxuan, you are no match for him, listen to grandpa and admit defeat." Commander Su Ben said kindly on the fifth floor of the God Tower.

"Admit defeat?" Su Yuxuan said angrily, "Unless he defeats me, I will never admit defeat!"

"Since I was young, I have never lost a duel with someone of the same level. I didn't before, and I won't do it today!"

Su Yuxuan withdrew her gaze, then looked up at Tan Yun, she was completely anxious, and blurted out, "Jing Yun, if you don't fight back or use your sword, you are not a man!"

"Pfft!" Tan Yun spat out a mouthful of saliva, and immediately his face darkened. The other party said so, if he didn't use his sword, would he still be a man?

"Okay!" Tan Yun said in a deep voice, "Miss Su, please enlighten me!"

As soon as the words fell, Tan Yun flipped his right hand, and the fifth-level low-grade divine sword with wind and thunder attributes came out of thin air!


In the violent turbulence of the void, Tan Yun didn't use any sword tactics, nor did he have any sword moves, but the speed of his dive suddenly increased sharply, and he slashed at Su Yuxuan!

Looking at Tan Yun who was swooping down, Su Yuxuan's beautiful eyes showed a look of panic from the depths of her heart, because she found that Tan Yun's speed was too fast, and she couldn't dodge too fast!

Only then did she realize that Tan Yun had always retained his strength before!

Looking down at Tan Yun, the high-level people on the tower suddenly shrank their pupils. They thought that Tan Yun, a one-star soldier, dodged Su Yuxuan's attack at the fastest speed before.

It wasn't until now that they discovered that Tan Yun was hiding his speed!

This is Tan Yun's real speed! Everyone thinks so!

As everyone knows, Tan Yun only played at less than 70% of his speed at this time!

Even so, Su Yuxuan couldn't dodge in time, so she had to retreat in a hurry, holding a sword to block when dodging!

In the eyes of everyone, when Tan Yun came to Su Yuxuan, suddenly, the right hand holding the sword swirled, and the divine sword slashed down, as fast as lightning, and pierced Su Yuxuan's eyebrows!

"Jing Yun, be merciful!" Commander Su Ben hurriedly shouted at the fifth-floor tower. Su Yuxuan, who couldn't dodge in time, looked at the point of the stabbing sword. At this moment, Tan Yun killed the mad bear soldier. , Scenes of flying panthers.

In an instant, her beautiful face paled, and her smooth forehead was covered with delicate cold sweat!


For the first time since childhood, Su Yuxuan felt that death was so close to her!


When Su Yuxuan was pale, the tip of Tan Yun's sword swam past her forehead, leaving her unscathed!

"Accept!" Tan Yun coolly withdrew his sword, cupped his fists facing Su Yuxuan, and floated off the No. 1 high platform before she could recover!

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