Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1808 The Truth About Death

Chapter 1808: The Truth of Death

"King Baicheng, I have something to ask you, you must answer truthfully!" Mu Zhen Tianzun said without doubt.

"Master Tianzun, please tell me." King Bai Cheng said respectfully, "Your junior knows everything without saying anything."

"Then tell me, how did my father die?" Tianzun Muzhen asked.

Hearing this, Bai Chengshen's old body suddenly trembled, and hurriedly said: "Master Tianzun, your father has made outstanding military exploits in the past, and died in the battle, an honorable sacrifice."

"I want you to tell the truth!" Mu Zhen Tianzun's voice was a little cold.

"Lord Tianzun calm down, what this junior said is true." King Bai Cheng said with a bow.

At this time, Tan Yun said: "I can see that you are always lying, so you should always tell the truth."

Seeing Tan Yun speak, although King Bocheng was confused, why did Tan Yun know the truth about the death of Mu Zhen Tianzun's father, but he still said truthfully: "Yun'er, I don't want to say that it's not the old man, but Lingxia Tianzun has an order. Say it and kill Wushe!"

"Say!" Mu Zhen Tianzun threw a sword backhand, placed it on King Bai Cheng's neck, and said coldly: "If you don't say it, you will die now!"

Hearing this, King Baicheng looked at Tianzun Muzhen, and said with a sad face: "Your junior can say it, but you must keep it a secret for this junior, otherwise, this junior will be torn to pieces by Lord Lingxia Tianzun!"

"Okay, I promise not to tell anyone that you said it." Mu Zhen Tianzun put away the divine sword and said, "You can say it now."

God King Bai Cheng said truthfully: "Your father was killed by Heavenly Lord Lingxia and Heavenly Chaos."

"At the beginning, they thought it was your father who hid the remnant soul of Supreme Master Hongmeng. No matter what your father explained, the husband and wife didn't believe it. In the end, they killed your father."

"Later, after Lingxia Tianzun knew about the manslaughter, he found you and accepted you as his first disciple, wanting to make up for his mistakes."

"And order that those who know the truth are not allowed to speak out, otherwise the nine clans will be exterminated."

Hearing this, Mu Zhen Tianzun's eyes were full of tears, and Miaoman's delicate body kept trembling, the anger in her heart can be imagined!

"The hatred of killing one's father cannot be shared with the heavens, I will definitely kill you, Tianzun Lingxia!" Tianzun Muzhen broke down in tears.

"You go out first." Tan Yun said, "I'll accompany her."

"Well." After King Baicheng left, Tan Yun looked at Muzhen Tianzun who was crying into tears, and comforted him: "Don't be too sad, Lingxia Tianzun is your common enemy, and we will take revenge together from now on." .”

"Woooo..." Mu Zhen Tianzun cried, threw himself into Tan Yun's arms, and burst into tears, "I never thought that I would admit to killing my father and enemy and be my master for countless thousands of years."

Tan Yunchang sighed and patted Mu Zhen Tianzun's back lightly.

After a long time, Muzhen Tianzun stopped crying, and found that after being hugged by Tan Yun, there was a touch of shyness on his cheeks, so he took a step back and said respectfully: "I have seen the Supreme Lord."

"What kind of Supreme am I now?" Tan Yun smiled wryly and said, "Now, I am still your junior brother, and you are still my senior sister."

"From now on, we will kill Lingxia Tianzun and Chaos Tianzun together!"

"En." Mu Zhen Tianzun nodded his head, wiped away his tears, and looked at Tan Yun with uncontrollable fear in his eyes.

When she learned of Tan Yun's identity, she was subconsciously afraid of Tan Yun.

"Are you afraid of me? I won't eat you again, what are you afraid of?" Tan Yun joked.

"Ah!" Mu Zhen Tianzun's eyes widened, his daughter's shyness was revealed on his stunning face.

"Ahem, isn't she really interested in me?" Tan Yun was startled.

At this time, Mu Zhen Tianzun said: "I have stayed here long enough, I am leaving."

"I will tell Tianzun Lingxia that I haven't found any clues about the murderer."


After saying that, Tianzun Mu Zhen pursed his vermilion lips, and left the hall as if fleeing, turned into a beam of light, flew out of the palace of the god king, and disappeared on the top of Qingtian Shenshan.

After Tianzun Muzhen left, God King Baicheng walked in, patted his chest and said, "Yun'er, you scared the old man just now, I thought Tianzun Muzhen really wanted to kill you."

"Also, what did you do? How could you leave a clue when you killed someone?" Said King Bai Cheng.

Hearing this, Tan Yun was taken aback, "Have you already guessed that I am the murderer?"

"Of course." Said King Bai Cheng, "When we parted from the Space-Time Palace of Hongmeng God City, I expected that you would attack the family of God King Titan."

"But I didn't expect that you also killed Gongsun Zhuanglie, and destroyed Ma Mansion and Gongsun Mansion."

After saying that, Bai Chengshen Wang frowned and said: "Yun'er, old man, I don't like what I say, don't mind."

"You say." Tan Yun responded.

"Yun'er, as the saying goes, there is an injustice and a debtor." King Bai Cheng said: "I know, old man, Gongsun Zhuanglie and Ma Boshang want to kill you, so you can kill them when you become stronger. You kill their family members, old man, I don't agree!"

After hearing this, Tan Yunqing said sincerely: "Some things, now is not the time to tell you, but I promise that I didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, and their clansmen deserve to die."

God King Bai Cheng thought to himself: "Why did Yun'er say that? It seems that he does have a secret that no one knows."

"Okay, old man, I believe you." Seeing Tan Yun's reluctance to say anything, King Bai Cheng didn't ask either.

At this time, Tan Yun suddenly thought of something and asked: "Oh, by the way, how is the search for the Time Meteor Iron and Space Golden Quicksand?"

King Bai Cheng said: "I have found enough time meteorites, but I have not found enough golden quicksands in space."

"Hmm." Tan Yun nodded and said, "Then I'll practice in seclusion first, and when the golden quicksand in the space is enough, you keep telling me."

"Okay, let's go." Bai Cheng said with a smile.

After Tan Yun left, King Bo Cheng raised his eyebrows vertically and felt puzzled. How did Tan Yun know the truth about the death of Mu Zhen Tianzun's father?


After Tan Yun entered the elite God Realm, he returned to the Jing Mansion, entered the twelfth-level top-grade Time-Space God Tower, reported to his wives that he was safe, and then sent Zishan to retreat to practice.

Then, Tan Yun came to the top floor of the divine pagoda. Just as he was about to practice, the Primordial Flame Purple Heart and Primal Ice Flame Bing'er flew into the tower, bowed to Tan Yun and said, "I have seen the master."

Tan Yun looked over and was immediately excited!

Now that the Primordial Flame has reached the stage of Tianzun stage, it can burn the top-grade Tianzun artifact into nothingness in an instant!

And Hongmeng Bingyan has reached the peak of the Tianzun rank, and can completely melt the top-grade Tianzun artifact!

"Okay, okay, your power has finally increased!" Tan Yun was quite excited.

There is no doubt that Primordial Ice Flame and Primordial Flame are now his greatest trump cards!

Immediately after, Tan Yun let the Primordial Flame fly into his right palm, and the Primordial Ice Flame entered his left palm, then closed his eyes and concentrated, took out a piece of Holy King Ginseng from the Divine Ring and began to practice.

In the time in the tower, after 38 million years, Tan Yun's spirit pool condensed the fifth Hongmeng holy king fetus, and was promoted to the fifth-class holy king!

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