Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1733 Fierce battle!

Chapter 1733 Fierce battle!

At this moment, the same is true for the Titans and Sima Tianxiao.

They couldn't figure out what the identities of Tan Yun and Xuanyuanrou were, and why one of them knew how to use the supernatural powers of the Supreme Being, while the other could use the magical powers of the patriarch of the Spirit Clan!

The three of them didn't care to think too much, and held the divine weapon from the void to block the extremely dense Tianxuan pupil arrows that came from the sky!


"Bang bang bang—"

The titan danced the hammer, forming a shadow of the hammer on its body surface, smashing the arrows of the Profound Eyes of the Sky with the ear-piercing sound of impact!

But when it was crushed, the giant titan felt a huge impact from the two hammers, and the impact rushed violently along the hammers into his hands and arms!


The titan cursed in pain, his hands and arms spattered with flesh and blood, revealing sections of huge bones in the blood!

On the other side, Sima Tianxiao, who became 800 feet long by using the mad dragon body training, blasted out the power of the ancient holy king in his body, and danced the 900-foot-long Fang Tian painted halberd, smashing the Tianxuan pupil arrows into pieces. !

Similarly, he felt a powerful impact pouring from Fang Tian's painted halberd into his right hand and penetrating through his right arm.

His mouth burst open, the skin on his entire right arm was cracked, and blood flowed out!

On the other side, Bai Rongsheng, holding the Excalibur, was filled with the power of time and space in his body. He dodged and blocked from the void, looking a little calm.

Xuanyuanrou and Tan Yun could tell at a glance that Bai Rongsheng was the strongest among the three.

"Tan Yun, which one to kill first?" Xuanyuanrou's sweet voice sounded in Tan Yun's mind.

"Easy first, then difficult!" Tan Yun said via voice transmission: "Rou'er, I want to use my supernatural powers to imprison Sima Tianxiao, and then you make a surprise attack and try to kill him with one blow. Even if you can't kill him, you will seriously injure him!"

"You raid Sima Tianxiao, and I'll find a way to get rid of the giant titan. There is only one Bai Rongsheng left, so it's easy to deal with."

Xuanyuanrou said via voice transmission: "Okay, I will follow your instructions."

As soon as Xuanyuanrou's words fell, Tan Yun, who was as tall as ten thousand feet, roared through the entire sword array, "Space cage!"


Immediately, almost the entire void in the sword array was distorted, and a huge binding force rushed towards the Titans, Sima Tianxiao, and Bai Rongsheng from all directions like mountains and seas!

Immediately, the Titans, Sima Tianxiao, and Bai Rongsheng seemed to be in a quagmire!

"Explode this young master!"

Bai Rongchang let out a howl, and the power of the Holy King of Time and Space burst out of his body, and immediately, the binding force of the space cage disappeared.

However, the titan and Sima Tianxiao surged out of their bodies with divine power. Even though they felt that their restraints were greatly reduced, their movement speed was still 30% slower than usual!

In a confrontation between the strong, the difference is a thousand miles, and the speed is reduced by 30%. This is undoubtedly terrifying and deadly!

"Rou'er, kill!"

Tan Yun suddenly took a step, and while the void was shaking, he crossed hundreds of thousands of feet of space and appeared in front of the 4,000-foot-high Titan. Holding the 6,000-foot-long Hongmeng Killing God Sword, he slashed at the Titan!


With a swing of the sword, a 100,000-foot-long jet-black space crack emerged in the primordial void!

The titan was terrified, and when life and death were at stake, he let out a roar, and a misty flame burned on his huge head, but he used the soul of the self-immolated holy king to improve his strength!

Immediately, the titan's 4,000-foot body suddenly shook, broke free from the shackles of the space cage, gained freedom, and suddenly turned sideways in an attempt to dodge!

But it's too late!



While the blood was splattering, the Titan escaped the bad luck of being beheaded with a single sword, but the Hongmeng Sword of Killing God cut off his right face and took advantage of the momentum to cut off his right arm!

"Jing Yun, I'll fight with you!" The titan swung the giant hammer with his left arm, the hammer exploded the void, and smashed towards Tan Yun's chest!

At this time, with Tan Yun's thought, two bright red flowers with a height of one foot and no leaves flew out from the elixir bag at his waist.

This flower is the bloodthirsty god flower. Taking one flower can instantly increase one's strength by 10%.

Now there are only seventy-nine flowers left in Tan Yunling's medicine bag, and he will never use them unless he has to, because if he takes one, he will lose one.

"Rou'er, take it!" Tan Yun immediately swallowed one, and threw the other to Xuanyuanrou who was going to kill Sima Tianxiao.

After Xuanyuanrou caught it, she swallowed the bloodthirsty flower like Tan Yun. Suddenly, the two of them felt that the blood in their bodies seemed to boil, and a powerful feeling that had never been felt before came from the bottom of their hearts!

"Great Steps!"

Holding the Hongmeng Killing God Sword, Tan Yun drew an arc from the void with his mountain-like body, narrowly dodged the giant hammer from the Titan, appeared behind the Titan, and held the sword towards the Titan. Cut off the head!


After the Titan burned the soul of the Holy King, his strength increased greatly, his left arm suddenly raised, and the giant hammer hit the chopped-off Hongmeng God Slaying Sword!

"No! My sledgehammer is a ninth-rank high-grade artifact, and it will be chopped into pieces by your divine sword..."

The sound of the titan's frightened and desperate screams was interrupted abruptly, but its hammer was shattered like ceramics under the slash of Hongmeng's Excalibur, and then, Hongmeng's Excalibur split open with blood like a waterfall. The head of the giant titan divided the body of four thousand feet into two!

Killed on the spot, the soul and fetus are all destroyed, completely dead!

And at this moment, in the void of primordial mist, Sima Tianxiao, who was holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, faced Xuanyuanrou who came to kill him, and he also burned the soul of the holy king. Ninety percent of the usual rate!

Ninety percent of the speed was comparable to Xuanyuanrou's usual fastest speed. However, at this time, Xuanyuanrou had taken the Bloodthirsty God Flower, and after increasing her strength by 10%, she was 10% faster than Sima Tianxiao!

He holds Fang Tian's painted halberd, and the power of the ancient holy king surges out of his body, and kills Xuanyuan Rou!

"Spiritual Race Sky Profound Art!"

As Xuanyuan Rou performed the Lingzu Tianxuan Jue, a vast terrifying aura permeated from Xuanyuanrou's body. She held the Tianxuan Ice Sword and moved like a ghost from the primordial void, and the sword lethally screamed at Sima Tian kill!

All of a sudden, Xuanyuanrou's beautiful shadows and those bloody sword glows were everywhere in the void of primordial mist!

"Puchi, Puchi!"

Sima Tianxiao, who used the mad dragon body training, tried his best to block, and was beaten so that he had no strength to fight back, but could only parry. Xuanyuan Rou's sword light cut two huge, horrific wounds on his abdomen and back!

"Brother Bai, help me!" Sima Tianxiao yelled in horror. He knew that if Bai Rongsheng didn't help, it would only be a matter of time before he was killed by Xuanyuanrou!

"Hold on, I'm here to save you!"

In fact, Bai Rongsheng would never stand by without Sima Tianxiao calling for help!

"Spacetime God Slayer Sword Art!"

"Sixth Form - Sword Slaying Heaven!"

With a solemn expression, Bai Rongsheng held up the divine sword of time and space attributes with his right hand, and the vast power of the holy king of time and space in his body poured into the divine sword crazily!


Bai Rongsheng's hair fluttered, his body slid in the void of the primordial sky with a mysterious trajectory, and swung his sword at Xuanyuanrou!

With a swing of the sword, suddenly, six ten thousand zhang sword lights suddenly released from the void, and devoured towards Xuanyuanrou!

Feeling the aura emanating from the Six Paths Sword Light, Tan Yun was shocked. He could see that the power of the Six Paths Sword Light was three points stronger than the Five Elements Extermination and Seven Meridians Extermination in his Hongmeng Killing God Sword Art!

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