Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1797 One-eyed Monkey Clan!

Chapter 1797 One-eyed Monkey Clan!

Hearing the words, the Pangu giant patriarch let go of Tan Yun immediately, and Tan Yun soared into the air, suspended in the void, panting violently.

At this time, the Golden Dragon Commander also let go of the Pangu giant patriarch, and turned into an old man in a golden robe, floating on the left side of Tan Yun.

The Demon Dragon Commander turned into an old man in black robe and appeared on the right side of Tan Yun.

The Pangu giant patriarch blinked, looked at Tan Yun, and said in a trembling voice: "You, you... are you really the master?"

"That's right, it's me." Tan Yun looked at the other party and rolled his eyes, but he was not angry.

Because Tan Yun knew that among the twelve great protoss under his command in the past, the Pangu giants were the most reckless protoss.

Although the combat power is amazing, but it is indeed weak, short-tempered, and irritable!

Tan Yun couldn't argue with him.

"My patriarch doesn't believe it." The Pangu giant patriarch said without hesitation, "Unless you prove it to my patriarch!"

"Presumptuous!" the Golden Dragon Commander scolded.

Tan Yun waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I'll prove it to him."

Afterwards, Tan Yun looked at the patriarch of the giant Pangu, and said, "I think you are a little strange, may I ask, did you see God Lord Pangu when you were born?"

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the Pangu giant's expression darkened, as if something sad had aroused, he nodded and said: "Three days before I was born, my father was killed by Shiyuan Supreme, but I still know what my father looks like."

Tan Yun said: "So you are the son of God Lord Pangu."

"That's right, God Lord Pangu is my father." said the Pangu giant patriarch.

"Well, I understand." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he released a cloud of divine power and condensed into a picture from the void.

In the picture, it is the scene of the twelve great gods kneeling down to worship Tan Yun as the Supreme Master of Hongmeng.

"Father!" The Pangu giant patriarch looked at the Pangu God Lord in the picture, tears blurred his vision!

Only now did he become convinced that the human being in front of him was the Primordial Priest!

"I'm also very sad about your father's death." Tan Yunxing's eyes were full of coldness, "I will avenge your father and the dead Pangu giant in a short time, and let Shiyuan Supreme die a bad life!"

"En." After nodding his head heavily, the chief of the Pangu giant wiped away his tears. With a bang, he knelt down in front of Tan Yun on one knee, put his right fist on his chest, and shouted, "Your subordinates kowtow to their master!"

"Just now the subordinate admitted that he was disrespectful to the master, but as the saying goes, those who don't know are innocent, so the master should not worry about it with his subordinates, okay?"

Hearing this, Tan Yun was amused, "Well, well, not guilty!"

"Thank you, master!" The patriarch of the Pangu giant still knelt on one knee. He raised his head and shouted. The rolling sound waves forcibly tore through the void, and a spider web-like crack in the dark space emerged:

"All the Pangu giants obey the order, our master Hongmeng Supreme Master is back! Roll over quickly!"

Following the Pangu giant patriarch's roar, immediately, "Boom, boom, boom!" The earth shook and the earth trembled.

Tan Yun raised his eyes to look, but saw a Pangu giant running towards him!

In just a few moments, 30,000 Pangu giants gathered on the ground below Tan Yun, and they knelt down on one knee to salute Tan Yun.

Tan Yun stood in the air, frowning, looking at the chief of the Pangu giant, and said, "Are there only a few clansmen left?"

There was deep sadness in Tan Yun's voice.

The Pangu giant patriarch sighed, his giant pupils filled with tears and said: "Master, after you were killed by Chaos Supreme and Shiyuan Supreme, the Pangu giant clan was besieged and killed."

"In the end, only hundreds of people survived, and after reproduction, there are as many as 30,000 today."

Hearing this, Tan Yun clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "I understand! Don't worry, the day of our revenge will not be too far away!"

"Yeah." The Pangu giant patriarch looked fiercely, "Master, from now on, the subordinates will follow you, avenge your father, and avenge the millions of clansmen who died tragically that year!"

"Okay!" Tan Yun responded, and sacrificed an eleventh-order top-quality space-time tower, which made all the Pangu giants smaller and entered it.

Afterwards, Tan Yun put away the Time-Space God Tower, flew out of the Pangu Secret Land, and disappeared into the blue sky...

At the beginning, God King Bai Cheng gave Tan Yun a total of thirty-three eleventh-order top-quality space-time towers, and now there are twenty-two empty towers on Tan Yun's body.

In the past, the twelve great protoss under Tan Yun's command had found the prehistoric giants, wild giants, elves, fierce spirits, twelve-clawed golden dragons, twelve-clawed demon dragons, and Pangu giants.

There are still Tian Clan, Panlong Clan, Three-eyed Lion Clan, One-eyed Monkey Clan and Fighting Demon Buddha Clan.

Tan Yun drove the Shenzhou, shuttled through the vast sea of ​​clouds, and thought to himself: "The one-eyed monkeys are naturally lively and love to eat Le'er macaque fruit. It is very likely that they are in the Le'ermi land in the Le'er God Valley."


Time flies, thirty years have passed.

At the southeast end of the Hongmeng God Realm, there is an extremely hidden Inner God Valley.

In the past, when Tan Yun was the Supreme Master of Hongmeng, he took his wife Shen Subing to play in the sacred valley in the ground that he accidentally discovered.

Because there is a forest of Leer gooseberry in the ancient land, it is called Leer God Valley.

Later, Tan Yun opened up a secret place in the Leer God Valley in case of emergency.


Amid the turmoil in the space, Tan Yun drove the Shenzhou to the southeast end of the Hongmeng God Realm, and appeared above the majestic mountains.

After confirming the location, Tan Yun put away the Shenzhou boat and landed in the air at the foot of a picturesque mountain.

Immediately, Tan Yun stepped towards the rock in the mountain, and entered the rock. Obviously, the rock is not a real mountain, but an illusion to confuse the world.

After entering the rock, Tan Yun frowned as he looked at the scene in front of him. The vast forest of Leer Macadamia disappeared in his sight.

"How could it be gone?" When Tan Yun was confused, there was a hint of understanding in his eyes, "I see! The one-eyed monkey tribe must be in the Leermi Land. The forest has migrated to the land of Lermi!"

After Tan Yun condensed a totem with divine power, the totem rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky in a single thought.


The next moment, with a loud noise and a strong wind in the sky, a Midi Divine Gate with a height of one million feet was slowly opened, and a roar came from the Midi Divine Gate, "Yeah! !Damn human, how do you know how to open the secret god door?"


When the void trembled violently, gigantic monsters with a height of thousands of feet and covered with long red hairs poured out from the dense divine gate!

In an instant, the volley flew down, and the water surrounded by Tan Yun was impenetrable.

These huge red monsters are all giant monkeys, and there is only one giant erect eye on their foreheads.

The eyes are green and deep!

They are the one-eyed monkeys, the head of many monkey families.

Tan Yun looked around at the hundreds of one-eyed monkeys surrounding him, with joy in his eyes, he smiled.

"Damn it, you can still laugh when you see us!" One of the one-eyed monkeys, exuding the aura of the eighth-class holy king beast, grinned and said, "Give it to me, catch him, Hand it over to the patriarch!"

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