Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1762 Get angry!

Chapter 1762 Get furious!

"Big Brother's words, I feel at ease." Bai Lingyun voice transmission: "Brother, the time has come, let Xuan Qi, Xuan Yi and the others marry Yuwen Shu and Zhan Zusheng!"

"En." After the voice transmission from the Supreme God King, the old housekeeper Bai Teng's old voice full of excitement came from outside the hall:

"The auspicious day has arrived. I invite the bridegroom Yu Wenshu and Zhan Zusheng, and the brides Bai Xuanyi and Bai Xuanqi into the palace!"

As soon as the words were finished, Bai Teng stooped and walked into the main hall. Immediately, Yu Wenshu, who was wearing a groom's attire, and Bai Xuanyi, who was wearing a bridal attire and covered with a red hijab, stepped into the main hall.

Behind them are Zhan Zusheng and Bai Xuanqi in the same attire.

Witnessed by the God Kings and Patriarchs, the two couples walked slowly towards the Supreme God King, Yuwen God King, and Zhan Peng who were seated in the second row.

When the four of them came to the second row of seats, Yu Wenshu looked at Tan Yun in the first row of seats, quite unnaturally.

At this time, Lingxia Tianzun stood up and looked at the four people and said: "Two couples, I wish you a long life together."

"Thank you, Lord Tianzun!" Yu Wenshu, Zhan Zusheng, and Bai Xuanqi said in unison, but Bai Xuanyi remained silent.

Immediately, Lingxia Tianzun sat down with a smile.

"Old butler, let's start." The Supreme God King said, looking at Bai Teng.

"Old slave obeys." After Bai Teng responded, the loud voice lingered in the hall for a long time, "Bridegroom Yu Wenshu, bride Bai Xuanyi."

"The groom, Zhan Zusheng, and the bride, Bai Xuanqi, bow to heaven and earth!"

Following Bai Teng's words, Zhan Zusheng, Bai Xuanqi, and Yu Wenshu immediately turned around, faced the sky outside the hall, and knelt down slowly.

Only Bai Xuanyi didn't turn around, nor kneel down.

Seeing that Bai Xuanyi did not kneel, everyone in the hall looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

"Cough cough." The Supreme God King coughed lightly, stood up and clasped his fists to the crowd and said, "I made everyone laugh, Yi'er was too excited, that's why I didn't hear the old housekeeper's words clearly."

The Supreme God King looked at Bai Xuanyi who was covered with a hijab, and said with a smile: "Yi'er, hurry up and worship the heaven and the earth, it will be bad if you delay the time."

"It's Daddy." After Bai Xuanyi responded, when she turned around and was about to kneel down, she sent a voice transmission to Tan Yun: "Origin, stop it!"

"Don't worry." Tan Yun got up from Lingxia Tianzun after the voice transmission, and said loudly, "Wait!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes in the hall were fixed on Tan Yun. I don't know why?

"Yun'er, what's wrong?" Tianzun Lingxia asked.

At this time, the Supreme God King looked at Tan Yun and took a deep breath, with displeasure written all over his face!

"Master, this disciple has something important to tell the Supreme God King, lest he regret it later." Tan Yun said.

Lingxia Tianzun frowned and said nothing.

And God King Yuwen, who was seated in the second row, suddenly became as ugly as possible, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

"Young Master Jing, please speak if you have something to say, and please don't delay my two daughters' worship." The Supreme God King's voice was a little cold.

"Okay." Tan Yun stretched out a finger, pointed at Yu Wenshu, and said, "The Supreme God King, it is said that Mr. Yuwen is a useless person who cannot pass on his family."

"If the rumors are true, your daughter just jumped into the fire pit?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar:

"What? Yu Wenshu is a useless person? This can't be true, can it?"

"How could it be possible? Mr. Jing is just talking about rumors, and you don't even think about it. If Yu Wenshu is really useless and wants to marry Miss Bai, wouldn't this embarrass the Supreme God King?"

"Well, it makes sense..."


When everyone was discussing, Yu Wenshu glared at Tan Yun, "Jing Yun, don't talk nonsense!"

"Is it nonsense, don't you know?" Tan Yun said lightly.

"Ahem." Yuwen Shenwang stood up suddenly, and said righteously: "Young Master Jing, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!"

"That's right!" The Supreme God King stared at Tan Yun, and said in a deep voice.

"Yun'er, don't mess around." At this time, Lingxia Tianzun spoke.

"Master, this disciple is not messing around." Tan Yun respectfully said, "Master, Xuan Yi is not only my disciple's junior sister, but also your disciple."

"You don't want Xuan Yi to be kept in the dark and marry Yu Wenshu in a daze, do you?"

"I implore Master to be the master and find someone to test Yu Wenshu's body."

Seeing that Tan Yun didn't look like he was joking, Tianzun Lingxia thought for a while, then looked at the Supreme God King, "I think Yun'er's words are reasonable, what do you think?"

"My lord Tianzun, if after the death, what Jing Yun said is false, it will delay the time of worship." The Supreme God King bowed.

In his heart, he didn't believe it at all. He thought it was the damned Tan Yun who deliberately disrupted the situation by relying on his favor in front of Tianzun!

In his heart, even if Yu Wenshu was given 10,000 courage, he would not dare to tease his daughter!

"Yun'er, the Supreme God King's words also make sense." Lingxia Tianzun looked at Tan Yun and said.

Tan Yun shrugged and said, "Master, since the Supreme God King doesn't care about his daughter's happiness, then let him do as he pleases!"

"Jing Yun, what's your attitude?" The Supreme God King said displeased, "What do you mean this God King doesn't think about Xuan Yi?"

"What's my attitude?" Tan Yun said coldly: "You really think about my junior sister, you just find someone to give Yu Wenshu a body check in front of everyone!"

"If you don't, don't say any more!"

"Okay!" The Supreme God King restrained his anger and said, "Okay, this God King will personally examine Yu Wenshu!"

"If the time is delayed because of you spreading rumors indiscriminately, then you can figure it out!"

Looking at the angry Supreme God King, Lingxia Tianzun shook her head disappointedly at Tan Yun, she felt that Tan Yun was too disregarding the overall situation.

At this time, when King Yuwen wanted to stop the Supreme King from giving his son a body test, it was too late.

The Supreme God King grabbed Yu Wenshu, flew out of the hall, and disappeared...

After just three breaths, the Supreme God King's roar filled with endless anger came from outside the hall, shaking the hall to buzz and tremble, "Yu Wenshu, you bastard!"


As soon as the words fell, the Supreme God King grabbed Yu Wenshu's neck with one hand, stepped into the hall, and threw Yu Wenshu to the ground!

Then, the Supreme God King's eyes burst into raging anger, and he yelled at the Yuwen God King who was sitting on the seat: "Brother Yuwen Xian, you really think you are a brother and easy to bully!"

"It's true that Xuan Yi is my adopted daughter, but he is also my daughter, how dare you let your useless son want to marry my daughter!!"

King Yuwen knew that things were getting serious today, so he hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Yuwen Shu: "Shu'er, remember to take all the faults on you and don't involve being a father, otherwise, the matter will not be able to end!"

"Also, don't say that Jing Yun ruined you. Once you say it, Jing Yun will reveal that you molested Xuanyuan Rou. Now that Jing Yun is favored by Lord Tianzun, we can only swallow our anger this time, understand? ?”

"My child understands." Yu Wenshu got up from the ground.

At this time, the hall was full of gunpowder, and the god kings and patriarchs, this was the first time that the supreme god king was so furious.

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