Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1642 I am not an enemy!

Chapter 1642 I am not an enemy!

Just then, an old woman in her nineties stepped in.

This person is the current head of the Hongmeng Divine Palace: Li Hongyun.

Li Hongyun respectfully said: "Master Tianzun, this old slave has something important to report."

While speaking, Li Hongyun glanced at Tan Yun.

"Jing Yun is not an outsider, so you just say what you want." Lingxia Tianzun said.

Li Hongyun said truthfully: "Reporting to Lord Tianzun, the spies have sent news that some suspicious footprints have been found in the Beihai Grand Canyon behind the Beishenhai."

"Judging from the footprints, there are a large number of fierce spirits and elves there."

Hearing this, Lingxia Tianzun's eyes turned cold, and he sneered, "Okay, very good!"

"Boss, you should immediately notify the City Lord of Hongmeng God City, and ask him to personally lead the army to the Grand Canyon of the North Sea to find the hideouts of the Vicious Spirit Clan and the Elf Clan, and kill them all!"

"Old slave obeys." Li Hongyun took the order and resigned.

Tan Yun thought to himself: "No, I want to be ahead of them and find the fierce spirit clan and elf clan in advance!"

After making up his mind, Tan Yun remembered the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor Seizing Soul dog who had ascended to the Hongmeng God Realm in the past. Only by finding it could he remove the scratches on Fang Zhiqing's face, so he bowed and said, "Master, Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor Seizing Soul!" God dog, where is it?"

"The disciple has something to do with it."

Lingxia Tianzun said: "It was sent out by me, and it is estimated that it will come back after four or five hundred years. Then, you can look for it again."

"It's Master, I'm taking my leave." Tan Yun respectfully said, "I'll come back to visit you when I have free time."

"Well, you go." Lingxia Tianzun said: "I think it's safe to go all the way, and I know that many people have enmity with you, especially when you pass through the Supreme God King Army City, you must be extra careful."

"And your junior sister Bai Xuanyi, if one day she wants to kill you, I hope you will spare her life. This child is a miserable person. In fact, she is not the biological daughter of the Supreme God King."

"Xuan Yi has a good talent. Both her parents died when she was fighting with the army of demons from outside the territory. She is a descendant of a famous family."

Tan Yun nodded and said, "I have written it down."

"Well, you take this token." Lingxia Tianzun flipped his right hand, and handed Tan Yun a token with blue patterns engraved with the six characters "Tianzun's disciple Jing Yun".

"Thank you, Master. Disciple will leave." After taking the token with both hands, Tan Yun took three steps back, turned around and stepped out of the Tianzun Hall.

When Tan Yun stepped out of the Hongmeng Divine Mansion and appeared on the top of the Hongmeng Divine Mountain, his steps suddenly stopped, and he turned his head suddenly, only to see Li Shiyin looking at him outside the gate of the mansion.

"Jing Yun wishes you a good journey." When Li Shiyin's melodious voice sounded, Li Shimin's sigh sounded in Tan Yun's mind, "Jing Yun, my sister, I still can't let you go."

"Do you know that when you were promoted to semi-holy retreat, Shiyin gave you all the refined semi-holy liquid that even she didn't give up, and I, an older brother, didn't even get a drop."

Hearing this, Tan Yun looked at Li Shiyin, who was so beautiful, and felt a warm current in his heart. He cupped his fists and said, "Shiyin, take care too."


In the next moment, Tan Yun turned into a white light beam and shot towards the sky...

Tan Yun is confident that with his current strength to leapfrog the challenge, if he uses all means, he will never be afraid of the ninth-class great sage!

At the same time, with the improvement of my realm, now I control it again, and the flying speed of the top-grade Shenzhou gifted by Mu Feng Shenwang is comparable to that of the ninth-class holy emperor!

Not long after, Tan Yun volleyed into the center of the Hongmeng God City, leading to the time-space hall of the Supreme God King Army City outside the territory.

After entering, Tan Yun didn't teleport immediately. In a moment of thought, the years seemed to pass by his face, and he turned into a 70-year-old man in an instant.

Immediately, Tan Yun stooped and stepped out of the Temple of Time and Space, and flew towards the city gate.

The reason why he changed his appearance and went around the Space-Time Palace was to prevent someone from spying on him. If you don't do this, but fly directly towards the city gate, you may be exposed.

It has to be said that Tan Yun is indeed cautious in doing things.

When Tan Yun arrived at the exit of the city gate, he straightened up and returned to his real appearance. The soldiers guarding the city gate respectfully watched Tan Yun step out of the city gate.

Tan Yun turned into a beam of light, and after flying away from Hongmeng God City, he turned into an old man again, shooting towards the mountains at top speed...

An hour later, when Tan Yun was far away from Hongmeng God City, he sacrificed the top-grade Shenzhou of Renzun. Driving the Shenzhou, like a flash of lightning, he headed towards the Beihai Grand Canyon in the far east...

At this rate, it will take three years to arrive.

As for the crisis in the Qingtian Army City, Tan Yun believed that the King Mu Feng would definitely help to resolve it.

But the safety of the Ominous Spirit Clan and the Elf Clan is imminent, so I must save them!

Two hours later, Zong Ding, the city lord of the Hongmeng God City with the strength of the third-class god king, piloted the eleventh-order top-quality Shenzhou, carrying 10,000 holy emperors and 100,000 saint kings, made a mighty move out of the Hongmeng God City, and disappeared in the Eastern Sky...

Although Tan Yun's Shenzhou is two grades higher than Zong Ding's Shenzhou, but due to Tan Yun's low level, he can't exert the power of Renzun's best Shenzhou, so it is only faster than Zong Ding's flying speed. 10%!

But this percentage is enough for Tan Yun to leave his Shenzhou far behind...

The stars move, the seasons alternate.

In a blink of an eye, three years have passed.

The cold wind was blowing, and the snow was flying heavily.

A Shenzhou sailed into the vast sky above the Beihai Sea, shuttled at high speed in the heavy snow...

Tan Yun, who was disguised as an old man on the Shenzhou, stopped and stood, fully controlling the Shenzhou and galloping all the way to the north.

Ten days later, Tan Yun drove the Shenzhou across the North Sea and entered a grand canyon that covered the sky and the sun.

Tan Yun couldn't be more familiar with this Beihai Grand Canyon. Because in the past, when Tan Yun was still the Supreme Master of Hongmeng, he opened up a secret land in the Beihai Grand Canyon: Beihai Valley Midi.

According to Li Hongyun's words, Tan Yun determined that the fierce spirit clan and the elf clan were hiding in the Beihai valley.

After Tan Yun drove the Shenzhou into the dark and terrifying Beihai Grand Canyon, he released an aura comparable to that of the seventh-ranked great sages. Immediately, a group of human, earth, and celestial beasts in the canyon were so frightened that they prostrated themselves on the ground, motionless.

The Beihai Grand Canyon is a huge canyon standing in the North Sea, and in the canyon is green sea water.

Seven days after Tan Yun flew in Shenzhou, he reached the deep sky above the Grand Canyon of the North Sea.

Tan Yun skimmed off the Shenzhou and stood in the air. With a single thought, the Shenzhou turned into a beam of light and penetrated into the divine ring.


With his head down, Tan Yun plunged into the icy sea water. When he walked down the mountain and went down to 800,000 feet, he floated in front of the mountain and got into a cave that was only about ten feet wide.

After swimming 66,000 feet in the cave, Tan Yun stopped at the end of the cave, but saw dark green and blood-red eyes in the dark cave ahead, showing panic and hatred He stared at himself.

Tan Yun could tell from his eyes that he was being watched by a group of fierce spirits.

The fierce spirit clan is the same as the elf clan, only the size of a palm.

The elves are kind-hearted and have powerful supernatural powers: great healing. God endowed them with great healing skills, but deprived them of their offensive ability.

Their attack power is extremely low, but because of their powerful healing skills, they were only able to have the reputation of the Twelve Protoss under Tan Yun's command in the past.

Just imagine, on the battlefield, when fighting the enemy to the death, if an elf casts a big healing technique to assist, the battle will be enough to turn defeat into victory!

The fierce spirit tribe and the elf tribe have exactly the same appearance except for their eyes.

However, the evil spirits are cruel by nature. The dark green pupil in the left eye is called the magic wind pupil, which can release the magic wind power, making their speed and strength a hundredfold!

The blood-colored pupil in the right eye is the fierce god pupil of Megatron, which can release the fierce flames to burn the souls of the enemies!

In the past, Tan Yun subdued the head of the fierce spirit clan and canonized him as the god master of the fierce spirit.

After the Lord of the Fierce Spirit led the Fierce Spirit Clan to swear a blood oath of allegiance to Tan Yun, he followed Tan Yun to conquer the Hongmeng God Realm along with the other eleven great god clans, and made great achievements in Tan Yun's domination of the Hongmeng God Realm!

"Cunning human beings, you have found our secret place!" With a piercing voice, the eighth-and-a-half-sacred old man in the lead said sharply, "Follow me and kill him!"

"Wait!" Tan Yun hurriedly said, "I'm not an enemy."

"Hahahaha! Sophistry!" The old man grinned and said, "In the eyes of our evil spirits, your human race is the biggest enemy!"


After the ominous old man finished speaking, his figure flashed like a flash of lightning and appeared behind Tan Yun, blocking Tan Yun's retreat.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of fierce spirits in front of Tan Yun surrounded Tan Yun with bared teeth!

Facing the imminent attack of the evil spirits, Tan Yun took a deep breath, and the next sentence stunned all the evil spirits!

Tan Yun sighed and said: "There is a valley in the North Sea, which will last forever through the ages, and there is a secret land deep in the valley, which is called the ancient secret land of the North Sea."

Hearing this, the vicious old man looked shocked and said: "You... who are you? How do you know the secret code to enter the secret place?!"

Tan Yun smiled slightly and said, "Not only do I know the code, but I also know that the gate of the secret place is above my head, and I also know how to open the gate of the secret place."

"Who am I specifically? Take me in and see your current patriarch. I'll tell you again. In short, I'm not your enemy!"

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