Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1726 Make a deal!

Chapter 1726 Make a deal!

"Humans who don't know how to live or die, die to me!" The golden-armed ape roared, and its giant arm, which was two thousand feet long, hit the fist of the ninth-class holy king!


"Crack, click!"


In the dull loud noise, mixed with the clear sound of bone cracking, it was the fist of the ninth-class holy king, and even the entire right arm, which shattered in the blood mist!

The ninth-class holy king did not expect that the gold-armed ape of the sixth-class holy king beast would be so powerful in leapfrogging the challenge. He endured the pain of breaking his arm, and his body flashed backwards. He jumped up and narrowly escaped the giant arm that was sweeping away!

At the same time, thirty eighth-class saint kings and six other ninth-class saint kings grasped the two companions beside them with both hands, and stood in the air, standing in the air in the snow.

It is an extravagant hope for the remaining 20 or so sixth-class holy kings and a dozen seventh-class holy kings who want to escape the drawn giant arms!





"Bang bang bang—"

The desperate screams came to an abrupt end, and more than thirty holy kings were unable to dodge in time, and were struck by the right arm of the golden-armed ape, turning into more than thirty balls of blood mist, which filled the snowy air.

No bones left!


The golden-armed ape bared its sharp fangs, its giant pupils locked onto Ji Hao, ran wildly from the top of the mountain, and flew up into the sky with flying snow, rushing majestically towards Ji Hao in the snowy sky!

"Everyone, follow me to protect Young Master Ji and kill the golden-armed ape!"

At this time, one of the six major families of Ji Zhanshen Wangcheng, the young master of the Zhan family: Zhan Kong, exuding the aura of a ninth-class holy king, sacrificed a divine axe, and led everyone to kill the golden-armed ape!

Zhan Kong is Ji Zhanwangcheng, the first person in the Holy King Realm, and is undoubtedly the best among the nine holy kings!

"Damn humans, you are all going to die today!"

The golden-armed ape roared in the sky, with divine power surging out of his body, and his three-thousand-foot body was not only not bulky, but also extremely agile, killing everyone...



The mountain-like body of the golden-armed god ape swirled in the air, and the giant palm forcibly slapped the two seventh-class holy king beauties to death!

It doesn't understand what it means to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade...

at the same time.

Tan Yun drove Renzun's best Shenzhou, carrying Xuanyuanrou, Shiyin, and Shimin, talking and laughing, sailed into the vast snowy sky, and flew towards the ice and snow mountain.

One year outside, the primordial flames that had spent a hundred years in Lingxiao Tower finally swallowed up the Zitian Divine Fire and Tianzhu Divine Flame.

After Tan Yun entered the fifth floor of Lingxiao Tower, he felt the aura of Zixin, and said with a smile: "No accident, if you devour another tenth-level divine fire, you can enter the early stage of the twenty-sixth level."

"Yeah." Zi Xin laughed and said: "Master is so powerful, you can see all of this."

Tan Yun smiled and spread out his right hand, "Come in."

"Good master." Zi Xin turned into a purple beam of light and penetrated into Tan Yun's right palm.

After putting away the primordial flames, Tan Yun stepped out of the tower of Lingxiao God, appeared on the Shenzhou, looked at the three people and said, "The Ice and Snow Mountain is coming soon, everyone should be careful after going up."

"There is a golden-armed divine ape of the sixth-class holy king beast living on it. The golden-armed divine ape is extremely powerful and has a violent temper. Its leapfrog strength is enough to kill several or even a dozen ordinary ninth-class holy kings."

The three of Li Shiyin nodded.

Tan Yun thought to himself, "It's been a year since I last used Time Reverse Current to deal with Ying Ting, and now I can use Time Reverse Current again."

"No one wants to stop me from collecting the fire from the Ice and Snow God Mountain!"

After making up his mind, Tan Yun drove the Shenzhou to release his consciousness, covering the void with a radius of a thousand centimeters, and slowly soared into the sky cautiously, flying towards the top of the ice and snow mountain...

After a moment.

When Shenzhou climbed to the halfway up the ice and snow mountain, Li Shiyin raised her eyebrows, "Jing Yun, did you hear anything?"

"Yes, I heard it." Tan Yun nodded and said: "I heard the roar of beasts, and there is also the faint sound of fighting!"

"Let's all be careful and play by ear!"

After Tan Yun finished speaking, he drove the Shenzhou and continued to fly. When the Shenzhou climbed another thousand and two hundred miles from the void, Tan Yun discovered through his divine sense that on the top of the ice and snow mountain, dozens of holy kings from the Shiyuan God Realm were flying. Besieging the Golden Armed Ape.

When Tan Yun's spiritual sense found Ji Hao who was hiding on the edge of the peak, his face turned pale with fright, a cold light shot out from Tan Yunxing's eyes!

Xuanyuanrou's Great Holy Soul, Shiyin, and Shimin's Holy King Soul are not as powerful as Tan Yun, and their spiritual consciousness is not as wide as Tan Yun's coverage. At this moment, the three of them don't know what happened on the peak.

"What's wrong with Brother Jing Xian?" Li Shimin asked in a low voice.

Tan Yun said in a deep voice: "Ji Hao is on the top now, and those who are fighting with the golden-armed ape are all people from the Shiyuan God Realm!"

"It's this dog!" Li Shimin gritted his teeth and said, "This bastard, he disrespected my sister before, I must kill him!"

At this moment, not only Tan Yun and Li Shimin had killing intent in their eyes, but also Li Shiyin and Xuanyuan Rou.

The two daughters thought that on the way to Swallowing God's Ominous Yuan, Gongzhi Zhenxiong wanted to kill Ji Hao and Gongzhi Zhenxiong because Ji Hao was disrespectful to him because he was the supreme grandson of Shiyuan!

"Brother Jingxian, what's the situation above?" Li Shimin asked, "Which side has the upper hand?"

Tan Yun said truthfully: "Golden Armed Ape is injured now, but the injury is not fatal."

"Ji Hao's party suffered a heavy death, and five ninth-class holy kings survived, and one of them lost his right arm."

"Three of the other four ninth-class holy kings were injured, and only one was intact."

"In addition, there are sixteen wounded eighth-class holy kings who are fighting the golden-armed ape together with five ninth-class holy kings."

"Although the golden-armed ape is fine now, it seems that it will be killed sooner or later."

Hearing this, Li Shimin's eyes were gloomy and he said: "Why don't we sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and then take action when they both lose?"

"Yes, yes." Xuanyuan Rou and Li Shiyin agreed.

Tan Yun frowned, and did not answer immediately, but thought for a while and said: "This plan is feasible, but it is very risky."

"If the five ninth-class holy kings in Ji Hao's party are still alive after the golden-armed ape is killed, it will be troublesome. We are not their opponents."

Xuanyuanrou asked: "What do you want?"

Tan Yun said: "Don't rush to make a decision, play it by ear, listen to my password later and then start."

"Now let's use the invisibility technique and sneak in the snow on the Ice and Snow Mountain!"

Afterwards, Tan Yun put away the Shenzhou, and Xuanyuan Rou and the other three performed the invisibility technique, swept down from the void, and quietly got into the thick snow, and shuttled towards the top of the ice and snow mountain in the snow... …

The four of them concentrated and held their breath as they shuttled through the snow, so that even if someone's consciousness swept across the surface of the snow layer, they would not find them...

A full moment later.

The top of the ice and snow mountain.

"Whoa, whoa—"

The golden-armed ape was panting and surrounded by the crowd, his body as high as three thousand feet was covered with shocking huge wounds!

At this moment, it stood in the air, looking around at the humans floating around its body, its pair of giant pupils gradually calmed down.

Then, it gradually showed timidity in its eyes.

It's not stupid, knowing that if it goes on like this, it will be consumed by these humans!

At this moment, Tan Yunzhi's voice came to the mind of the golden-armed ape, "Hello, senior golden-armed ape, junior Jing Yun, I have vendetta against the enemies who are besieging you now."

"Let's make a deal. I will help you, senior, and kill them together. Then, we will go our separate ways, how about it?"

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