Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1717 Killing intent!

Chapter 1717 Killing intentions!

Just when Tan Yun was very excited, Xiao Longshe's next words made Tan Yun stunned!

"Little master, but you can't go to Death Canyon." Xiao Longshe said via voice transmission.

"Why can't I go?" Tan Yun said, "Could it be that there are powerful beasts inside?"

"En." Xiao Longshe said via voice transmission: "There are three divine beasts of the eighth-class holy king inside. The strength of the three great beasts is enough to kill a thousand gods of the ninth-class holy king."

Hearing this, after Tan Yun fell into a long silence, he said through voice transmission: "Well, it's true that I can't go, but I will always find a way to take away the fire."

"Now, tell me where are the other five fire-attributed tenth-level divine fires and four eleventh-level ice-attributed fires. I will put these away first, and then I will find a way to enter Death Canyon."

Hearing this, Xiao Longshe said: "These five places are the Burning Flame Underground Palace, Ice and Snow Mountain, Beimingshen Lake, Earthfire Forest, and Lava Valley. The Burning Flame Underground Palace is the closest to here. You drive the Shenzhou and head northwest Flying in the same direction for three months, you can arrive."

"Okay, I got it." After Tan Yun transmitted the sound, he drove the Shenzhou towards the gray northwest direction like lightning...

On the way to the Zhiyan Underground Palace, Tan Yun kept chatting with Xuanyuanrou and Li Shimin.

Li Shiyin, on the other hand, stood behind the Shenzhou deck, looking at Tan Yun's back in a daze, and the scene of Tan Yun saving her and putting her in his palm kept appearing in his mind.

At this moment, she felt that Tan Yun was extremely charming!

"Jing Yun, it is you, Li Shiyin, who will not marry me in this life." Li Shiyin said firmly, "If you don't marry me in the future, I will die alone forever!"

Just when Li Shiyin was thinking to herself, a voice interrupted her thoughts, "Sister, what are you doing so stupidly?"

"Ah!" After Li Shiyin regained her composure, she pouted her small waist and said dissatisfiedly, "You are so stupid, hmph!"

Li Shimin smiled and curled his lips, but his eyes were full of doting when he looked at Li Shiyin...

at the same time.

God Swallowing Yuan, on the top of a verdant mountain, Shiyuan Supreme Sun Gongzhi Zhenxiong, hugged a delicate beauty, and 2,200 geniuses from the Shiyuan God Realm gathered in front of him.

Of the more than two thousand geniuses, some are descendants of the god kings of the Shiyuan God Realm, some are heirs of nobles, and some are the first in the army at the Holy King Realm. As for the descendants of the twelve great god kings of the Shiyuan God Realm, they are not among them.

And the woman in Gongzhi Zhenxiong's arms is none other than Tan Yun's enemy, Gongsun Shanshan from Hongmeng God Realm!

Gongsun Shanshan has a lot of scheming, after entering the abyss of swallowing gods, she relied on her beauty to become Gongzhi Zhenxiong's new love.

"Have you found Xuanyuanrou and Li Shiyin yet?" Gongzhi Zhenxiong said looking at the two thousand people.

"Report to Young Master Gongzhi, not yet." Everyone responded respectfully.

At this moment, Gongsun Shanshan stroked Gongzhi Zhenxiong's chest and said, "Master, why do you always think about Xuanyuanrou and Li Shiyin? Isn't she beautiful?"

"Meimeimei." Gongzhi Zhenxiong said via voice transmission.

"Hee hee." After Gongsun Shanshan smiled, a cold light shone from her beautiful eyes, "My lord, Jing Yun killed his younger brother, you have to avenge him!"

Gongzhi Zhenxiong's voice suddenly sank, his eyes shot with murderous intent, "Don't worry, I will definitely kill him!"

Gongsun Shanshan pretended to be surprised, "My lord, what people call revenge is just to beat him up. After all, he is the registered disciple of Lord Lingxia Tianzun."

"Although he is only a named disciple, Lord Tianzun thinks highly of him."

Hearing this, Gongzhi Zhenxiong dismissively said: "Don't say that he is just a registered disciple of Lingxia Tianzun, even if he is a closed disciple, I dare to kill him! Why do you doubt my ability?"

"My lord, you have misunderstood me, how dare you." Gongsun Shanshan said coquettishly, "Your lord, you are the grandson of Shiyuan Supreme, so of course you won't put Jing Yun in your eyes."

"Hahahaha, it's good that you understand." Gongzhi Zhenxiong thought of Li Shiyin and Xuanyuanrou's graceful figures, and picked up Gongsun Shanshan. The god ring flashed between his fingers, and a golden light flew out of the god ring, from the top of the mountain. It turned into a golden palace as high as a hundred feet.

Gongzhi Zhenxiong held Gongsun Shanshan in his arms, and looked back at the two thousand people, "You are waiting here."

"As for Jing Yun, Xuanyuan Rou, and Li Shiyin, there will be a long time to come, and one day they will be caught in the God Swallowing Abyss!"

After saying that, Gongzhi Zhenxiong carried Gongsun Shanshan into the palace, closed the palace door, and threw Gongsun Shanshan on the couch...

An hour later, Gongzhi Zhenxiong and Gongsun Shanshan stepped out of the palace. After putting away the palace, he looked at the crowd and said, "We have been looking for Jing Yun for so long and there is no trace of him."

"Now let's go treasure hunting first. If we are lucky, we might bump into Jing Yun. As long as we catch him, I will let him die without a place to bury him! Let him know what he will do if he offends me!"

Time flies, Tan Yun drives the Shenzhou, carrying Xuanyuanrou and the three, traveling through the gray void for three months. Suddenly, Tan Yun and the four felt waves of heat rushing towards them in the void in front of them.

"The little master is here." Xiao Longshe's old voice sounded in Tan Yun's mind, "The next step is the Burning Flame Underground Palace."

"Hmm." Tan Yun looked back at Li Shimin and Li Shiyin after transmitting the sound, and said, "There is a heat wave coming from below. I suspect there is a fire-type kindling. Let's go down and have a look."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Li Shimin said with a smile.

Li Shiyin looked at Tan Yun tenderly, and nodded his head.

Tan Yun smiled slightly at Li Shiyin, then drove the Shenzhou down slowly...

At this moment, Xiao Longshe's reminding voice came to Tan Yun's mind, "Little master, this old slave noticed that on a barren hill 1,300 miles away, there were seventy masked men in black, using magic Consciousness enveloped you."

"These seventy masked men in black have murderous intent in their eyes, and they should be trying to kill you."

The reason why Tan Yun didn't realize that he was being targeted was because the strength of his Grand Primordial Holy Soul was only comparable to that of a fifth-class holy king. In the God Swallowing Abyss, his spiritual consciousness could only cover a thousand miles around, so he couldn't detect it. To be spied on.

"Well, I see." Tan Yun said solemnly through voice transmission: "What is the strength of seventy people?"

Xiao Longshe said via voice transmission: "The seven leaders are five men and two women, the five men and one woman are the eighth-rank holy king, and the last woman is the ninth-rank holy king."

"The remaining sixty-three people are only the sixth- to seventh-class holy kings. Master, will the old slave make a move later?"

"I understand." Tan Yun became murderous, his eyes flickered and he said through voice transmission: "You don't need to take action. Wherever I can get you in the future, you are my trump card. I am not willing to use you until the moment of life and death." .”

"As for the seventy people, since they are here, I will let them all stay!"

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