Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1769 Meeting old friends?

Chapter 1769 Old friends meet?

"Is it true that we will meet our daughter soon?"

"Really, it's true." Tan Yun was also quite excited.

Xuanyuan Rou wept with joy, "Tan Yun, do you know? I want to recognize my daughter even in my dreams. I really miss her so much."

"I really want to hear my daughter, call me mother..."

Tan Yun looked at Xuanyuanrou who was weeping with joy, and he could feel how much she missed her daughter.

At the same time, he figured it out, it would be better to get to know each other soon...

"It's really great, it's great, I'm finally getting to know my daughter." Xuanyuanrou recalled in her mind the scenes of playing with her daughter in the previous life, and the tears she missed were dripping from broken threads.

she cried.

No one knew how much she, as a mother, missed her daughter.

No one knew that for countless nights, she could not sleep peacefully and practice meditation because she missed her daughter.

Tan Yun bowed his head and kissed Xuanyuanrou's tears dry, and said softly: "Fool, don't cry."

"En." Xuanyuanrou nodded and snuggled into Tan Yun's arms.

Tan Yun climbed onto Xuanyuanrou's graceful body with his right hand, and Xuanyuanrou pushed Tan Yun away charmingly, "I've said it before, you owe me a grand wedding, and I won't let you marry before you get married in this life." touch me."

Tan Yun said resentfully: "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

"Well, it's about the same." Xuanyuan Judao: "It will take some time for my daughter to come. You can sacrifice the Tower of Lingxiao, and we will start to practice first."

"Okay." Tan Yun offered sacrifices to the Tower of Lingxiao, and after Xuanyuanrou entered, he went to the ninth floor for temporary retreat.

Tan Yun came to the main hall on the first floor of the tower, and called out Miao Qingluan, Zishan, and Xiao Longshe.

Tan Yun looked at Miao Qingluan, and said apologetically, "Qingluan, something happened to me temporarily, and I have to wrong you to stay in this tower for a while."

"You don't leave until the matter is over."

Hearing this, there was a smile on Miao Qingluan's stunning face, "I don't feel wronged at all staying inside."

"I have already felt the divine essence of heaven and earth. As you said, after breathing in the divine essence of heaven and earth, the speed of cultivation has indeed increased dramatically."

"Besides, in this strange world, I don't know anyone other than you, so I'll stay by your side for the time being."

Hearing this, Tan Yun was taken aback, "Aren't you leaving?"

"That's right." Miao Qingluan frowned, "You want to drive me away?"

"No, no, you misunderstood." Tan Yun said with a smile: "You are a strong man, I can't wait to stay."

"That's about the same." Miao Qingluan laughed.

"Lumpy dog, looking at you makes me upset." Zi Shan muttered.

"Hmph, I'm still upset looking at you." Miao Qingluan sneered and said, "I'm the lofty and elegant Huanggu Qingluan, and a certain person only has a beautiful skin, but is an ugly purple evil spirit."

"Do you dare to say that I'm ugly?" Zishan stared at Miao Qingluan stubbornly, with a tyrannical killing intent surging from her delicate body.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing." Tan Yun said: "In the future, you will be together for a long time. The unhappiness you had in the God Swallowing Abyss before, let it pass."

"Also." Tan Yun looked at Zishan and said with a smile: "Zishan is different from other purple evil spirits. Even if she turns into a real body, she has nothing to do with being ugly."

"I hope you can coexist peacefully in the future, can you?"

Hearing this, Zi Shan nodded her head, "The subordinates listen to the master."

Miao Qingluan nodded after a little hesitation.

"Yeah." Tan Yun smiled with satisfaction, "Okay, you all go to practice."

"Oh, by the way, Zishan, pass on the order. It's an extraordinary time outside, and I will restrict the opening of all the gates of the Lingxiao Tower."

"After it is turned on, more than 100,000 evil spirits will not be able to release their consciousness to peek into the outside world."

"Outside time is up to four years, I will open the tower, let all the purple evil spirits come out, and see the sky again."

Zi Shan nodded, "This subordinate understands, and this subordinate will take my leave."

Zishan turned into a beam of light and disappeared into the main hall on the first floor.

"Cough cough." Tan Yun looked at Miao Qingluan and said, "Qingluan, should I give the divine fire?"

"You took me out of the god-swallowing abyss, of course I have to keep my promise to you." Miao Qingluan smiled, and sacrificed the ice-type high-grade Tianzun fire: Huanggu Fengyan.

Then he sacrificed, the fire-attribute low-grade divine fire: Qingluan Jieyan.

Tan Yun put away the two fires with a smile and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, I'm going to retreat." After Miao Qingluan responded, she went to the second floor to retreat.

"Little master, the old slave has also retreated, and I will improve my strength as soon as possible, and I will help you avenge you in the future." Xiao Longshe said.

After Xiao Longshe left, he also went to retreat.

Tan Yun brought the two fires to the third floor, and Qingluan Jieyan gave the Primordial Flame Purple Heart, which was devouring the other fires.

Purple Heart was very excited.

Afterwards, Tan Yun came to the fourth floor and gave the ancient phoenix flame to Hongmeng Bingyan Bing'er who was refining other fires.

Then, Tan Yun returned to the first floor of the tower, sat cross-legged, entered meditation, and reached the heart of primordial spirit suspended in the center of the spirit pool.

Tan Yun volleyed from the vast void of Hongmeng and landed on the Hongmeng Continent, passed through the Tan Mansion, and entered the palace of his wife Yuyan.

Tan Yun looked at the wife of the immortal lord lying quietly on the couch, and said softly: "Yuyan, when the next time the three great gods and the heavenly demons from outside the territory go to war, there will be rivers of blood, and then there will be blood and soul power for you to devour." .”

"Only in this way can you wake up as soon as possible."

Even though Tan Yun knew that Yuyan couldn't hear his words, he still kept telling Yuyan about the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys he had experienced in these years...

After Tan Yun withdrew from meditation, he practiced in closed-door training in the first-floor tower.


A year and a half later, Shiyuan God Realm.

Outside Shiyuan God City, in the vast sky, there was a strong wind, and suddenly, a million-meter-high time-space gate emerged in the void.


After the divine gate was opened, Mufeng Divine King volleyed and landed outside Shiyuan Divine City, and the temporal and spatial divine gate disappeared.

As one of the top ten god kings in Hongmeng God Realm, Mu Feng God King, the god general guarding the city gate still recognizes him.

King Mufeng greeted the general and explained his intentions, then the general opened the city gate.

King Mufeng entered the Shiyuan Divine City and headed straight for the majestic snow mountain located deep in the Shiyuan Divine City.

A few hours later, Mu Feng God King climbed up the Snow Shadow God Mountain, and came outside the Snow Shadow God Mansion which was located on the top of the snow mountain.

"Who are you?" A ninth-class holy priestess guarding the mansion asked the old man in front of her.

"My humble servant is God King Mu Feng of the Hongmeng God Realm. I have something to pay respects to the Heavenly Lord." The King Mu Feng clasped his fists and said.

"It turned out to be God King Mufeng." The goddess bowed and said, "I'm sorry, our Lord Tianzun has gone to the Supreme Mansion and is not in the mansion."

"Oh." Mufeng Shenwang asked: "When will you come back?"

"I don't know..." Before the goddess could finish her sentence, she looked at the vast snow sky and said, "King Mufeng, what a coincidence that you came, our Lord Tianzun is back."

At this moment, in the vast snowy sky, Snow Shadow Tianzun, who was dressed in a white dress better than the snow, flew down on the top of the sacred mountain.

"Junior Mu Feng, I have met Tianzun." Mu Feng turned around and bowed to Xueying Tianzun.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Snow Shadow Tianzun said coldly.

Therefore, Mufeng God King told Xueying Tianzun about the deaths of Zhan Zusheng, Bai Xuanqi, and Yu Wenshu, and asking Xueying Tianzun to perform the great derivation technique.

Xueying Tianzun sneered: "Who is Lingxia Tianzun when I am this Tianzun? You are dead in the Primordial God Realm, what is the matter with this Tianzun?"

"Go back and tell Tianzun Lingxia that even if she comes to invite me in person and kneels in front of me, I won't go!"

After saying that, Xueying Tianzun said coldly to the goddess outside the mansion: "Liu'er, see off the guests!"

Speaking of Xueying Tianzun, he stepped into the mansion.

King Mufeng hurriedly said: "Lord Tianzun, please stay. Besides, this junior has something important to tell you."

"Say!" Xueying Tianzun said without turning his head.

Shenwang Mufeng bowed and said, "My junior's granddaughter Xuanyuanrou said that an old friend wants to see you. If you don't follow me to the Hongmeng God Realm, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"My old friend wants to see me?" Xueying Tianzun frowned.

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