Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1650 The Great War Is Coming!

Chapter 1650 The Great War Is Coming!

Seeing the sudden appearance of the golden-winged Kunpeng, everyone was startled! None of them, including God King Bai Cheng, knew that there would be a Kunpeng beside Tan Yun!


and! King Baicheng discovered that the golden-winged Kunpeng's eyes were still golden, and that was the golden-eyed Kunpeng, the leader of the six Kunpeng clans!


Tan Yunpeng leaned on Jintong Kunpeng's back, looked back at Shen Subing and the others, "You can practice with peace of mind, don't worry about me!"

"As well as Junior Sister, you should retreat with Su Bing and the others!"

After leaving a word, Jing Lu carried Tan Yun into the sky and disappeared without a trace!

"Let's go, let's go and have a look too!" King Bai Cheng led the crowd into the air one after another...

After a few breaths, Jintong Kunpeng carried Tan Yunfei out of the gate of the elite god realm, and swooped down from the top of Qingtian Shenshan, like a golden lightning, across the void, and landed outside the city of Qingtian Army!

Tan Yun swept down from Jintong Kunpeng's back and appeared in front of Chu Xiaosa.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

The next moment, six great generals, including God King Bai Cheng, Commander Liang Yuan, and Bai Feng, came out of nowhere from behind Tan Yun.

Chu Xiaosa, who was already a ninth-class god, was dripping with blood and cuts and bruises all over his body.

"Xiaosa, what's the matter?" Tan Yun stretched out his hand to support Chu Xiaosa.

"Boss..." Chu Xiaosa gasped weakly, "Commander Mu Feng asked Mu Pingchuan and other eight great generals to lead 800 million Mu family troops to support Qingtian Army City."

"But on the way, I was ambushed by the demons from outside the territory. Both the enemy and us suffered heavy casualties... Only less than 60 million of the 800 million Mu family troops remained."

"Now seven of the eight great generals of the Mu family army have died in battle, and only the great general Mu Pingchuan is still leading the Mu family army to resist!"

"Woo... Boss! Sister-in-law and Ling'er are still inside... Hurry... Hurry up and save them..."

"Rou'er!" Tan Yun's eyes turned red instantly, "Cheap, tell me where the enemy army is? And what is the strength of the generals of the Heavenly Demon Army?"

Chu Xiaosa gasped and said, "The enemy army is on the extraterritorial demon plain in the north, and the general of the extraterritorial heavenly demon is the seventh-class holy emperor, and there are eight ninth-class holy kings under his command, and... thousands of heavenly demons from the great holy realm..."

"There should be 80 million people alive in the army of today's demons..."

At this point, Chu Xiaosa fell into a coma and fell into Tan Yun's arms!

"Father, my child requests to fight!" General Bai Feng said first.

"Okay!" Said King Bai Cheng, "Lead troops to support quickly!"

King Bai Cheng finished speaking, looked at Tan Yun, and said solemnly: "Yun'er, I and the others will not go, the army of heavenly demons from outside the territory may launch a new attack on Qingtian Army City at any time!"

"Well, I understand!" Tan Yun gently put Chu Xiaosa on the ground, looked at King Bai Cheng, "This is a brother of my subordinates, please take care of me temporarily."


As soon as the words fell, Tan Yun sacrificed the top-grade Shenzhou of Renzun anxiously, plundered the Shenzhou, and shouted: "Xiaolu, come up quickly!"

After Jintong Kunpeng flew onto the Shenzhou, it turned into a girl in a golden skirt!


Tan Yun drove the Shenzhou towards the northern sky at extreme speed...

"Yun'er, wait for Uncle!" Bai Feng said anxiously, "Uncle hasn't told you where the Outer Territory Devil is!"

Immediately, Tan Yun's roar came, "Nephew knows where the Outer Territory Demon is! Rou'er is in trouble, so nephew will go first!"

After saying that, Tan Yun had disappeared from the sight of the great general Baifeng.

The Great Master Bai Feng turned his head suddenly, facing the Qingtian Army City, he let out a stern roar that shook the sky, "All the generals and soldiers of Bai Feng's subordinates obey the order!"

"Hurry up and gather outside the city gate, ready to go!"

As soon as the words fell, thousands of magic soldiers flew out from the city gate...

In just an hour, 100 million soldiers appeared in front of the great general Bai Feng.

In front of the 100 million divine soldiers, standing tall and tall were ten generals of the Holy King Realm, a hundred deputy generals of the Great Saint Realm, and a thousand minor generals of the Semi-Saint Realm!

"Sacrificial boat!"

Following the shout of Bai Feng, the ten holy kings and generals, one after another, sacrificed a 300,000-foot-long Shenzhou!

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Immediately, the 10 million soldiers and generals under the command of each general plundered the Shenzhou one after another!

The Great Master Bai Feng plundered the Shenzhou of a great general, and said sharply: "Go to the Demon Field outside the Territory, and rescue the allies!"

Immediately, ten Shenzhou ships carrying 100 million Bai family troops sailed mightily towards the northern sky...


At this moment, an old man in black descended from the sky, knelt down in front of King Bai Cheng, and hurriedly said: "Reporting to the commander, the west has discovered an army of tens of billions of demons, and they are coming towards our Qingtian Army City. In the future, it will arrive!"

"What?" Bai Chengshen's old body trembled, "Ten billion heavenly demons? So many!"

King Bai Cheng's expression was unprecedentedly dignified. Now there are still 1.3 billion Bai family troops alive, plus the 3.8 billion Mu family troops in Qingtian Army City, a total of 16.8 billion.

Excluding the 100 million that Bai Feng took away, there are 16.7 billion left.

The reason why Divine King Bai Cheng looked so dignified was because he knew that the power of Heavenly Demon was infinite. Usually, two or three divine soldiers were the opponent of one Heavenly Demon Divine Soldier!

Even if it is to defend the city, it must have twice as many troops as the opponent!

"Father, what's going on in the past few years?" Great God Bai Yun raised his eyebrows vertically and said, "Although we fought with the demons before, it was just a small fight."

"But if today's army of demons seems to be crazy and wants to attack the frontier fortress of the Primordial God Realm, is there something big going to happen?"

King Bai Cheng clenched his fists tightly, and echoed: "Well, my father always feels that the demons from outside the territory have the intention of encroaching on a large scale to occupy the Primordial God Realm!"

After saying that, God King Bai Cheng looked at the old man in black, "Is there any news from the other fortresses of God Kings?"

"Yes." The old man said truthfully: "According to the news that came from us, eighty of the one hundred frontier fortresses in our Primordial God Realm will be attacked within the next month!"

"Eighty fortresses are going to be attacked?" King Bai Cheng frowned, "This move is extraordinary!"

Unable to figure it out, King Bai Cheng stopped thinking and said to the old man in black, "Continue to inquire about the news!"

"Your subordinates obey." After receiving the order, the old man in black shot into the sky at top speed...

God King Bai Cheng looked back at the crowd and said, "Pass down the order and defend the city in three days to fight against the army of demons from outside the territory!"


The stars move, two days later.

Tan Yun, who was driving Renzun's best Shenzhou, came to the edge of the foreign demon field in a hurry.

The Outer Territory Demon Plain is quite vast, surrounded by mountains.

Tan Yun piloted the Shenzhou, flew down in the grass in the demonic plain, got off the Shenzhou with Jing Lu, put away the Shenzhou and hid in the grass, released his consciousness, and quietly stretched forward...

When the spiritual consciousness extended 130 million miles, it was discovered through the spiritual consciousness that there were bloody corpses piled up like a mountain in the demon field. Most of them were Mu Family Army corpses, and the rest were corpses of extraterrestrial demons.

When the spiritual consciousness was released to the extreme, no trace of the Mu family army or the extraterritorial demons was found even though the entire demonic field was covered!

"It seems that the battlefield has moved to another place!" Tan Yun thought to himself. Suddenly, he found that there was still a soldier of the Mu family army alive in the pile of corpses. He greeted Jing Lu and flew towards the soldier...

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