Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1715 Hit it hard!

Chapter 1715 Hit it hard!


In the sound of the sharp weapon cutting through flesh and blood, blood sprayed, and the right front hoof of the fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lion was chopped off by Tan Yun!

"Ah! You damned human, if I wasn't careless, how could you hurt me!"

"Human, I want to kill you, no! I want to eat you!"

The fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lion screamed angrily, its body swung suddenly, and its five-hundred-foot-long giant tail, carrying the collapsed void, slammed into Tan Yun's chest at top speed!


Amid the deafening noise, Tan Yun felt his chest was hammered, his internal organs seemed to be displaced, and a bloody arrow shot out from Tan Yun's mouth.

Tan Yun's thousand-foot body flew towards the rear like a cannonball.

"Jing Yun!" When Xuanyuan Rou was about to fly towards Tan Yun, Tan Yun hurriedly transmitted the voice: "Rou'er, don't worry about me, I have the body of the ancient god armor, I can't die!"

"Rou'er, I'll hold it back, you go sneak attack it, and cripple its left front hoof!"

After the sound transmission, Tan Yun let go of his left hand suddenly, looked at Li Shiyin in the palm of his hand, and said through the sound transmission: "The Ancient God Illusory Sword Formation I gave you earlier, have you successfully cultivated it?"

Li Shiyin didn't bother to wipe away her tears, nor did she care to confuse Tan Yun why he wasn't afraid of the divine fire, so she nodded and said, "You've finished training."

"Okay, listen to my password later, use the ancient magic sword array, let's kill this beast together!"

After Tan Yun transmitted his voice, he held Li Shiyin in his left hand again, and his body rose into the air, turning into an afterimage, which instantly appeared above the head of the fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lion.

When Tan Yun suddenly let go of his left palm, Li Shiyin, who was dressed in a white dress over the snow, held the divine sword, and flashed from the void, condensing ninety-seven clones that were indistinguishable from his real body.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

At the same time, holding the Tianzun Excalibur, Tan Yun used the Divine Steps of the Grand Enlightenment, flickering frequently from the void, and also unleashed the Ancient God Illusory Sword Formation, turning into ninety-eight Tan Yun holding the Excalibur, and ninety-eight Li Shiyin. Surrounded by fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lions as high as a thousand feet!

"Huh? What kind of skill is this?" The Fire-eyed Bloodhoof Lion was a little confused. It thought it was delusional, but in the end, it shook its head violently and found that it was not delusional!

"Shiyin, the clone feigns an attack. Your real body is responsible for beheading its neck, and I will kill its eyes!" Tan Yun said via voice transmission.

"Okay!" Li Shiyin transmitted the voice immediately, what she was most afraid of was the eyes of the fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lion that could spew divine fire.

"Kill!" When Tan Yun's indifferent voice sounded, ninety-eight Tan Yuns and ninety-eight Li Shiyins swung their swords one after another, swarming and killing the fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lion.

"Even if I lose a hoof and my strength is greatly reduced, I am not afraid of you!"

The fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lion roared angrily, and a pair of giant pupils spurted out monstrous divine fire, immediately burning several clones of Tan Yun and Li Shiyin to nothingness.


At the same time, the fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion danced its giant tail, and when it shattered the void, it also shattered dozens of clones of Tan Yun and Li Shiyin.

"Unbearable..." The fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion's grinning sound stopped abruptly. It saw Tan Yun, who was a thousand feet tall, holding a divine sword, rushing out of the sea of ​​flames, and slashed towards him with a dazzling sword light!

The fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion roared like thunder, "Go to hell!"


With a loud noise, the left front hoof of the fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion shattered the void, and stepped towards Tan Yun's chest!

Almost at the same time, its five-hundred-foot-long tail unexpectedly soared to three thousand feet, like a giant python, wrapping itself around Tan Yun at top speed!

At this critical moment, Tan Yun shouted: "Kill Rouer!"


As soon as Tan Yun's words fell, Xuanyuanrou held the divine sword with a ten thousand zhang sword light, and slashed towards the left front hoof of the fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion. When the fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion hurriedly retracted its hoof, Xuanyuanrou flipped over in the air , with a soft and boneless body, holding a sword and swirling around the three-thousand-foot-long giant tail!

Immediately, with the blood splattering, Xuanyuanrou cut off the tail of the fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lion!

"Ah, my tail!"

"Go to hell, bastard!"

The fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion raised its hind hoof and kicked towards Xuanyuanrou who couldn't dodge in time!

Xuanyuanrou was so terrified that she couldn't dodge in time. At this time, Tan Yun, who had stabbed the fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lion, with the divine sword in his hand, flew across the void at high speed, and blocked Xuanyuanrou with his back!


Tan Yun was kicked in the back by the unicorn's hoof, blood spurted from his mouth, his body was kicked into the air, and he said via voice transmission: "Rou'er, kill!"

Tan Yun turned over in the air, and after using the Primordial God Step, coupled with his Primordial Shadow Body, his speed became faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, he appeared above the head of the Fire-eyed Bloodhoof Lion. At this time, the remaining three The twelve avatars slashed at the body of the fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lion to confuse the beast!


Tan Yunzhen held the 600-foot-long Tianzun Excalibur, and inserted a stream of blood into the skull of the fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lion!

"Ah!" As the fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion screamed, Li Shiyin's real body flew past the fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion's belly, and with a sword glow, it struck the fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion's neck!



Immediately, a huge wound was cut on the neck of the fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion, and blood sprayed out like a waterfall!

"Shiyin, chop off its left front hoof!"


Holding the divine sword in his hand, Li Shiyin flashed under the fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion. With streams of blood, he cut off the left front hoof of the fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion.

"Ah! I want to eat you!" The fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lion, which lost its tail and left and right front hooves, opened its bloody mouth, and when it bit down on Li Shiyin, Li Shiyin controlled the remaining clone and flew towards the real body.

When the real body narrowly avoided the bloody mouth that was biting down, all the clones were swallowed by the fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion.


At this time, Xuanyuanrou held the divine sword and soared into the sky, the power of the great saint surged out of his body, and a sword glow of one hundred thousand feet condensed from the void, stabbing down at the back of the fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lion!

The fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion was completely panicked. When it turned around and wanted to escape, Tan Yun, who was above his head, let go of the Tianzun sword inserted into its skull with his right hand, and sacrificed a seventh-order top-grade sword from the god ring, holding the god sword in his hand. With a sword, he turned his body in the air, swung the sword with a puff of blood, and cut off the eyes of the fire-eyed blood-hoofed lion!

"No! My eyes!"

The blind fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lion uttered a tragic sound. After releasing its beast consciousness, it rushed desperately towards the forest behind. The speed was so fast that it dodged Xuanyuanrou's sword light that stabbed vertically at it!

With an idea, Tan Yun sent a voice transmission to Li Shimin who was seriously injured on the Shenzhou, "Brother Shimin, hit it hard!"


In the violent turmoil of the void, Li Shimin drove the supreme human god boat, shuttled through the gray void, and hit the waist of the fiery-eyed blood-hoofed lion with a loud "bang"!


Amid the clear sound of bone cracking, the bones of the Fire-eyed Bloodhoof Lion's waist shattered, and blood gushed out of its bloody mouth. It screamed and fell into the forest, smashing hundreds of ancient trees in the sky!

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