Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1579: My Heart Has Been Made!

Chapter 1579 The mind has been decided!

At this time, Commander Fang Sheng stood up on the fifth-floor God Tower, "Now Commander-in-Chief announces that the four-star soldier god is Bai Wen, the daughter of Great Master Bai Zhi!"

At this moment, on the third floor of the God Tower, a great god stood up, faced Bai Zhi and smiled, "Congratulations."

"Congratulations, congratulations."


In the eyes of all the great generals, Tan Yun is definitely not Bai Wen's opponent, and they believe that Tan Yun will not expand enough to challenge the four-star soldier god!

Not only the great generals think so, but also Bai Zhi and Commander Fang Sheng.

Great General Bai Zhi stood up and looked at the group of great generals who congratulated him. He smiled from ear to ear, "Thank you very much."

Looking at Bai Zhi who was proud of the spring breeze, the great general Bai Feng looked very indifferent.

In Bai Feng's heart, the person he hates the most is his second elder brother, Bai Zhi. At this moment, he is very displeased to see Bai Zhi's frightened look.

Master Bai Zhi saw Bai Feng's expression from the corner of his eye, he turned his head slowly, and said with a smile: "Sixth brother, why are you in a bad mood?"

"Hmph, I know what to ask." Master Bai Feng snorted coldly, and ignored Bai Zhi.

Master Bai Zhi taunted the sound transmission: "Sixth Brother, Sixth Brother, isn't that Jing Yun quite capable of fighting? You asked him to challenge Bai Wen? Hahahaha!"

"Sixth Brother, so what if your subordinates get three titles of God of War? After all, they are only one-star, two-star, and three-star God of War!"

"My righteous daughter won the four-star soldier god, and with Ya'er's strength, she will definitely win the glory of the seven-star soldier god!"

"I have two daughters, one is a four-star soldier god and the other is a seven-star soldier god. My status in my father's heart is much higher than yours!"

After the ridicule, the Great Master Bai Zhi ignored Bai Feng, but looked up at the King Bai Cheng on the sixth floor of the tower, and said respectfully: "Father, you said that Ruo Wen'er became a four-star soldier god , do you think her granddaughter is real?"

"Of course it's true." The Divine King Bai Cheng stood up slowly, looked down at the excited Bai Wen on the high platform, and said, "This Divine King announces that from now on Bai Wen is the grandson of this Divine King..."

Before the word "female" fell, suddenly, an untimely voice sounded, "My lord, wait a moment, my subordinates have something to say."

"Huh?" Bai Chengshen Wang Baimei twitched, followed the prestige, and saw Tan Yunzheng looking at him respectfully.

Tan Yun's words immediately aroused whispered discussions among the crowd:

"Huh? What's the situation? Jing Yun interrupted the Grand Commander at this moment, what are you going to do?"

"In my opinion, there is only one possibility, and it is probably to challenge Bai Wen?"

"Challenge Bai Wen? Are you kidding me! We all saw the performance of Jing Yun and his opponent before. They are obviously much weaker than Bai Wen. Unless Jing Yun's brain is flooded, he will challenge Bai Wen!"

"Well, this brother is right. I think Jing Yun has other things to say. Anyway, he doesn't want to challenge Bai Wen."


The Divine King Bai Cheng was not angry because Tan Yun interrupted him, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that the Divine King Bai Cheng still admired Tan Yun very much.

"Little guy, what's the matter?" King Bai Cheng asked.

Tan Yun was respectful, and said loudly: "Whether Bai Wen is a four-star soldier god, it is hard to say now, unless she can defeat her subordinates."

"This subordinate wants to challenge her!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar:

"What? Did I hear wrongly, Jing Yun really wants to challenge the four-star soldier god!"

"Yes! Who gave him the courage? I think he was dazzled by the glory he got! How could he be Bai Wen's opponent?"

"I don't agree with what you said, have you forgotten? In the battle of the God of War a hundred years ago, Xiao Shihan, the proud daughter of heaven, swept her opponents one after another with a first-class god. In the end, although she was seriously injured, she still Defeated the four-star soldier god, and became the only one in our Bai family army to win the four-star soldier god myth with the strength of a one-star soldier since ancient times!"

"Brother, wake up! You also said that it is a myth created by Xiao Shihan. How can Jing Yun be compared with her?"


At this moment, there are all kinds of whispering voices.

Upstairs, Master Bai Feng stood up abruptly, "Jing Yun, don't be willful!"

"Hey, sixth brother, how can you scold Jing Yun?" Bai Zhi said with a smile, "Since Jing Yun wants to challenge Bai Wen, he should be fulfilled."

Perhaps Bai Feng was too worried about being impulsive, he looked sideways at Bai Zhi, and said in a deep voice: "Second Brother, in front of so many people, Sixth Brother didn't want to say the next thing at all!"

"But you have repeatedly provoked me, so I have to say! Don't you just want Jing Yun to challenge me, and then let your righteous daughter attack him?"

Hearing this, Bai Zhi pretended to be innocent, "Sixth brother, how can you say that about second brother?"

"That's enough, all of you shut up!" Following the stern voice of King Bai Cheng, Bai Zhi and Bai Feng stopped talking.

Immediately, King Bai Cheng looked down at Tan Yun and asked, "You said you wanted to challenge Bai Wen?"

"Yes, Commander." Tan Yun paused and said, "This subordinate wants to challenge her!"

At this time, God Bai Feng will send a voice transmission to Tan Yun: "Jing Yun, are you crazy? This Bai Wen not only has the attribute of death, but also the attribute of light. She is extremely talented and ruthless. You challenge her. Looking for a way to die!"

Tan Yun voice transmission said calmly: "My lord, you don't have to worry, your subordinates do things in their own way."

"This subordinate can see from Bai Wen's eyes that she has murderous intentions towards her. This subordinate just wants to know, if this subordinate kills her, will he be able to vent his anger on you?"

Hearing this, Master Bai Feng was taken aback for a moment, he couldn't see through Tan Yun, and said via voice transmission: "If you can kill her, of course you will be angry for me. However, my subordinates managed to get out of your way." A god-defying soldier, I don't want to watch you die."

"And Xu'er, who treats you like a brother, I don't think he wants you to take risks."

"Jing Yun, answer me truthfully, what chances do you have that you can defeat Bai Wen, and how sure are you that you can kill her?"

Tan Yun said arrogantly through voice transmission: "This subordinate has a 100% chance of defeating Bai Wen, and naturally has a 100% chance of killing her!"

"You can rest assured that not only the four-star soldier god is subordinate, but also the five-star soldier god tomorrow, and no one can take it away!"

Hearing Tan Yun's voice, it was a lie that Bai Feng was not excited, but more importantly, he was full of doubts about Tan Yun's words.

He hid his doubts deeply, and Transsion encouraged him: "Okay, you have ambition, I believe in you, and I look forward to your next performance!"

At this moment, Commander Fang Sheng looked down at Tan Yun with a frown and said: "Little guy, what you are doing is very risky! You must know that since ancient times, in the countless battles of the gods of war in the Bai family army, only A hundred years ago, Xiao Shihan, the proud daughter of heaven, won the honor of one to four-star soldier god at the same time."

"You have to be careful!"

From the words of Commander Fang Sheng, it was not difficult for everyone to see that he valued Tan Yun very much.

Tan Yun clasped his fists and bowed: "Commander, this junior has made up his mind, please announce it!"

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