Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1751 Purple Evil Spirit!

Chapter 1751 Purple Evil Spirit!

Holding the Hongmeng Killing God Sword in his hand, Tan Yun stepped over Gongzhi Zhenxiong's corpse, entered the death forest, and came to the back of the top-grade Tianzun Shenzhou that fell into the forest.

Tan Yun bit the divine sword in his mouth, pushed the top-grade Tianzun Shenzhou with both hands, and drew a huge trench in the forest floor, and then pushed the Shenzhou out of the death forest.

Then, Tan Yun put the top-grade Tianzun Shenzhou into the God Ring, and walked into the Forest of Death with the Hongmeng Killing God Sword in his hand.

"Little master, the Purple Spirit Divine Flame is deep in the Forest of Death." Tan Yun thought of Xiao Longshe's voice in his mind.

After Tan Yun nodded to express his understanding, he walked towards the depths of the forest vigilantly with his sword in hand...

At the same time, outside the God Swallowing Abyss, Shiyuan Shenhai is deep.

Tianzun Xueying, Tianzun Muzhen, and Tianzun Chaos, the three of them frowned tightly, with solemn expressions.

Judging from the extinguished life lamp in front of them, not only more than 1,200 geniuses from the holy king realm of Shiyuan God Realm died, but even the grandson of Shiyuan Supreme also died inside!

At this moment, the three of them seemed to see the appearance of Supreme Siwon, who was furious when he learned of the death of Zongsun!

Chaos Tianzun frowned, "How could this be, more than 1,200 holy kings were all killed in less than a moment!"

Tianzun Mu Zhen looked sideways at Tianzun Chaos and said, "I think it's not because of the civil war between the three geniuses of the God Realm that so many people died, but because they encountered some kind of powerful existence."

"Well, it makes sense." After Chaos Tianzun agreed, he looked at Xueying Tianzun and said, "Xueying, if your master knows that Gongzhi Zhenxiong died, he will be very sad. At that time, you should comfort him more. .”

"Yeah." Xueying Tianzun nodded his head, but sneered in his heart, "Old man, back then you and Chaos Supreme killed my father."

"It's fine now, both of your grandchildren are dead, and I want you to feel the pain of losing a loved one..."

Half a month later.

Tan Yun, holding the Hongmeng Killing God Sword, stood in front of a stone tablet standing deep in the forest of death.

Tan Yun saw at a glance that a line of ancient words from the previous universe was engraved crookedly on the stone tablet: The territory of the purple fierce spirit, trespassers will die!

Tan Yun frowned, and when he was about to bypass the stele, a piercing voice rang out, "Bold people, dare to trespass on the territory of my purple vicious spirit!"


In the next moment, an ethereal purple phantom floated out from behind the stone tablet, blocking Tan Yun's body.

Tan Yun fixed his eyes, his pupils narrowed, and found that it was a monster with a body like a cow, a transparent tail, but a human face.

At the same time, Tan Yun saw that the monster in front of him was a ninth-class holy beast.

"Master, this is the purple evil spirit." Tan Yun thought of the voice of Xiao Long and Snake in his mind, "They have two forms."

"The current ones are invisible. If you don't look carefully, it's hard to see them."

"Once they transform into a fighting form, the transparent body will become substantial, and then sharp fangs and sharp claws on the four hooves will appear."

"Little master, the purple evil spirit of the Great Sacred Beast has a body comparable to a seventh-order top-grade artifact, and the purple evil spirit of the Saint King Realm has a flesh body comparable to an eighth-grade top-grade artifact."

"They possess powerful power and can release divine power. Their speed cannot be underestimated. You must be careful."

Just as Xiao Long Snake transmitted the sound, the purple evil spirit turned on its fighting form, and the misty figure became real.

The eerie fangs in the mouth and the sharp claws on the four hooves also appeared. Its ugly and fierce appearance is so impressive that its hair can't help but stand on end.

"Wait." Tan Yun waved his hands towards the purple fierce spirit, who was about ten feet tall, and said, "I have something to say..."

Without waiting for Tan Yun's words, the purple evil spirit said with a ferocious face: "Death!"


When the void was like water ripples, the purple evil spirit turned into a purple afterimage. The speed was beyond Tan Yun's expectation. It raised its front hooves and sharp claws, and grabbed Tan Yun's face!

"Grass, what a fast speed!" Tan Yun was shocked. He couldn't mobilize his divine power, so he couldn't use the Primordial God Step. When he dodged to the left in a hurry, he felt a sharp pain in his right arm!


In the blood splattering, it was the purple evil spirit's right front hoof and sharp claws that slashed across Tan Yun's right arm, leaving three deep bone-deep wounds, from which blood flowed out.

Tan Yun looked down at the wound on his right shoulder, his eyes turned cold immediately, and said word by word: "The beast wants to die!"

"The one who died is you!"


The purple evil spirit let out a roar, and to Tan Yun's surprise, its size had soared to a size of a hundred feet, and it became even more ferocious and terrifying!

Immediately, the ground in the forest cracked, and dust rose from the ground, rushing towards Tan Yunfei.

The speed was so fast that Tan Yun couldn't dodge in time.

Of course, Tan Yun never thought of hiding.

"Primary Shadow Body!"

"Death Armor!"


In the tremor of the void, Tan Yun's size skyrocketed to a gigantic size, and a set of pitch-black death armor condensed on his body surface!

Facing this scene, the purple evil spirit, which was hundreds of feet tall, showed shock in its pupils, but it still didn't back down, opened its fangs and flew into the air, biting towards Tan Yun's neck!

Tan Yun raised his right arm, and suddenly opened his giant palm, holding the purple evil spirit in his hand simply and roughly.

Now that Tan Yun has condensed the death armor, his strength has skyrocketed, and he can tear apart eighth-rank low-grade artifacts with his bare hands, which is enough to easily crush the purple evil spirit in his hand.

Because the purple evil spirit in his hand is as powerful as a seventh-order top-grade artifact.

The purple evil spirit held in the palm of Tan Yun's hands showed panic in its giant pupils, and its fangs frantically bit Tan Yun's right hand, bleeding profusely immediately.

"Let go!" Tan Yun clenched his right fist suddenly, and immediately, the purple evil spirit in his palm creaked, as if it would burst at any moment.

Not only did the purple evil spirit not let go, but on the contrary, he roared viciously: "Damn human, you don't know the fate of offending our purple evil spirits!"

"As long as you kill me, the image of me before my death will be transmitted to our patriarch's mind. At that time, our entire purple evil spirit clan will kill you even if we chase you to the ends of the earth!"

"Hehe, the tone is not small." A sneer was drawn at the corner of Tan Yun's mouth, and he cast the primordial pupils, a pair of giant pupils glowing with a strange red light.

Suddenly, the purple evil spirit looked dull.

"Tell me, the exact location of the Purple Spirit Divine Flame." Tan Yun's voice full of spells sounded from his mind.

"In the hands of our patriarch." The purple evil spirit said.

"What is the strength of your patriarch?" Tan Yun asked, "How many purple evil spirits are there in your clan?"

"What is your strength, tell me clearly."

Hearing this, the purple evil spirit said dully: "Our patriarch is a ninth-class holy king beast."

"Our family of purple evil spirits has a total of more than 103,000."

"There are more than 10,000 holy kings, more than 30,000 holy kings, and the rest are heavenly beasts and earthly beasts."

Hearing this, Tan Yun's expression was shocked, "So many!"

Immediately, when Tan Yun was about to crush the purple evil spirit in his hand, he suddenly changed his mind, his eyes showed a strong look of excitement, "If I subdue the purple evil spirits and form an army of evil spirits, At that time, when encountering enemies, the enemies will not be able to fly in front of them, their divine power will be banned, and they will only be able to kill them!"

Immediately, Tan Yun told Mr. Xiao what he thought, and asked Mr. Xiao for his opinion!

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