Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1810 Step into the Holy Emperor!

Chapter 1810 Step into the Holy Emperor!

After Tan Yun made up his mind, he began to cross the tribulation by stepping into the air.


As Tan Yun sensed the enchantment of the first-class holy emperor, immediately, a gust of wind howled in the vast sky, and dark clouds rolled up!

The vast dark clouds sometimes swept the sky like a black tide, and sometimes suppressed the sky like slowly creeping black mountains, as if they would fall in the next moment and destroy the plains with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles!

In the majestic, majestic, and terrifying dark clouds, a huge golden catastrophe looms!

Then, a huge green catastrophe emerged!

Then there are blue cataclysms, red cataclysms, earthy brown cataclysms, almost transparent cataclysms, thunder cataclysms... flashing in the dark clouds is extremely terrifying!

This is the life and death catastrophe of the Hongmeng Holy Emperor!

The catastrophe of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder, time, space, and death attributes constitute the catastrophe of life and death!

"Husband, you have to be careful!" Shen Subing shouted with worried eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Tan Yun looked back at Shen Subing, and shouted: "I'm about to cross the catastrophe, step back!"

"Okay!" Shen Subing responded, and turned into a beam of light, shooting towards the rear at top speed...

When Shen Subing was away from the tribulation crossing area, Tan Yun took a deep breath, looked up at the billowing black clouds, and said in a deep voice: "Sacred Emperor Hongmeng lives and dies in a catastrophe, I have been waiting for you for a long time, come on!"


Suddenly, in the tide-like dark clouds, a series of cataclysms as thick as a thousand feet crashed down, like giant dragons of various colors, came out of the dark clouds, and devoured them madly towards Tan Yun!

Standing in the sky, Shen Subing found that Tan Yun had disappeared in the catastrophe...

Time flies like an arrow, one month later.

Tan Yun is still crossing the catastrophe. At this moment, he is completely bruised. After being blasted into the plain by the catastrophe again and again, he soars into the sky again and again...

Another 20 days later, Tan Yun's face was unrecognizable. His body was bloody and bloody, with sections of white bones clearly visible.

But even so, he still chose to volley through the tribulation, his eyes revealing the meaning of never giving up.

And Shen Subing, who watched Tan Yundu's tribulation, had already cried to the point of tears. She felt sorry for her man!

Ten days later, in the vast sky, the dark clouds quickly disappeared, revealing a sky full of stars.

Under the bright moonlight, Tan Yun, who was covered in bruises, still stood in the air, looking back slowly, looking at Shen Subing who was flying towards him with tears, and said in a weak voice: "Fool, don't cry, I'm fine."

Shen Subing flew over, hovered in front of Tan Yun, and smiled through tears: "I'm not crying, I'm just excited to see you succeed in crossing the tribulation."

Tan Yun smiled slightly, "Wait for me, I will break through the realm."

After saying that, Tan Yun flew unsteadily to the devastated plain, sat cross-legged, and closed his heavy eyelids.

At this moment, following Tan Yun's success in crossing the tribulation, the nine wombs of the Hongmeng Holy King in his spiritual pool began to gradually fuse together...

At the same time, the Primordial Saint King Soul in his mind also changed, gradually becoming substantive from misty, and it is developing the Primordial Saint Emperor Soul...

After three days, it is still the night sky.

At this moment, the nine grandmist saint king wombs in Tan Yun's Lingchi have condensed into a grandmist saint king fetus, and at the same time, the grandmist saint king soul in his mind has become the grandmist saint emperor soul!

It means that Tan Yun has stepped into the first-class holy emperor!

Immediately, Tan Yun felt that his body was filled with an unprecedented powerful force, an invisible breath overflowed from his body surface, and immediately, the sky with a radius of tens of thousands of miles became fragmented!

In addition, within three days, Tan Yun's previously injured body had recovered to its original state.

"Finally promoted." Tan Yun jumped up with a smile, and spun Shen Subing in his arms.

"Seems to make you happy." Shen Subing smiled.

Tan Yun smiled badly and said, "Wait for me for a while, after I fuse the Death God Armor and the Primordial Mist Armor, I will love you well."

Under the moonlight, Shen Subing bit her lower lip and nodded her head.

Afterwards, Tan Yun made sacrifices to the Lingxiao Tower and entered it.

"Hongmeng battle body!"

Immediately, Tan Yun's body size soared to twelve thousand feet, and the death armor condensed on the surface of his body, and then the primordial battle armor condensed on the surface of the death armor.

Tan Yun sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and said solemnly: "Two become one!"

Immediately, the Death Armor and Primordial Armor merged slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye...

A moment later in the external time, Tan Yun in the tower has completed the fusion of the Death God Armor and the Primordial God Armor, forming a set of gray Primordial God Armor!

Tan Yun had a satisfied smile on his face, his hair was dancing, and an invisible beam of spiritual consciousness shot up into the sky...

300 million centimeters... 600 million centimeters... finally stopped in the sky of 3 billion centimeters!

You know, the strength of the third-class god king's god king soul can cover a radius of three billion centimeters!

It means that Tan Yun, the first-class holy emperor, is as powerful as the third-class holy emperor!

Tan Yun withdrew his consciousness, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "With my current leapfrog challenge strength, I can easily kill third-class god kings."

"If I do my best, I won't be afraid of ordinary fifth-class god kings!"

Immediately, a trace of cold light appeared in Tan Yun's eyes, "Zhan Peng, although I am not your opponent now, but with my current strength, killing your people is enough!"

After making up his mind, Tan Yun's body returned to normal size, striding out of the tower, and while Shen Subing groaned softly, he picked her up by the waist and entered the tower.

Tan Yun lowered his head and kissed Shen Subing's red lips...

At this moment, the tower gate slowly closed...

After more than two hours, Tan Yun led Shen Subing, who was nourished, and the more charming Shen Subing left the tower, lay down on the luxuriant grass, and looked at the night sky.

"Husband." Shen Subing snuggled into Tan Yun's arms and said softly: "Although our revenge is getting closer, but also, the day of the universe's catastrophe is not far away."

"Promise me, okay, don't sacrifice yourself to save the world at that time, I believe there must be other ways to prevent the universe from collapsing."

Shen Subing knows that if the universe is to be prevented from collapsing, it is necessary to strengthen the universe with the heart of origin, the heart of chaos, and the heart of primordialism, and the master who has the three hearts of the gods needs blood sacrifices to stimulate the three hearts of the gods with life.

Every time Shen Subing thought that Tan Yun would have to sacrifice his life to save the creatures of the heavens, she felt sad.

"Okay, I promise you, I will definitely find other ways, and I won't take any risks." Tan Yun hugged Shen Subing tightly. Although he said so, in his heart, as long as he could take revenge, he would sacrifice himself to save the world, protect his wife, Family, he has no regrets!

Of course, Tan Yun will not sacrifice himself unless he has to. He is also a human being, and he also longs to live a happy life with his parents and wife...

Eight days later.

Qingtian Army City.

Tan Yun and Shen Subing, together with Zi Shan, who has entered the rank of the seventh-class Holy Emperor Beast, drove the Shenzhou out of the Qingtian Army City, and galloped towards the Supreme Army City...

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