Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1804 Stirring the Chaos God Realm

Chapter 1804: Sensation in Chaos God Realm

In the outside world, only a moment later, Tan Yun recovered from his injuries, stepped out of the Tower of the Sky Tower with a smile, and appeared on the top of the peak.

"Master, which god king's mansion shall we go to first?" Zi Shan asked.

Tan Yun put away his smile and said coldly, "The one who killed the most of my subordinates was the God King Ganlun, so let's go to the God City of Ganlun first!"

Afterwards, Tan Yun asked Zishan to enter the tower of Lingxiao God, and after putting away the tower, Tan Yun drove the Shenzhou and flew towards the Chaos Mountain Range...

In the past, Tan Yun was the supreme being of Hongmeng, so he was quite familiar with the Chaos God Realm. With the speed of the Shenzhou, he could reach Ganlun God City in three years.


Four seasons alternate, and three years have passed.

"Huh huh—"

As the night deepened, it was as dark as ink, and torrential rain enveloped a vast city: Ganlun Shencheng.

In the rain, a middle-aged man in a purple robe walked towards the city gate step by step. Who could it be if it wasn't Tan Yun?

On both sides of the city gate, there were tens of thousands of divine soldiers in the realm of the gods, and a leading general looked at Tan Yun who had changed his appearance. When he found that Tan Yun's realm could not be seen, he clasped his fists and said, "Senior, please show me Order to enter the city."

"Okay." When Tan Yun responded, a strange red light flashed across his eyes, and the general was dumbfounded.

When Tan Yun's lips moved silently, an undoubted voice sounded in the mind of the god general, "Open the city gate, and then forget to see me."

After the god general nodded, he turned around and said, "Open the city gate!"

"It's God General!" Immediately, some magic soldiers opened the city gate.

Tan Yun flew into the city gate calmly and disappeared into the night sky...

An hour later, the end of the day.

Tan Yun volleyed and landed outside the Shenwang Palace.

Before the two guards could open their mouths, Tan Yun cast his Primordial Eyes and controlled them, "Tell me, is your god king in the mansion?"

Although Tan Yun knew that God King Ganlun should be in the frontier fortress of the Chaos God Realm, he still wanted to ask clearly just to be on the safe side.

"Not here." The two guards said in unison.

Tan Yun asked: "Are there any strong men above the fourth-class God King Realm in the mansion?"

"No." The two guards looked dull.


Tan Yun flew out the Hongmeng Killing God Sword from between the eyebrows, and pierced through the eyebrows of the two guards in an instant!


With a wave of Tan Yun's right arm, immediately, a sound-proof barrier was set up in the sky above the huge God King's Mansion, where the void was like ripples.

Tan Yun's eyes were shining with a strange red light, and he cast his primordial pupils, holding a divine sword, and stepped into the gate of the Divine King's Mansion.


At this time, there was a sound of yelling from Tan Yun's left side, and Tan Yun turned his head suddenly, but saw hundreds of guards holding divine spears coming in a menacing manner.

The next moment, hundreds of patrolling guards felt dizzy and lost consciousness the moment they saw Tan Yun's eyes.


Holding the Hongmeng Killing God Sword in Tan Yun's hand, with a twist of his wrist, hundreds of slender sword lights bloomed, piercing through the skulls of hundreds of guards.

"Plop, plop—"

Only three hundred corpses were left!

"Zi Shan, kill!"

With a long roar from Tan Yun, Zi Shan came out from beside Tan Yun out of thin air, and Tan Yun started killing the family of God King Gan Lun...

Two quarters later, more than 30,000 people in the Shenwang Palace were all killed.

Afterwards, Tan Yun looted the Shenyu in the Palace of the Gods, left the Palace with Zishan, and galloped towards the northeast of the God City of Ganlun.

An hour later, Tan Yun and Zishan found the tribe of God King Ganlun who lived in the east of the city, and started the massacre again...

An hour and a half later, all 300,000 clansmen were killed!

When Tan Yun killed someone, the remnant soul and blood of the deceased penetrated into the center of Tan Yun's eyebrows, and was swallowed by the palace in the heart of Primordial Mist.

After these remnant souls and blood essence entered the palace, they were absorbed by Yuyan lying on the couch...

The next day, early morning.

The news of the destruction of the Shenwang Mansion and Ganlun Shenwang clan spread in Ganlun Shencheng!

The city lord Hong Yi was so frightened that he hurriedly sent someone to the border of Chaos God Realm to inform God King Gan Lun!


Half a year later, the Luokang Divine City and the Divine King's Mansion were destroyed, and more than 40,000 people in the mansion were all killed!

At the same time, none of the 500,000 clansmen of God King Luo Kang survived...

In the next nine years, the clansmen and relatives of the seven god kings, including God King Weichen, King Dong Hong, God King Massa, God King Longxiao, God King Shise, God King Feng Chong, God King Jianghu, etc. , all were killed!

The massacre of the families of the Nine Great God Kings has now spread throughout the Chaos God Realm!

All of a sudden, people panicked and speculated who was so crazy? Would he take revenge on the Nine Great God Kings like this?

at the same time.

In Chaos God Realm, there are nine hundred and six temples suspended in the eastern void.

Clouds and mist flow slowly around the temple like water, which is quite beautiful.

One of the temples stands out from the crowd, and it is even more magnificent: the Temple of Chaos.

This temple is the place where Sun Xuanqi, the Supreme Priest of Chaos, lives and retreats.

At this moment, in the Chaos Temple, the breath is so oppressive that it is hard to breathe!

On the top of the main hall, Sun Xuanqi, the eldest son of the Supreme Primal Chaos, was seated.

On both sides of the main hall below, there are 180 god kings standing.

The nine people at the front are the nine god kings!

Changsun Xuanqi slowly got up from his seat, standing tall and graceful, with anger written all over his stunning face, he said coldly:

"Nowadays, the extraterrestrial demons will not attack the Chaos God Realm for the time being. This supreme lord wants you to go all out to catch the murderer, and you must bring the murderer to justice!"

One hundred and eighty god kings said in unison: "I obey!"

"Well." Changsun Xuanqi said: "I will personally go to the Shiyuan God Realm to see if I can invite Shiyuan Supreme to come and use the great derivation technique to catch the murderer!"

"It's all gone!"

Everyone resigned and left the Chaos Temple.

God King Massa, God King Dong Hong and other nine god kings gathered together, each face was filled with grief.

Whenever he thinks of the tragic death of his family members and clansmen, and the murderer is still at large, the Nine Great God Kings feel as if they are being tortured!

Dong Hong's old body trembled, his cloudy eyes filled with tears, he gritted his teeth and said, "As long as this god king catches a novice, this god king swears that he will drink his blood, eat his flesh, and gnaw his bones!"


Time flies like an arrow, three months later.

Shiyuan God Realm, Shiyuan God City.

A handsome young man in a white robe came to the city gate.

The general guarding the Divine City clasped his fists at Tan Yun and said, "It turns out that it is Master Jing, the direct disciple of Tianzun Lingxia, who is disrespectful and disrespectful. I don't know why you came to Shiyuan Divine City?"

Tan Yun clasped his fists and said, "I have something to do. I'm here to find Master Xueying Tianzun."

"Okay, Mr. Jing, please come in." After clasping his fists, the general immediately opened the city gate.

"Thank you." Tan Yun arched his hands, and flew into the Shiyuan God City, disappearing into the void...

At the beginning, after Tan Yun bloodbathed the family members and clansmen of the nine great gods of the Chaos God Realm, he took Zishan through the God Realm enchantment of the Chaos Mountain Range and returned to the Hongmeng God Realm.

Afterwards, Tan Yun passed through the divine gate of Hongmeng Divine City and teleported to Shiyuan Divine City.

Tan Yun knew that the bloody case he created would definitely cause a sensation in the Chaos God Realm, and the Chaos Supreme might come to the Shiyuan God Realm, and asked his daughter or Shiyuan Supreme to take action and go to the Chaos God Realm to perform a great derivation technique to find the murderer !

And the purpose of his coming this time is, of course, to find his daughter and conspire to overcome this crisis!

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