Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1573 It's Me!

Chapter 1573 It's none other than me!

In the midst of everyone's attention, the ice wolf uttered a hoarse voice of panic, "Ah! Your natal fire is so cold!"

"Forgive me...forgive me!"

Following the heart-piercing screams of the ice wolf, I saw that it met Tan Yun's wolf claws, and it quickly glowed with ice color!

That's right!

Its huge house-like wolf claws turned into ice!

Immediately afterwards, the primordial ice flame released cold air, spreading along the wolf's legs to the whole body of the ice wolf. During the breath, the huge body of the ice wolf turned into a lifelike ice sculpture from the void!

No breath!

In order to prevent everyone from seeing the power of the Primordial Ice Flame, Tan Yun only aroused 30% of the power of the Primordial Ice Flame!

If the power of the Primordial Ice Flame is fully released, at this moment, the ice wolf will not just turn into an ice sculpture, but will directly melt into the void!

At this time, Tan Yun's body spun in the air, slowly stretched out a finger, and suddenly pointed at the head of the ice wolf that had turned into an ice sculpture!


Immediately, cracks appeared on the head of the ice wolf, and the cracks spread rapidly towards the wolf's body. After three breaths, the ice sculpture was covered with cracks like spider webs.

With a sneer on Tan Yun's face, he stepped into the void step by step towards the high platform.

The moment Tan Yun stepped off the stage, the body of the ice wolf that had turned into an ice sculpture "cracked!" It shattered and turned into pieces of ice scum, scattered on the high platform!


The audience was dead silent!

Three hundred billion magic soldiers, never thought that Nie Wang, who had kept saying that he wanted to defeat Tan Yun before, would be so weak and vulnerable in front of Tan Yun!

After a brief silence, on the top of the tower, Master Bai Feng stood up and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, ahhahahaha!"

"Good boy, it turns out that your ice-attribute natal real fire is your trump card!"

"good, very good!"

At this time, all the generals under General Bai Feng looked at Tan Yun and nodded with satisfaction!

Great God Baifeng drove the 100 million soldiers under his command completely crazy with excitement:

"Great! Jing Yun of our barracks has become a one-star soldier god!"

"Woo...I'm so excited..."


When the god soldiers were excited, God King Bai Cheng on the tower looked down at Tan Yun, his cloudy eyes were full of approval.

On the other hand, Great General Bo Lie, thinking of himself just now, and saying that he firmly believes that Nie Wang can beat Tan Yun completely, at this moment, he suddenly felt that he was a clown, and felt the burning heat on his face!

"Hehehe, fifth brother admitted it." The great general Bai Feng still turned his head to Bai Lie, and said with a hidden knife in his smile.

"Hmph!" The great god Bai Lie snorted coldly with a livid face, and then sat on the seat, ignoring Bai Feng.

But at this time, the other two hundred great generals looked at Bai Feng with a different look, less contempt and more respect.

Because before, they believed that Bai Feng would lose the qualification to compete for the young commander because his subordinates could not produce soldiers.

But now that the one-star soldier god has been born, it means that Bai Feng still has the qualifications to compete for the young commander. Therefore, these great generals no longer dare to underestimate Bai Feng.

At this moment, among the goddess soldiers watching, Su Yuxuan's eyes on Tan Yun changed, with less resentment and more admiration.

She didn't realize until now that Tan Yun was indeed much stronger than herself.

She pursed her vermilion lips, and couldn't help but said via voice transmission: "Jing Yun, this is your real strength, right?"

Hearing this, Tan Yun, who stopped in the One Star Battlefield, turned his head slowly, looked at Su Yuxuan, and said via voice transmission: "It's sort of."

"That's right, what do you mean?" Su Yuxuan's beautiful eyes showed shock, and she said via voice transmission: "You mean that you haven't exerted your true strength yet?"

"Yeah." Tan Yun smiled slightly and said via voice transmission.

"Oh, I see, you are great." Su Yuxuan said via voice transmission.

"Thank you, Ms. Su, for your praise." Tan Yun said truthfully, "If I hadn't met me today, I think you would be a one-star warrior, and you are also very powerful."

At this moment, Commander Fang Sheng looked down at Tan Yun on the fifth-floor tower, nodded with satisfaction, and said with a dignified expression, "Now, Commander-in-Chief announces that the one-star soldier god is Jing Yun, the soldier under General Bai Feng!"

"Congratulations to the great general Baifeng, you won the first battle!"

Master Bai Feng got up and smiled, and after sitting down again, he sent a voice transmission to Bai Xu: "My good son, Jing Yun you met is very good!"

"Hey, of course!" Bai Xu grinned and said through voice transmission.

At this time, Commander Fang Sheng said with a smile: "Jing Yun, congratulations on becoming a one-star soldier god. Will you challenge a two-star soldier god tomorrow? I think many people here want to know this question."

Tan Yun said neither arrogant nor humble: "Reporting to Commander-in-Chief, the subordinates are still not sure yet. After the subordinates watch the battle tomorrow, they will decide whether to challenge or not."

"En." Commander Fang Sheng nodded, looked around at the 30 billion divine soldiers below, and said in a loud voice, "Today's one-star soldier god battle is officially over. Everyone, you can stay here to rest, or you can leave."

"At tomorrow's hour, the battle for the two-star soldier god will begin!"

It was said that some people left together, and most of them chose to wait here for one night.

Tan Yun soared into the sky from the One Star Battlefield and landed beside Shen Subing and the others.

"Husband, there are many people trying to harm you now, let's stay here for one night." Shen Subing said worriedly.

"Yes." After Tan Yun agreed, he sat cross-legged in the viewing area with the girls, Bai Xu, and Ouyang Duantian...

Three hours later, night fell.

Upstairs, Master Bai Feng looked at Tan Yun, who had a happy conversation with his youngest son, Bai Xu, and said through voice transmission with expectant eyes: "Jing Yun, can you be confident tomorrow, and get me a 2-star soldier god to come back?"

"If possible, I will reward you later!"

Hearing that there is still a big reward, Tan Yun regained his spirits immediately, and said via voice transmission: "Don't worry, the Great God, the two-star soldier god is mine!"

Master Bai Feng was taken aback for a moment, then, after nodding his head, he said via voice transmission: "Okay, bold, I like it!"

"Then I look forward to your performance tomorrow!"


The next day, Chen Shi.

Hundreds of thousands of two-star soldiers entered the battlefield to participate in the knockout round of the first round of the battle of two-star soldiers!

On the fifth-floor tower, Commander Fang Sheng looked down at everyone in the battlefield, with a solemn expression, and announced: "The first round of the knockout round begins!"

As soon as the words fell, the sky over the huge two-star battlefield was filled with shocking cracks in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, waves of powerful energy storms blasted towards a two-star soldier with a collapsed pitch-black void!


"Crack, click!"

"Bang bang—"

All of a sudden, there were screams, sounds of fear, and the sound of bones breaking. Thousands of two-star soldiers could not withstand the attack of the energy storm, and turned into blood mist and died on the spot!

"Plop plop—"

There are more than 20,000 magic soldiers, injured and thrown out of the two-star battlefield!

The remaining more than 12,000 soldiers of various races passed the assessment and successfully advanced to the second round of the two-two duel!

Until the final birth of the two-star soldier god!

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