Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1628 Destruction!

Chapter 1628 Destruction!

"Lord Tianzun, calm down." Xuanyuan said tenderly and sincerely: "Jing Yun is my fiancé, and the younger generation knows his strength, and he hasn't displayed his true strength until now."

"If the junior confronts him, it will take at least three days and three nights to decide the winner, and the loser is likely to be the junior."

"That's why the junior chose to admit defeat. Firstly, he didn't want to affect the time of the birthday ceremony because of the game between the junior and him. Second, the junior's strength is indeed slightly inferior to him."

Hearing this, Xueying Tianzun frowned, "You said that Jing Yun has not displayed his true strength until now, are you serious?"

Xuanyuan Rou said with certainty: "It's absolutely true, whether people believe it or not, I firmly believe that my fiancé will win the championship."

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

Tan Yun hasn't displayed his true strength yet?

How can this be!

The Snow Shadow Celestial, the Lingxia Celestial, the Primal Chaos Celestial, and even the Supreme Shiyuan also looked at Tan Yun.

"Jing Yun, you answer this Tianzun truthfully." Lingxia Tianzun asked: "Is what Xuanyuanrou said true?"

Tan Yun clasped his fists and bowed, "Return to Lord Tianzun, what she said is true."

Lingxia Tianzun was puzzled and said: "You have released the Kuang Lei Sword Art to the extreme, isn't this your strongest strength?"

"En." Tan Yun nodded and said, "This subordinate has the aptitude of Fenglei. This subordinate has not only practiced the Kuanglei Sword Jue bestowed by the Lord Tianzun to the army, but also practiced the Kuangfengshen Hammer Jue to the extreme."

"The subordinates believe that the power of the Kuangfengshenhammer Jue is better than the Kuanglei Sword Jue."

Hearing this, Lingxia Tianzun's beautiful eyes showed a hint of shock, "You said you have also practiced the Blastering Wind God's Hammer Art to the extreme?"

"Yes, Lord Tianzun." After Tan Yun responded, the next words made Lingxia Tianzun and the people present feel turbulent.

But seeing that Tan Yun was neither arrogant nor humble, he said: "Return to Lord Tianzun, after I practiced the two kinds of exercises you gave me to the extreme, I realized the two kinds of exercises that combined into one."

"Next, if there is an opportunity, I will show it to you, please give me pointers."

After listening, Lingxia Tianzun smiled and said: "Okay, I am looking forward to your next performance."

After speaking, Lingxia Tianzun thought to himself: "He said that he integrated the Kuanglei Sword Jue and Kuangfeng Shenhammer Jue into one, and derived a new technique. How is this possible!"

"If he can really do it, how strong is his talent and understanding..."

When Lingxia Tianzun was shocked, the other god kings and patriarchs were already shocked!

After the shock, most people didn't believe that Tan Yun could do it!

At this time, Yu Wenshu on the altar and Mu Zihua holding a folding fan have already started a duel!

Mu Zihua has an elegant figure, facing Yu Wenshu's powerful and fierce attack, he holds a folding fan, dodges from the sky, and the folding fan dances from the void at high speed, sketching a magnificent picture of mountains and rivers!

In the next moment, the map of mountains and rivers shone brightly, as if they had come to life, projections of mountains containing the power of gods were released from the map of mountains and rivers, crushing towards Yuwen Shu!

Yu Wenshu held the divine sword of time and space attributes, and his figure was chic. With the rotation of his wrist, the sword lights of the power of time and space gods were released, tearing the sky and smashing the projections of mountains and mountains!

In the next hour, Yu Wenshu and Mu Zihua fought inseparably and wonderfully!

However, everyone couldn't tell which of the two was stronger and who was weaker!

"Mu Xiandi, wait!" While Yu Wenshu was speaking, his body stepped back and stood in the air.

Holding a folding fan, Mu Zihua swung his body gracefully in the air, "Brother Yuwen, what advice do you have?"

Yu Wenshu looked at the sky and said: "The sun is setting now, in order not to waste everyone's time, why not let us decide the outcome with one move!"

Mu Zihua smiled and said: "Yes, I also want to learn about Brother Yuwen's strongest blow of the Time-Space Splitting Sky Sword Art."

"Brother, I will use the most powerful Mu Long Shen painting technique to deal with brother Yuwen."

"Okay." Yu Wenshu looked serious, "Then you have to be more careful!"

Mu Zihua smiled slightly, "Brother Yuwen, you have to be careful."

The next moment, the smile on Mu Zihua's face disappeared, and his eyes became sharp!

He flipped his right hand, and the moment the folding fan in his hand disappeared, a magic pen with a length of one foot came out out of thin air!


Amid the violent tremors in the void, streams of thick ancient god power poured from Mu Zihua's right palm into the magic brush in his hand.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Then, Mu Zihua's figure flickered from the void, and with the flickering speed, while waving his right arm, waves of the power of the ancient gods gushed out from the magic brush!

"Use the sky as a screen, paint with a pen!"

"The ancient dragon appears to the heavens!"

In an instant, the power of the ancient gods released from Muzi's magical painting brush condensed from the void and did not dissipate, drawing a 80,000-foot dragon!

Only Shenlong has no binoculars!

The dragon is lifelike, and a burst of dragon chant resounds through the world, shocking people's hearts!

Mu Zihua twirled his wrist, holding the magic pen, and pointed towards the dragon exuding the power of the ancient god!

Immediately, the moment Shenlong's pair of giant pupils transformed from the eye sockets, a violent and ancient aura burst out that made Tan Yun's heart palpitate!

With a dragon chant, the dragon smashed through the void, and devoured towards Yu Wenshu in awe!

"So strong!" When Yu Wenshu was startled, his whole body became full of fighting spirit, and said in a deep voice: "Sword of Time and Space Splitting Sky, the eleventh form-Sword of Time and Space!"

There are 12 moves in the Time-Space Splitting Sky Sword Jue. At present, Yu Wenshu has not fully mastered the twelfth move, so he dare not use it at this moment, lest he will be self-defeating and lose to Mu Zihua!

In his heart, he cannot be defeated!

I must win!

Only by winning can he kill Tan Yun and become famous in the next battle, and even become the son-in-law of Tianzun Lingxia.


As the sky collapsed one after another, waves of the power of the time god and the power of the space god diffused out of Yu Wenshu's body, swallowing up the void in a radius of one hundred thousand feet.

Within a radius of 100,000 zhang, the power of time and space gods merged at an extreme speed, forming the power of time and space gods.

At the moment when the power of the sky god was formed, it seemed as if time stopped flowing in this void, and the space was frozen!


In the howling wind, Yu Wenshu's figure was free and easy, dancing from the void with his sword at a high speed, and suddenly stabbed the sword at the 80,000-foot-old god-power dragon that was devouring it!

Immediately, a beam of sword light that was only a hundred feet long burst out from the divine sword, and absorbed the power of time and space within a radius of 100,000 feet, and merged it into the sword light!


The aura of Baizhang Jianmang soared crazily, and that violent aura made Tan Yun feel great pressure!


The hundreds of feet of sword light in the void pierced the void and stabbed towards the huge dragon head!


"Bang bang bang—"

The moment the Baizhang sword pierced the dragon, the sky collapsed, and a pitch-black void appeared, a scene that terrified Mu Zihua happened!

But it was the Baizhang sword light, which seemed extremely small compared to the dragon, which pierced the dragon's head, and then smashed the dragon's body like a shattered dragon!

When the 80,000-foot dragon completely disappeared, the intact Baizhang sword light suddenly stopped in front of Mu Zihua!

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