Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1753 Why should I trust you?

Chapter 1753 Why should I believe you?

"Okay, very good!" Tan Yun said, "I can take you purple evil spirits out."

"What? Can you take us out?" Zishan put away her fangs and asked in a questioning tone.

"That's right." Tan Yun said, "However, you have to promise me three conditions."

"Let's not talk about the conditions first." Zishan said coldly: "Why do you make me believe you?"

"Why?" Tan Yun said lightly: "It's very simple, if I can't take you out, I swear, if you don't fight back, I will let you kill me."

Tan Yun knew that when negotiating conditions with Zishan, he had to make an oath, so that the other party would believe it, and the devil would believe him with some kind of guarantee.

"Okay, I'll trust you for now." Zi Shan said, "Tell me what's the condition?"

"First, after you go out, you evil spirits must get rid of the habit of eating humans."

Zishan nodded, "This is no problem."

"Second, I want your Purple Spirit Divine Flame." Tan Yun said.

"I can promise you this too." Zi Shan said without hesitation.

"Third, you have to recognize me as the master..." Without waiting for Tan Yun to speak, Zishan immediately interrupted, "Joke! What a big joke!"

"My purple evil spirit clan has been an independent god clan since ancient times. When my ancestors were alive, they never surrendered to anyone. I will not surrender to anyone today either."

"I will never surrender to a human race like you!"

As soon as these words came out, tens of thousands of purple evil spirits around Tan Yun spoke one after another:

"The patriarch is right, our noble purple evil spirit will never be loyal to the human race!"

"We would rather stay in this dark place than give up our dignity and submit to him!"


With the ear-piercing voices of the evil spirits lingering in his ears, Tan Yun took a deep breath, stared at Zishan and said, "Don't rush to refuse, I have something to say."

"If you still don't agree after I finish speaking, I will never force you."

Tan Yun said: "First of all, in this dark place, you can't devour the divine essence of heaven and earth, and your cultivation speed is extremely slow."

"If you leave here with me, there will be heaven and earth gods breathing out and practicing, and the speed of cultivation can be increased several times."

"Secondly, if you think that surrendering to me means losing your dignity, I don't agree with that."

"Dignity is what you live out! It's what you fight with your own strength!"

"Think about how your ancestors created the brilliance for your purple evil spirits?"

"Your ancestors relied on their strong strength to strive for self-improvement! If you want to gain dignity, you must strengthen yourself!"

"As long as you are strong enough, your dignity will be by your side. If you don't want to make progress, your dignity will be farther and farther away from you!"

"As for me, Jing Yun, the human race standing in front of you, I just cherish my talents and don't want to bury you, so I want to take you out of here, create opportunities for you to conquer the gods, and help Zishan lead the current clan to surpass you The most glorious time for our ancestors!"

"Let you purple evil spirits not live in the past, but live in the present!"

Every sentence Tan Yun said was like a blow to Zi Shan, "In other words, do you really think that your purple evil spirit clan is very powerful now?"

"No! You are not powerful at all. As long as a god king, even if it is only a first god king, he can wipe out your clan and annihilate you with ashes!"

"So, I'm here to save you."

After listening to Tan Yun's words, Zi Shan bit her red lips and fell silent with tens of thousands of purple evil spirits.

At this time, Tan Yun said again: "Frankly speaking, I originally entered the Forest of Death just to get the Purple Spirit Divine Flame."

"Wanting to subdue you is just a temporary decision. Follow me, and I will not let you be wronged. Follow me, you purple evil spirits, and you can surpass the past and reach the peak!"

"I've finished what I have to say. If you don't agree, I won't say more. You will be stuck here for the rest of your life. What does it have to do with me?"

After speaking, Tan Yun stopped talking.

At this time, the evil spirits of tens of thousands of holy king beasts talked in a low voice:

"There is some truth to what this human being said!"

"Yeah yeah……"

"What is it! Humans are inherently deceitful, and besides, he is just a third-class saint, and any of us can kill him, so why should he lead us?"

"That's right..."


"Quiet." Zishan raised her right hand lightly, and immediately, all the evil spirits fell silent.

She stared at Tan Yun, as if she could see through Tan Yun's heart, "You heard the conversation of my people just now."

"I just want to know, how do you prove that what you said is true, why do you make me believe you?"

"You are only a third-class great sage after all. With such low strength, what charm do you have that can make me submit to you?"

"As long as you can answer these doubts, what if I surrender to you for the sake of the future of the purple evil spirits?"

"What I want is not just talking on paper, but you want to show me real hope."

After hearing this, Tan Yun fell into a long silence, and then said solemnly: "Since you want to know, why am I qualified to lead you, then I will tell you."

"Now you release the supernatural power that imprisoned my supernatural power."

As soon as these words came out, the evil spirits suddenly became vigilant.

Tan Yun seemed to see through the worries of all the evil spirits. He looked at Zishan, "What? I'm worried that after you release your supernatural powers, I will recover my supernatural powers and attack you?"

Zi Shan smiled faintly, "You are overthinking, my patriarch doesn't think that way, even if you recover your divine power, this patriarch is a majestic ninth-class holy king beast, how can he be afraid of you?"

After saying that, Zi Shan opened her teeth lightly, and the undeniable voice resounded through the entire Death God Forest, and was clearly heard by more than 100,000 purple evil spirits.

"It's the patriarch!" A tidal wave of respect engulfed the forest.

The next moment, Tan Yun felt that the power that imprisoned the spirit pool disappeared.

"The supernatural power has been lifted." Zi Shan asked, "How do you want to prove it?"

"Please look." After Tan Yun said lightly, with a flick of his right arm, suddenly, a vast amount of divine power gushed out, condensing a huge memory image from the void.

In the picture, it is the secret land deep in the Primordial God Realm, the Gods' Ominous Abyss.

In the secret place surrounded by heaven, earth and gods and beautiful scenery, a scene that shocked Zishan happened!

She widened her eyes, but saw that there were hundreds of thousands of wild giants and wild giants, with their right fists clenched against their chests, and they knelt down on one knee towards Tan Yun, speaking in unison, and she could feel the two great gods through the screen. When facing Tan Yun, the reverent and earth-shattering voice said: "Your subordinates kowtow to my lord!"

Tan Yun looked at Zishan and the evil spirits with a shocked expression, and said: "The two chiefs, I can bring any one of you, and you can all be wiped out."

"Are they very powerful?" Zi Shan asked while suppressing the shock in her heart.

"Of course." Tan Yun said, "Go on and watch."

While Tan Yun was speaking, the memory image changed, and in the screen, Tan Yun asked about the realm of the barbarian patriarch and the prehistoric patriarch.

To Zishan's shock, the patriarchs of the barbaric and the prehistoric are both ninth-class holy emperors, only one step away from the king of gods!

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