Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1794 You are finally back!

Chapter 1794 You are finally back!

Hearing this, Silgler responded, "Cousin, don't worry, I know how to do it!"

While the uncle and nephew were talking, they didn't know that King Baicheng had guessed that Tan Yun was going to the Titan God City to take revenge on the Titan God Queen, so he took the people from Baicheng God City God King's Mansion back to the frontier Qingtian Army City.

The conspiracy of the uncle and nephew is doomed to come to nothing.

Time flies, and a hundred years have passed.

During this period, Tan Yun searched dozens of secret places, but found no trace of his former subordinates.


In the turmoil of the void, Tan Yun, who was still disguised, drove the Shenzhou to the Panlong Peak at the western end of the Hongmeng God Realm.

The Coiling Dragon Peak is known as the second highest mountain in the Hongmeng God Realm. Apart from the Hongmeng God Mountain, it is undoubtedly the most majestic.

The mountain is rugged, like a giant dragon coiled, this is the peak of the coiled dragon.

Because the Panlong Peak is at the western end of the uninhabited Hongmeng God Realm, and because the divine essence of the heaven and earth is thin, there is not a single person in ten thousand years.

But Tan Yun knew that it was a different scene in Panlong Midi, where the heavens and earth were full of spiritual energy, which was very suitable for his former subordinates to survive.

"I hope I can find my former subordinates here!" Tan Yun hoped, he swept down the Shenzhou, put the Shenzhou into the God Ring, and slowly swirled his hands from his chest in a mysterious trajectory, wisps of divine power came from the void, Condensed a totem.

The word "Qi" in the center of the totem is particularly obvious.


With Tan Yun's thought, the totem soared into the sky and disappeared in the sky above the Panlong Peak. Suddenly, the wind rose and the clouds surged, and a huge divine gate with a height of one million feet emerged in the vast sea of ​​clouds.


When the huge divine gate slowly opened, an old voice filled with endless anger came from the divine gate, "Damn human beings, I didn't expect you to find our hiding place after all!"

The next moment, a shocking scene happened!

But seeing, a golden dragon's head protruded from the divine gate, just the golden dragon's head has reached a gigantic size!

Looking up at the golden dragon head, there was no fear in Tan Yun's eyes, only uncontrollable excitement!

Because he saw that this divine dragon was a twelve-clawed golden dragon!

Moreover, Tan Yun still has a good impression of this divine dragon. It used to be the subordinate of the Golden Dragon Divine Lord: the Golden Dragon Commander!

"You are the Grand Commander of the Golden Dragon, right?" As soon as Tan Yun said this, the leader of the Golden Dragon Commander froze for a moment, and a pair of giant pupils showed confusion, "Little guy, do you recognize this Grand Commander?"

"I know, of course I do." Tan Yun waved his hands hastily and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not an enemy but one of my own."

The Golden Dragon Commander didn't know what to think of, a pair of dragon eyes showed grief and indignation, and roared:

"Since the death of my master in the past, the human race in the Primordial God Realm has no one of their own!"

"Because all those who were loyal to my lord died! They were all killed by traitors!"

"Humans, speak! Who sent you? Where are your accomplices hiding? How many more!"

"If you don't tell me the truth, my commander will make you die!"

Facing the murderous Golden Dragon Commander, Tan Yun waved his right arm and set up a sound-proof barrier. He said with a solemn expression, "I am the reincarnation of the Supreme Master of Hongmeng, and I have returned after reincarnation."

Hearing this, the Golden Dragon Commander's giant pupils revealed a look of sarcasm, "Damn humans, it's fine that your ancestors betrayed my master, and you have repeatedly used such indecent lies to deceive the Grand Commander!"

After the ridicule, the Golden Dragon Commander's giant pupils exuded a man-eating luster, and he said angrily: "Human beings, like you before, tried to confuse this Grand Commander under the guise of my master's return from the Eternal Wheel. As a result, a Worse than a dead one."

"As for you, my commander guarantees that you will die even worse!"

As soon as the words fell, the golden dragon head disappeared, and immediately, a golden light beam flew out from the divine gate, turning into an old man in golden robes and golden eyebrows, and appeared above Tan Yun's head.


The golden-robed old man pressed his right palm towards Tan Yun, and suddenly, an extremely frightening scene happened!


But seeing the sky above the Coiling Dragon Peak, a phantom of a huge golden dragon claw with a size of one hundred thousand feet, enveloping Tan Yun with a crashing void!

Feeling the aura emanating from the golden dragon claws, Tan Yun can conclude that the strength of the golden dragon's command is higher than that of the seventh-class god king beasts!

If he was hit by its dragon claws, even if he sacrificed the armor of the ancient god armor, the power on the dragon claws would penetrate into the armor of the ancient gods and shock him to death.

At the very moment, Tan Yun yelled hastily, "Commander Jinlong, God Lord Jinlong told me before he died!"

"In the past, you were greedy for life and afraid of death, and you didn't follow the Demon Dragon God Lord. The Golden Dragon God Lord came to the Heaven's Punishment Continent to save me!"

"There are still some golden dragons and magic dragons that didn't come, why!"

As soon as the words came out, the Golden Dragon Commander controlled the phantom of the dragon claws that he had photographed, paused from the void, looked down at Tan Yun, and roared angrily: "Damn human beings, you can be deceived if you think you know something about the past The Grand Commander?"

"Fart!" Tan Yun shouted angrily, "Open your eyes and see clearly!"

"Hongmeng battle body!"

Tan Yun's size skyrocketed to 12,000 feet. He looked down at the Golden Dragon Commander, "Are you blind? See clearly! This is the Grandmist Battle Physique in the Grandmist Overlord Physique!"

The Golden Dragon Commander shook his old body and looked at Tan Yun with disbelief in his cloudy eyes, "You... are you really the master?"

"Nonsense!" Tan Yun couldn't help feeling a little angry when he thought of the guy before, who wanted to do something to him without asking clearly, "Commander Jinlong, are you a pig brain?"

"Panlong Midi, because it is an independent time and space that I opened up in the past, that's why I was able to open the Midi Divine Gate just now."

"Looking at the three major god realms of Shiyuan, Chaos, and Hongmeng, only I can easily open the Midi God Gate. Even if Shiyuan Supreme and Chaos Supreme come in person, they may not be able to open it!"

"Use your brain, who else is there besides me coming back?"

"Open your eyes and see clearly!"

After Tan Yun finished speaking, brilliant beams of light flew out between the eyebrows, and turned into twelve giant swords from the void!

"This..." The Grand Commander of the Golden Dragon said with a shocked expression, "This is the Grandmist Executioner Sword, and the eleven Hongmeng Excalibur swords!"

After the shock, the Golden Dragon Commander looked up at Tan Yun, and in an instant, turbid tears flowed down his face. His old body trembled violently, and he was too excited to say a word.


The commander of the Golden Dragon clenched his chest with his right fist, and knelt down at Tan Yun's feet on one knee. The old man's cry suddenly sounded, "My subordinate, the Commander of the Golden Dragon, kowtow to my lord!"

"Wuuu...Master, you are finally back...uuuu...you are finally back..."

At this moment, Grand Commander Golden Dragon cried!

He cried hoarsely!

His cries contained endless thoughts...

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