Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1772 Stand still on the spot!

Chapter 1772 Stand still on the spot!

"Good girl, don't cry, don't cry, mother is back." Xuanyuanrou hugged Xueying Tianzun quietly, she said to make her daughter stop crying, but her tears couldn't stop falling .

"My daughter didn't cry, my daughter was just too happy." Xueying Tianzun choked up and said: "Mother, your appearance has changed, and your realm has also become lower. Are you reborn as a human?"

Xuanyuan Rou choked and said, "Yes! Mother has been reborn as a human being. She ascended from the mortal plane all the way to the fairy world, and finally arrived at the God Realm. Mother's greatest wish is to find you."

Xueying Tianzun still hugged Xuanyuanrou tightly, pouted his mouth, and shed tears of dissatisfaction, "Mother, why didn't you recognize your daughter until now!"

"You have already arrived in the God Realm, and you know where your daughter is, and you have seen her, but why don't you recognize her?"

Xuanyuanrou let go of Xueying Tianzun, held his hand, and sighed: "Mother misses you too, but the time is not yet ripe."

"At that time, after mother knew that you were the Supreme Disciple of Shiyuan, she guessed that you wanted to avenge your father, so she recognized the thief as your master and tried to avenge your father in the future."

"Siyuan Supreme is powerful, and my mother is worried that after meeting you, Siyuan Supreme will see the clues. At that time, it will be troublesome."

Xueying Tianzun nodded and said: "Daughter understands."

Afterwards, Xueying Tianzun pursed his red lips and knelt down in front of Xuanyuanrou with tears in his eyes, "Xiaoying is not filial. After seeing you for the first time at Li Shiyin and Li Shimin's long live birthday ceremony, it was because you took a few more glances at your daughter. My daughter I want to kill you."

"At that time, you were still kneeling in front of your daughter. It was her who was rebellious. She also said that you were timid, and she shed tears when she slapped you..." Xueying Tianzun said and cried again, "Until now, my daughter didn't know that When you first saw your daughter, you wanted to recognize her but dared not recognize her, so you shed tears of excitement."

"There is a second time, before going to God Swallowing Abyss, mother, you followed Mu Zhen Tianzun to your daughter's Snow Shadow Divine Mansion."

"When my daughter saw you, she couldn't help but want to touch her swing, and she was furious at you."

"Your heart must have been very painful at that time... very painful... I'm sorry mother, it's my daughter who is sorry for you... woo woo..."

After saying that, Xueying Tianzun kowtowed and couldn't afford it.

"Silly girl, mother's good daughter, mother doesn't blame you, mother really doesn't blame you." Xuanyuan Rou leaned over and helped Xueying up.

Xuanyuanrou wiped away the tears from Xueying Tianzun's cheeks, and the mother and daughter hugged each other again.

After a long time, Xueying Tianzun laughed through his tears, "Hehe, from now on, I will be loved by my mother."

Xueying Tianzun let go of Xuanyuanrou and laughed happily in the hall.

Looking at the happy daughter, Xuanyuan Rou's stunning face was filled with a happy smile.

"Oh, by the way, mother." Snow Shadow Tianzun asked: "Then why did you choose to recognize your daughter now?"

After saying that, the smile on Xueying Tianzun's face disappeared, "Mother, I understand, are you doing it for your fiancé Jing Yun?"

"It must have been him who killed Zhan Zusheng, Bai Xuanqi, and Yu Wenshu, and then learned that Lingxia was going to invite her daughter to come and use her great deduction technique to find the murderer. That's why you met your daughter and asked her to protect him, right?"

"Yes, Xiaoying, you are very smart, what you said is right." Xuanyuanrou said.

"Mother, my daughter has no other intentions. As long as my mother asks her daughter to do it, my daughter will do it according to her mother's instructions, but..." Xueying Tianzun hesitated to speak.

"But what?" Xuanyuanrou took a step forward and asked Xueying Tianzun by the hand.

Xueying Tianzun said: "However, Supreme Master Hongmeng is my biological father. Although he is sorry for you, he is still my father anyway."

"However, Lingxia Tianzun, Supreme God King, Zhan Peng joined forces with Shiyuan Supreme and Chaos Supreme to kill his father."

"How can you talk about marriage with the enemy's disciple? My daughter really can't figure it out."

Hearing this, Xuanyuanrou said apologetically: "Xiaoying, this matter is a long story, mother just brought him here and told you face to face."

"En." Snow Shadow Tianzun nodded.

At the same time, in the room on the second floor of the VIP Pavilion, Tan Yun kept pacing back and forth, muttering to himself, "Why haven't their mother and daughter recognized each other yet?"

"Why didn't Rou'er come and call me to find my daughter?"

Not calm!

This was the most restless time for Tan Yun.

As soon as he thought about it, he was about to recognize his daughter, how could he be calm?

"Tan Yun, come on, my daughter and I are waiting for you in the Lingzu Temple." At this moment, Xuanyuanrou's beautiful voice sounded in Tan Yun's mind, and Tan Yun disappeared excitedly.

In the next moment, Tan Yun came out of the lobby on the first floor of the pavilion out of thin air.

"Yun'er, what's wrong with you, so excited?" King Bai Cheng asked.

"Yeah, Yun'er?" Mu Feng Shenwang was also puzzled.

Tan Yun danced excitedly, and sent a voice transmission to the two of them: "Because Xueying Tianzun agreed, after performing great derivation, he concealed the murder for me."

After the sound transmission, Tan Yun stepped into the Spirit Race Temple and disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

God King Mu Feng and God King Bai Cheng looked at each other with expressions of disbelief. They really couldn't figure out how Xuanyuanrou persuaded Xueying Tianzun?

The two of them knew that Xueying Tianzun was a person who didn't even give Lingxia Tianzun any face!

Why did you agree to Xuanyuan Rou?

When the two of them were confused, they felt relieved. In this way, Tan Yun would be safe...

As soon as Tan Yun entered the Spiritual Race Temple, he walked towards Xueying Tianzun excitedly, his star pupils were faintly visible, and tears of excitement shone.

Tan Yun opened his arms and said excitedly, "Xiaoying, Daddy's good daughter!"

After speaking, Tan Yun embraced Xueying Tianzun.

"What are you doing? Get out of the way for this Tianzun!" Snow Shadow Tianzun shouted coldly, making Tan Yun stop.

Xueying Tianzun looked at Tan Yun displeasedly, "You are my mother's fiancé in this life, that's right, but I'm not your daughter, don't talk nonsense!"

"Uh." Tan Yun looked at Xuanyuanrou in astonishment.

Xuanyuanrou chuckled, especially touching, "Why are you so anxious? I haven't told my daughter about you yet."

"Oh, that's how it is." Tan Yun smiled awkwardly, folded his outstretched arms, touched his head with his right hand and said, "Look at what you said, I've been waiting too long for the day when I'll be reunited with your mother and daughter." Can I be in a hurry?"

Before Xuanyuanrou opened his mouth, Xueying Tianzun glared at Tan Yun, then took Xuanyuanrou's arm and said, "Mother, I don't care about my daughter, anyway, even if you marry him in the future, I'm not his daughter, let alone call him His father."

"Silly boy, you misunderstood." Xuanyuanrou looked at Tan Yun, smiled affectionately and said, "Daughter, do you know who is standing in front of you?"

"Who is it?" Xueying Tianzun raised his eyebrows.

However, Xuanyuanrou's words made her stand on the spot in a daze, unable to recover for a moment.

Xuanyuan Rou said with a smile: "His name is not Jing Yun, but Tan Yun. He is a person who has passed through ten thousand and one lives. Before the reincarnation of ten thousand generations, he is the Supreme Being of Hongmeng, and he is your biological father!"

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