Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1633 Ancient God Illusory Sword Formation!

Chapter 1633 Ancient God Illusory Sword Formation!

"I don't believe my young master, I will lose to you!"

Holding the sword in both hands, Li Shimin raised his head and let out a long cry, all the power of death in the spirit pool was released, and a gigantic phantom formed behind him!

The phantom is like Li Shimin magnified hundreds of times!

As the phantom emerged, Li Shimin's aura surged wildly, holding swords in both hands, and slashed towards the slamming hammer!


A pitch-black sword light tore through the sky, and slammed into the giant hammer!

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and the huge hammer, which was as solid as it was, became full of shocking cracks in an instant.

On the other hand, the sword light and the phantom behind Li Shimin collapsed into the air. Immediately, a deep sense of powerlessness ravaged Li Shimin's nerves.


Li Shimin's face was pale, beads of sweat on his forehead slid down his handsome cheeks, a sense of suffocation from death eroded his heart.


In the turmoil of the void, when the giant hammer was about to hit Li Shimin, it stopped suddenly, and then slowly collapsed into the air.


Tan Yun flew down vertically, suspended in front of Li Shimin in the air, cupped his fists and said, "Accept."

Li Shimin's face gradually returned to normal. He looked at Tan Yun and bowed deeply, "I admire you."

"Among all the gods in the Primordial God Realm, the only one I admired before was my sister Shiyin, and now you are added."

"I'm willing to bow down."

Hearing this, Tan Yun smiled.

"Okay, you continue to recover your strength and prepare to challenge my sister." Li Shimin took a step in the air, patted Tan Yun on the shoulder and said: "My sister said that whether it is the Primordial God Realm, Shiyuan, or the Chaos God Realm , she is not afraid of any god."

"I'm looking forward to your duel with Shiyin."

After saying that, Li Shimin volleyed down on the second row of seats, looked at Lingxia Tianzun and Chaos Tianzun and said: "My child has tried his best, he is really strong."

"Well, you are also tired and rest." Lingxia Tianzun said.

Li Shimin nodded, then sat on the seat, closed his eyes and concentrated on recovering the almost exhausted divine power in the spirit pool.

"Jing Yun, good job." Chaos Tianzun said with a smile: "Recover your strength."

"It's Lord Tianzun." Tan Yunfei fell into the void, ingested the mustard seed time-space tower, and began to recover his strength...

In the third row of seats, God King Bai Cheng and God King Mu Feng were very excited. They never expected that Tan Yun would actually defeat Li Shimin!

On the second row of seats, Lingxia Tianzun looked sideways at Li Shiyin, and said via voice transmission: "Daughter, you have seen Jing Yun's methods, he is indeed a monster."

"How about it, do you have the confidence to defeat him?"

Li Shiyin thought for a while and said, "If what Jingyun just unleashed was his most powerful attack, my daughter thinks there is a 70% chance of winning."

"Mother's precious daughter, if he is not your opponent, will you deliberately let him?" After Lingxia Tianzun finished speaking, he said again through voice transmission: "Don't rush to answer, mother can see that you are against him. I'm a little tempted."

After being silent for a while, Li Shiyin shook her head and said via voice transmission: "Mother, if he doesn't have a fiancée, my daughter might deliberately let him win."

"But he already has a fiancée, so if he really wants to win his daughter's heart, he must beat her upright."

Hearing this, Lingxia Tianzun didn't say anything. She thought of what her daughter said before, as long as she impresses her man, even if she has a wife, she will love boldly without hesitation.

But now, in what the daughter said, it is obvious that she still cares about Jing Yun's fiancée.

However, Lingxia Tianzun can also understand that even in this polygamous world, it is difficult for a woman to accept the fact that the man she is attracted to already has another woman.

A moment later, the door of the Jiezi Time-Space God Tower opened with a "rumble", and Tan Yun stepped out with a smile like a spring breeze, facing Lingxia Tianzun, bowed and said: "Master Tianzun, the strength of the subordinates has recovered."

"Yes." Lingxia Tianzun praised with his eyes: "You can defeat the people of the world, which really surprised this Tianzun."

"Next, you don't have to be polite to Shiyin. As long as you can defeat her, I will accept you as a registered disciple."

"If you perform well in the future, I will accept you as a personal disciple."

Hearing this, Tan Yun looked very excited, "The subordinates will go all out."

"En." Lingxia Tianzun nodded and said: "I am looking forward to your performance, of course, you and Shiyin, you can go to the end."

"Okay, let's go on stage."

Tan Yun responded respectfully, and flew up to the No. 1 altar in purple robe.

He sneered in his heart: "Rebel, don't worry, I will definitely defeat your daughter and become your registered disciple."

"Not only that, I also want to be the person you trust the most, and then let you try the feeling of being betrayed by you back then!"

"In the end, I will make your life worse than death, and you will also suffer from eternal reincarnation!"

After making up his mind, Tan Yun looked at Li Shiyin who was dressed in a white dress and said apologetically, "Please enlighten me."

The corners of Li Shiyin's skirt fluttered, skimmed the low sky, and landed on the altar, standing tall and graceful, facing Tan Yun and clasping fists, the voice of the sound of nature sounded, "Please."

"Please first." Tan Yun clasped his fists and said.

"Hmm." Li Shiyin nodded slightly and said, "I am practicing the Seventy-Two Route Killing Sword, please enlighten me!"

Tan Yun was slightly taken aback when he heard "Seventy-two Road Killing Sword".

I am too familiar with this exercise.

Because this step of practice was created by Tan Yun when he was the Supreme Master of Hongmeng in the past, when he had a sudden enlightenment.

This exercise is suitable for those with the highest qualifications of the ancient attribute. When it is used, it is majestic, aggressive, and its power is so powerful that it is unique among the many ancient attribute exercises!

It is the most powerful technique, bar none!

In addition, this exercise is divided into seventy-two paths, each path is also called a layer, each layer has seventy-two sword moves, the higher the level of practice, the more difficult it is, and the stronger the power!

Just as Tan Yun was thinking to himself, the god kings and patriarchs on the seats were shocked:

"Oh my god! I heard that the seventy-two-way killing sword is not only the most powerful divine art among all ancient attribute exercises, but also the most difficult one to cultivate. I didn't expect that the daughter of Tianzun has successfully cultivated it. Already!"

"Yes, yes! I've also heard of this magical technique, Qianjin is really talented..."


Hearing everyone's shocked voice, Lingxia Tianzun said with a smile: "My precious daughter, I have cultivated the seventy-two-way killing sword to thirty-six ways."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

And on the high platform, Tan Yun's heart trembled, "This girl is really talented, she has cultivated to the thirty-sixth way, then I will use the technique to defeat Li Shimin, and I will definitely not be her opponent."

The seventy-two way to kill the god sword was created by Tan Yun, so he naturally knows the horror of the thirty-six way!

Immediately, Tan Yun seemed to think of something, and felt relieved. Because Tan Yun found one of the many exercises in his mind, the sword formation that restrains the seventy-two killing swords!

When Tan Yun created this sword formation, he gave it the name: Ancient God Illusory Sword Formation!

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