Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1587 Will Tan Yun lose?

Chapter 1587 Will Tan Yun lose?

This scene exceeded everyone's expectations!

King Bai Cheng was furious, "Presumptuous! It's unreasonable!"

Master Bai Feng shouted anxiously: "Jing Yun be careful!"


Feeling the blasting sound of airflow behind him, when the Excalibur was about to stab the back of Tan Yun's head, what happened next stunned everyone present!

But Tan Yun turned his head abruptly without looking back, and the moment he dodged the thrusting divine sword, he raised his right hand high and stretched out two fingers, firmly clamping the blade of the divine sword!

Just when everyone secretly thought that Tan Yun had a quick reaction, a shocking scene happened!

I saw Tan Yun still not turning his head and said in a deep voice: "The thing I hate the most in my life is the villain who sneaks up behind me!"

"If you were not the granddaughter of the Grand Commander, Boya, your current fate would be like this sword!"

As soon as the words fell, Tan Yun's two fingers suddenly exerted force, "Crack!" With a crisp sound, the magic sword held by his fingers broke in response!

On the fifth floor of the God Tower, Commander Su Ben, who is extremely knowledgeable in weapon skills, showed disbelief in his cloudy eyes, "Jing Yun is so powerful, and Boyana Excalibur is a top-tier fourth-order artifact!"

Commander Su Ben was shocked!

It was hard for him to believe that Tan Yun, the first-class god, could actually pinch off the fourth-order top-quality sword with just two fingers!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it at all!

At this time, among the crowd watching the battle, Su Yuxuan, who was ashamed of the closed moon, widened her beautiful eyes, opened her white teeth lightly, and said in a trembling voice: "Grandpa, you said that the divine sword destroyed by Jing Yun is a fourth-order top-grade artifact? "

"Well, it's absolutely true." Commander Su Ben said affirmatively, "Grandpa can't be mistaken."

The words of the grandfather and grandson were like a blockbuster, which caused an uproar among the crowd:

"So this is Jing Yun's true strength! Oh my god! Two fingers can destroy a fourth-order top-grade sword, Jing Yun is really powerful!"

"It's not that powerful, but it's too powerful!"

"Yeah! Even if I saw it with my own eyes, I still can't believe it's real!"


When the god soldiers exclaimed, King Bocheng looked down at Tan Yun, laughed for the first time, got up and praised in public: "Good, very good, very good!"

But at this moment, Boya on the high platform was still in fear of Tan Yun. Looking at Tan Yun's back, she felt ashamed.

Tan Yun still didn't turn his head to look at Boya, and after scolding him, he flew down the high platform.

After King Bai Cheng praised Tan Yun, the smile on his wrinkled old face faded, and he looked down at Bai Ya on the high platform with extreme displeasure, and said in a deep voice, "You bastard! You kept saying that you wanted to kill Jing Yun, but he snatched the sword and turned back!" system."

"In the end, they left you unscathed, but you still shamelessly attacked me. You have completely embarrassed my Bai family!"

Facing the reprimand, after recovering from the reprimand, Boya immediately knelt down and said tremblingly, "Grandpa calm down, it was just that granddaughter was in a hurry..."

"Okay, I don't want to listen to you." Bai Chengshen Wang said coldly: "If there is a next time, I will never forgive you lightly!"

"Thank you grandpa for your kindness. My granddaughter knows her mistake, and she will never dare again." Boya kowtowed.

"Hmph." After a cold snort, King Bai Cheng took his seat and said, "Commander Fang, continue."

"It's the commander-in-chief." After Commander Fang Sheng took the order, he stood up, and the old voice containing excitement was clearly heard in everyone's ears:

"Now the commander-in-chief announces that Jing Yun successfully challenged Boya, the God of Seven-Star Soldiers, and became the real God of Seven-Star Soldiers, once again creating a miracle for our Bai Family Army!"

"As we all know, our Bai family army is in a weak position in the army led by hundreds of god kings. However, this commander firmly believes that our Bai family army, under the leadership of the great commander, will be like Jing Yun in the future when we fight against the demons outside the territory. The same, step by step, make miracles repeatedly!"

Hearing this, a tsunami-like excitement sounded from the crowd.

"Quiet." Commander Fang Sheng waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, then looked down at Tan Yun and smiled kindly, "Jing Yun, do you want to continue the challenge?"

Tan Yun puffed out his chest, and said neither arrogant nor humble: "This subordinate challenges!"

"Okay!" Fang Sheng's commander-in-chief Lang Lang's voice sounded, "Now the commander-in-chief announces that next, Jing Yun will challenge the eight-star soldier god Bai Ying!"

"Whoosh whoosh—"

The imposing Bai Ying came from the void, and after a few flashes of his figure, he flew down on the high platform gracefully.

Bai Ying flipped his right hand, and a magical stick with wind and thunder attributes and flowing thunder and light appeared in his hand. He swung the magic stick suddenly, pointed at Tan Yun aggressively, and said in a deep voice:

"Jing Yun, as long as I, Bai Ying, are here, you will never become an eight-star warrior!"

Thinking of Baiying's attempt to molest his wife in Junzhongfang City, Tan Yun's expression was so indifferent that it was frightening, "Today I will let you know that there are people out there who are beyond others, and let you realize how ignorant you are!"

As he said that, Tan Yun took a light step, crossed hundreds of thousands of feet of space, and appeared on the high platform!

Bai Ying squinted at Tan Yun, "I want to see if your strength is as crazy as your mouth!"

"Wind and Thunder Battle Body!"

In an instant, Bai Ying's body soared to three hundred feet, and the magic stick in his hand also skyrocketed to more than three hundred feet!


"Hoo hoo—"

Amidst the cracks in the void and the whistling of the wind, gusts of wind, thunder and heavenly power emerged from Bai Ying's body and circled around him at a very frightening aura.

And Bai Ying's aura also soared wildly, and soon broke through the ninth-class god, the first-class semi-holy, the second-class semi-holy queen, and approached the third-class semi-holy!

"So strong." Feeling the breath from the other party, Tan Yun's heart shuddered.

If Tan Yun used all means, he would naturally be able to kill Bai Ying with ease. However, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he would naturally not be able to use the Hongmeng Killing God Sword Art, Hongmeng Slaying God Sword Formation, Hongmeng Overlord Body, and the other three supernatural powers.

In this way, Tan Yun knew that if he wanted to defeat Bai Ying, it would take some time!

After making up his mind, Tan Yun's fairy ring flickered, and a fifth-level low-grade god ax with wind and thunder attributes appeared in his hand.

"Wind and Thunder Overlord God Claw Technique!"

"Smite the gods!"

Bai Ying let out a long cry, which resounded throughout the vast mustard time and space. He held a magic stick and soared into the sky. Under the blessing of the power of the wind god, his speed was comparable to that of Tan Yun after he cast the Hongmeng step!

"The speed is so fast, this person is worthy of being an eight-star soldier." When Tan Yun was thinking to himself, Bai Ying flickered thousands of times from the void with a mysterious trajectory, and then he held a magic stick and slammed it at Tan Yun. Down!

At the same time, what is shocking is that thousands of overlapping stick shadows suddenly appeared in the sky, surrounding and bombarding Tan Yun in all directions!

Blocking Tan Yun's way out, Tan Yun has no choice but to attack!

"Commander Su, do you think this kid Jing Yun will win?" Commander Fang Sheng stared at Tan Yun on the high platform on the five-story tower, and said to Commander Su Ben beside him.

Commander Su Ben truthfully said: "I think Jing Yun will lose. After all, he is only a first-class god, and his realm is far from Bai Ying's."

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