Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1661 Will you still think of me?

Chapter 1661 Will you still think of me?

Bai Yu flew across the sky in front of and behind Bai Feng, and Bai Feng hurriedly said: "Seventh Sister, how is it? Has Qingtian Army City been defended?"

"Well, keep it." Bai Yu took off the veil, nodded and said: "Father, the three commanders were seriously injured, but they have recovered now."

"Father asked me to inform you that you can return to Qingtian Army City."

Tan Yun and others below heard the words, and it is not difficult to guess that the battle of Qingtian Army City this time is tragic just based on the serious injuries of King Bocheng and the three commanders!

At this time, Bai Feng asked: "Seventh Sister, what are the casualties of our Bai Family Army?"

Hearing this, Bai Yu's eyes darkened, and he sighed: "The casualties are heavy, and now our Bai family army only has more than 8 billion left, while the Mu family army who supported us survived less than one billion."

After saying that, Bai Yu said again: "But don't worry, Brother Six, during this period, the other seventy-nine fortresses are still impregnable, and the number of dead demons outside the territory has exceeded 400 billion."

"Also, Lord Tianzun sent an envoy to tell Father that the two great god realms, Shiyuan and Chaos, have also won."

"As for the extraterrestrial celestial demons, whose vitality was severely injured this time, the demon lord ordered the troops to retreat. It is estimated that the army of extraterritorial celestial demons will not commit another crime for a long time to come."

After hearing this, Bai Feng and everyone present heaved a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Bai Yu flew down to the forest, came to Mu Pingchuan, clasped his fists and said, "My lord father asked me to say thank you on behalf of his old man."

"Please tell your uncle that the Qingtian Army City was able to survive the crisis this time, thanks to the great help of the Mu Family Army."

Mu Pingchuan cupped his fists and said, "I will tell my uncle."

Said Mu Pingchuan looked at the great general Baifeng, clasped his fists and said: "Since Qingtian Army City is fine, then I will return to Mufeng Army City, we will meet later!"

Bai Feng clasped his fists and said: "There will be a period later, go slowly!"

"En." After Mu Pingchuan nodded, he looked back at Xuanyuan Rou, Xuanyuan Ling'er, and Xuanyuan Changfeng standing side by side with Tan Yun and said, "You can also go to Qingtian Army City with Jing Yun."

Xuanyuanrou glanced at Tan Yun, shook her head and said, "This subordinate still decides to return to Mufeng Military City."

Tan Yun didn't say anything, he respected Xuanyuanrou's decision.

"Rou'er, pay more attention to safety, I wish you a smooth journey." Tan Yun looked at Xuanyuan Rou affectionately.

Xuanyuan Rou nodded, "You too."

At this time, Xuanyuan Ling'er thought of Chu Xiaosa, looked at Bai Yu, and said respectfully: "Senior, may I ask if the Mu Family Army in Qingtian Army City have all left?"

"Well, they all left." After Bai Yu finished speaking, he looked at Tan Yun, "Are you Jing Yun?"

"Yes, senior." Tan Yun replied.

"I heard that my father often mentions you." Bai Yu smiled and said, "Oh, by the way, your brother named Chu Xiaosa, let me tell you that he has returned to Mufeng Army City first, and he will go to Qingtian again when he has the opportunity. Juncheng is looking for you."

Tan Yun nodded, "Thank you senior for letting me know, this junior understands."

At this time, Xuanyuan Ling'er's heart dropped when she heard that Chu Xiaosa had returned to Mufeng Army City.

Afterwards, Tan Yun watched Xuanyuan Rou and Mu's army board Mu Pingchuan's Shenzhou with longing eyes.

Mu Pingchuan floated above the forest in a Shenzhou, looked down at Tan Yun, clasped his fists and said, "Jing Yun, I heard from my subordinates that half a month ago, you alone killed more than 800 assistants of the Great Sacred Realm. Demon General."

"I admire such a powerful leapfrog challenge. I think there is no other person in the world who can be like you."

"This great god will be very optimistic about you!"

Hearing this, Tan Yunang looked at Mu Pingchuan, clasped his fists and said, "You are absurd."

After finishing speaking, Tan Yun sent a voice transmission to Xuanyuanrou: "I will miss you."

Xuanyuanrou pursed her vermilion lips, with a voice of jealousy, and it sounded in Tan Yun's mind, "You have seven wives and two fiancées, do you still think of me?"

When Tan Yun was still about to say something via voice transmission, Mu Pingchuan drove the Shenzhou, carrying more than two million Mu family troops, and sailed into the vast sea of ​​clouds.

At this time, Bai Yu looked at Bai Feng and said, "Sixth brother, I will continue to investigate the enemy's situation."

"Well, go ahead and be careful." Bai Feng opened his arms and hugged Bai Yu as he spoke...

Four days later.

Master Bai Feng led 100 million divine soldiers and returned to the city of Qingtian Army.

What caught Tan Yun's eyes was the high mountains piled up by the corpses of heavenly demons, rolling up and down so far that they couldn't see the end at a glance.

Looking at these corpses, it is not difficult for everyone to imagine how fierce the fierce battle was at that time!

After returning to Qingtian Army City, Tan Yun and Jing Lufei landed on the top of Qingtian Divine Mountain.

Tan Yun sacrificed the token, opened the gate of the God Realm, entered the Elite God Realm, and went straight to the Jing Mansion in the ancient forest.

Stepping into the gate of the mansion, a beautiful figure weeping with joy fell into Tan Yun's arms.

Tantai Xian'er hugged Tan Yun tightly, choked up and said, "Husband, do you know? These days, we are really worried about you to death."

Tan Yun held Tantai Xian'er's cheeks in his hands, and said softly: "Fool, am I doing well?"

"Be obedient and stop crying."

After saying that, Tan Yun lowered his head and kissed Tantai Xian'er's red lips affectionately, Tantai Xian'er responded enthusiastically...

After a long time, Tan Yun let go of Tantai Xian'er, looked up and saw Shen Subing, Nangong Yuqin, Tang Mengyu and other wives in front of him, and his two fiancées Ouyang Qianqian and Feng Qingcheng, looking at him with tears in his eyes .

These days, how could they care about cultivation?

They all looked forward to and silently prayed for Tan Yun to return safely.

Tan Yun looked at the girls, and said sincerely, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

"It doesn't matter." Shen Subing took a step forward, and while helping Tan Yun arrange his robe, he said, "As long as you can come back safely."

"We have met Xiaosha, he told us about the Mu family army being ambushed. How is it? Rou'er, is he alright?"

Tan Yun nodded and said, "Well, fortunately, there was no danger. She has returned to Mufeng Military City now."

The girls felt relieved when they heard that Xuanyuan Rou was fine.

Tan Yun looked at the crowd and said again: "It is estimated that it will be relatively peaceful for a long time in the future, it is time for us to hurry up and practice."

"En." Shen Subing nodded her head, "Then let's retreat without delay."

Tan Yun seemed to have thought of something, looked at Ouyang Duantian, Guan Xuankong, Wuxin Shangshen and all the men and said: "I have something to talk to Su Bing and the others, uncle, you should retreat first."

"Okay." Ouyang Duantian said with a smile, and entered the twelfth-level supreme time-space tower standing in the courtyard with everyone.

"What's the matter, husband?" Nangong Yuqin asked.

Tan Yun smiled and said, "I'll talk to you later."

Speaking of which, Tan Yun looked at Xue Ziyan and the others and said, "You guys should retreat first."

"Cut~ What's so mysterious?" Xue Ziyan pouted her little cherry mouth, and entered the Space-Time God Tower with Zhen Ji and Shen Suzhen's daughters.

Only Tan Yun has seven wives and two fiancees left.

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