Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1664 Legendary!

Chapter 1664 Legendary!

Afterwards, Tan Yun returned to the Jing Mansion. On the first floor of the twelfth-level top-grade space-time tower, he gathered all the people and all the beasts, distributed the semi-sacred liquid and the great holy fruit to the people and all the beasts, and then returned to the 30th floor and crossed his legs. Sit down and start preparing for long-term retreat!

After Tan Yun sacrificed the semi-holy liquid, he refined it and began to practice frantically devouring the divine essence of heaven and earth...

Eleven million years later in the tower, Tan Yun sensed the barrier of the fifth-class semi-holy, and began to devour the divine essence of heaven and earth with all his strength, pouring into the spirit pool in the center of the eyebrows, and transforming it into a golden liquid of divine power!

When the liquid of divine power occupied the entire huge spirit pool, it began to squirm slowly, condensing into a liquid primordial semi-holy fetus...

It wasn't until a million years later that Tan Yun's fifth grandmist semi-holy fetus was successfully condensed!

The moment the fifth Hongmeng semi-holy fetus was successfully condensed, Tan Yun felt the power in his body skyrocket, 30% stronger than before!

It means that Tan Yun has successfully entered the fifth and half saints!

For the next 14 million years, Tan Yun remained motionless, sitting cross-legged in the tower as firmly as a rock, condensed the sixth grandmist semi-sacred fetus, and was promoted to the sixth-class semi-sacred!

After that, it took another 17 million years to be promoted to the seventh and a half saint!

It took 20 million years to be promoted to the eighth and a half saint!

In the end, it took another 24 million years to step into the ninth-class semi-holy queen, and it took 8 million years to manipulate the primordial liquid, complete the tempering of the eight meridians, internal organs, and the twenty-second-rank primordial The phantom peak stage is completed!

After that, Tan Yun still focused on closing his eyes, and continued to practice, touching the barrier of the Great Sacred Realm...

Time flies, and another 30 million years have passed in the tower. Suddenly, the sky over Jing Mansion is filled with wind and clouds, and boundless black clouds cover the entire ancient forest!

That's right!

At this moment, Tan Yun in the twelfth-order top-grade space-time tower finally touched the barrier of the Great Sacred Realm.

Tan Yun, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, with joy in his star pupils, and laughed wildly: "Hahahaha! The life and death calamity of the Great Sage Hongmeng is finally coming!"

Tan Yun got up slowly, moved his stiff body for a while, and muttered to himself: "One day outside, three hundred years inside the tower. I have spent 125 million years in the tower, and the outside time just After one thousand one hundred and forty-five years."

Tan Yun unleashed his consciousness, penetrated into the twenty-ninth floor, and found that Ouyang Qianqian was still a seventh-and-a-half saint, and said via voice transmission: "Qianqian, I'm leaving Dujie now."

"Then come back and continue to practice. After you are promoted to the Great Saint Realm, we will go to the Hongmeng Nine Heavens Immortal Realm."

Ouyang Qianqian smiled, and said via voice transmission: "Well, I'll listen to you."

"Good boy." Tan Yun chuckled, then disappeared out of the Space-Time God Tower, and in the next moment, came out of the Space-Time God Tower out of thin air.

Tan Yun, dressed in a purple robe, turned into a beam of light and shot towards the sky. When he flew to the exit of the elite god realm, he took out his token and opened the gate of the god realm and flew out. Gathering at an extreme speed, they enveloped the vast Qingtian Army City!

Suddenly, Qingtian Army City fell into endless darkness!

At this moment, in the palace of the god king, the god king Bocheng felt the vision of heaven and earth, and he flew out of the mansion, only to find that Tan Yun was standing on the peak.

"Yun'er, are you going to cross the catastrophe?" King Bai Cheng's eyes widened, and there was a look of shock in the cloudy pupils.

"Yes, Commander." Tan Yun smiled slightly.

"God!" King Baicheng exclaimed in surprise: "It's only been more than 1,100 years, and you have not only been promoted from the fourth-class semi-sage to the ninth-class semi-sacred, but also touched the barrier of the Great Sacred Realm!"

"Monster, it really is a monster!"

Tan Yun bowed and said: "You are too old, this junior will leave Qingtian Army City for now, and come back after the tribulation."

King Bai Cheng said with a smile: "Old man, let me protect the law for you."

"No need." After Tan Yun immediately refused, he said with a smile: "With the current strength of this junior, even a first-class saint king is not afraid, so you don't need to accompany me."

"What's more, junior's tribulation will last for a month. You are busy with affairs, how can you leave Qingtian Military City for a month?"

"Don't worry, the junior will be fine."

Naturally, Tan Yun would not let God King Bai Cheng follow him, otherwise, he would see his own identity after seeing the scene of his crossing the catastrophe.

"Okay, then you should pay more attention to safety." King Bai Cheng said kindly: "Your boy is doing things, old man, I can rest assured."

"Resign, junior." After Tan Yun cupped his fists, it turned into a purple light beam and flew towards the outside of Qingtian Army City...

Following Tan Yun's flight, the thickest dark cloud over Qingtian Army City moved towards Tan Yun.

At this moment, in Qingtian Army City, plus more than 1,100 years, there are a total of 9 billion Bai Family Army looking at the sky in horror, thinking that some sky-swallowing monster is coming!

At this time, the vicissitudes of King Bai Cheng sounded in the minds of all the soldiers, "Don't panic, this is Jing Yun, a disciple of Lord Tianzun, who has touched the barrier of the Great Sacred Realm, and is about to cross the catastrophe!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire Qingtian Army City boiled.

Especially the recruits were excited. After they joined the Bai family army, what they heard most was about Tan Yun's deeds!

They knew that Tan Yun had only joined the Bai family army for more than 1,500 years. During this period, with the strength of a one-star soldier, he was invincible in the battle of the god of soldiers, and became a god of soldiers with nine titles at the same time. This is the first king of the whole army since the establishment of the Baijia Army!

Later, on behalf of the Bai family army, he followed the commander and went to Hongmeng Shenfu to participate in the Long Live Birthday Ceremony of Lord Tianzun's sons and daughters.

Even in the birthday ceremony, people block people from killing people, beasts block from destroying beasts, and after defeating the god of war brought by his god king, he also defeated a pair of sons and daughters of Lord Tianzun.

For the god soldiers, Tan Yun is not only an idol worshiped by the god soldiers of the Bai family army, but also an unsurpassable miracle!

It is a legend belonging to the Hongmeng God Realm!

That's right!

It is a real legend!

When Tan Yunfei landed at the gate of Qingtian Army City, the gate guard happened to be Guan Yong, a ninth-class and half-sacred young general.

Guan Yong hurriedly bowed and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Jing, who is about to become a great sage!"

Guan Yong was grateful to Tan Yun, if Tan Yun hadn't spared his life more than a thousand years ago, otherwise, he would have died long ago.

"Yes." Tan Yun smiled faintly, "Open the city gate."

"Okay, wait a moment." After Guan Yong opened the city gate, Tan Yun turned into a purple light beam and flew out of Qingtian Army City. He released his consciousness to the extreme and found that there was no demon in front of him. Then he shot into the distance go……

Three days later.

Tan Yun hovered in the sky above a wasteland full of bones, and began to prepare for the tribulation!

At this moment, above Tan Yun's head, the void with a radius of 300 million centimeters was swallowed by dark clouds!

Streams of bright thunder calamity, like giant dragons, were cruising in the dark clouds, with a terrific aura, and the sound of thunder was deafening like the roar of a giant beast!

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