Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1741 Survive!

Chapter 1741: Live!

"Break it!"

Tan Yun yelled loudly, and his ten thousand-foot body jumped up from the square at a high speed. His hands and ten fingers were like swords, piercing into the body of the nine-headed dragon with streams of blood!


Tan Yun suddenly exerted force with his hands, tearing the body of the nine-headed dragon forcefully!


In Tan Yun's thought, the Hongmeng Killing God Sword shot out from between his eyebrows, turned into six thousand feet and landed on his right hand. In the splash of blood, the nine heads of the Nine-headed God Flood Dragon were beheaded!

And at this time, the nine-headed dragon swam down and surrounded Xuanyuan Rou and Tan Yun in a tight surrounding!


Tan Yun held the Hongmeng Killing God Sword and Xuanyuanrou held the Tianxuan Ice Sword tightly, and slaughtered the nine-headed dragons who were besieging them!

"Puchi Puchi—"

All of a sudden, blood gushed out in the lake water in the square, and the heads of nine-headed dragons were chopped off one by one!

In the next moment, the nine-headed dragon that had been killed was revived again, and it still violently killed Tan Yun and the other two!

Their giant claws are hard and full of strength, Tan Yun and Xuanyuanrou relied on dodging to fight with them...

After just a moment.

In the huge square, thousands of nine-headed dragons were completely dead. The corpses were floating in the lake water, and the blood in the corpses filled the air, staining the lake above the square red.

Finally blazing a trail of blood, Tan Yun sacrificed Ren Zun's best Shenzhou to carry Xuanyuan Rou, and fled to the outside of the square with the roiling water waves.

Behind the Shenzhou, tens of thousands of divine dragons surged with divine power, chasing at top speed, however, they were unable to catch up.

"Useless waste is a bunch of useless waste!"

On the top of the towering majestic peak behind the square, the nine-headed dragon king, who was sprinting towards the ninth-class holy emperor beast, roared furiously: "Human beings have a divine boat, and you can't catch up with it at all. You will all retreat to this king!"

"This king will deal with them!"

Amidst the roaring sound, the vast aura of the eighth-class holy emperor beast filled the body of the nine-headed dragon king, and the huge body of a million feet swam down from the top of the peak at extreme speed, heading towards the people who had fled three thousand miles away. Tan Yun quickly chased after...

at the same time.

On the Shenzhou boat, Tan Yun released his divine consciousness to the extreme, and when he found that there was no nine-headed dragon chasing after him in the lake a thousand miles away behind him, he laughed loudly, "Great, Tianchi Xuanyinhuo has finally succeeded! "

"This kind of fire is the top-grade Tianzun divine fire!"

Seeing Tan Yun's excited appearance, Xuanyuan Rou smiled, "I see you are excited."

In the next half an hour, Tan Yun drove the Shenzhou, increased the speed to the extreme, and drove towards the exit of the Tianchi Abyss, but due to the huge resistance of the lake, the speed of the Shenzhou dropped.

For half an hour, every time Tan Yun thought of successfully obtaining Tianchi Xuanyinhuo, he laughed from ear to ear.

At this moment, Xiao Longshe's exclamation sounded in Tan Yun's mind, "Little master, it's not good, the nine-headed dragon king is chasing you!"

"What?" Tan Yun's expression suddenly became dignified, and when he released his consciousness and realized that there was nothing within a thousand miles behind him, he knew that because Xiao Longshe was stronger than his own consciousness, he discovered it in advance.

"Where is it?" Tan Yun asked hastily.

"Little master, it has appeared in the lake two thousand two hundred miles behind you!"

Tan Yun suppressed the panic in his heart, and asked, "How much faster is its speed than I can control the Shenzhou?"

"Reporting to my little master, the speed of the nine-headed dragon king is 30% faster than your speed of driving the Shenzhou!" Xiao Longshe judged.

"Thirty percent? So fast!" Tan Yun looked horrified.

Xuanyuanrou noticed the change of expression on Tan Yun's face, and asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Therefore, Tan Yun told Xuanyuanrou about the pursuit of the nine-headed dragon king.

Xuanyuan Rou's beautiful face was full of worry, "Now the Shenzhou is under the resistance of the lake water, and its speed has dropped greatly, not as good as the nine-headed dragon king."

"As long as we can escape from the Tianchi Ice Lake, the Nine-headed Dragon King will definitely not be able to catch up with us."

"But at this speed, it's hard to escape before it catches up!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun said with a heartbeat: "It seems that I can only run away desperately."

After saying that, Tan Yun's handsome facial features began to distort, his face showed pain, and an ethereal flame burned on his head.

It was he who burned the great holy soul of Hongmeng to improve his strength.

As he burned the great holy soul of Hongmeng, Shenzhou's speed increased by half a minute.

Tan Yun restrained the pain, and sacrificed a bloodthirsty god flower from the elixir bag, swallowed it into his mouth, chewed it into pieces, the blood in his body boiled, and his strength suddenly increased by 10%. Faster!

The Bloodthirsty God Flower is precious, but Tan Yun had to endure the pain in his heart and took one.

"Tan Yun, you must be in great pain." Xuanyuan Rou looked at Tan Yun's ferocious facial features, feeling distressed.

Tan Yun shook his head, and looked at Xuanyuan Rou affectionately, "As long as I can escape and keep you safe, this bit of pain is nothing."

Xuanyuanrou was so moved that she hugged Tan Yun tightly, tears slipped from her beautiful eyes and dissipated in the icy lake water...


An hour later, when the water was surging, Tan Yun drove the Shenzhou out of the abyss of the Tianchi Lake, and appeared at the bottom of the Tianchi Ice Lake. He asked via voice transmission, "Old Xiao, where is that beast?"

"Little master, it is already 1,500 centimeters below."

Tan Yun's expression was extremely dignified. As an hour passed, his Great Holy Soul of Hongmeng suffered a strong backlash. At the same time, the medicinal power of swallowing the Bloodthirsty God Flower had expired, and the speed of Shenzhou slowed down by 10%!

"No matter what, I will take Rou'er and escape." Tan Yun made up his mind, and sacrificed a soul-absorbing herb from the elixir bag. Not long after taking it, the great holy soul of Hongmeng recovered from the backlash up.

Immediately afterwards, Tan Yun took another bloodthirsty flower, and when the speed increased by 10%, he burned the Great Holy Soul of Hongmeng again, bleeding from seven orifices, and drove the Shenzhou towards the ice lake of Tianchi Lake...

An hour later, Tan Yun, who was driving the Shenzhou towards the lake, heard an angry voice from the green lake below, "Damn human baby, you can't escape the palm of my king today!"

Shocked, Tan Yun released his consciousness and stretched down towards the lake below, and found that the nine-headed dragon king had appeared more than 600 miles below!

"You two lowly humans, did you eat the heart of a bear or the guts of a leopard, dare to sneak into this king's territory and steal the Tianchi Xuanyin fire!"

"Damn, really damn!!"

"When this king catches you, you will definitely be pulled out!"


Facing the non-stop insults from the Nine-Headed Flood Dragon King, no matter how good-natured Tan Yun was, he couldn't help being furious, "Fuck you! I'll let you catch up to me!"

"I'm angry too, you dare to scold me, you're dead!" The nine-headed dragon king roared, dancing his huge body of a million feet, chasing after the Shenzhou in the water above.

But at this time, an hour had come, Tan Yun was once again backlashed by the Great Holy Spirit of Hongmeng, and he didn't care about the pain, the only belief in his heart was to escape!

Live with the woman you love!

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