Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1824 Lost face!

Chapter 1824 Lost face!

On the other hand, Luo Yu's beautiful eyes widened, looking at Tan Yun with a look of shock!

She never thought that her little junior was so outstanding!

Mu Zhen Tianzun and Li Shiyin looked at Tan Yun with admiration in their beautiful eyes.

"It's really amazing." Mu Zhen Tianzun was heartbroken, "He is indeed the reincarnation of the Supreme Master Hongmeng, so handsome!"

On the other hand, Zhao Wuyi was completely confused!

After a long silence in the hall, Lingxia Tianzun looked at Tan Yun approvingly and said, "Yun'er, you are right."

"You really opened the eyes of the teacher today. After living for so many thousands of years, you still don't know that there is a metal in the golden quicksand of space."

Tan Yun bowed and said, "Master, it's a fluke for this disciple to win this round, because this disciple only learned about it after reading the incomplete classic."

"Oh, by the way, if I remember correctly, if the spatial golden quicksand only has the properties of time, space, and metal, it is not enough to be called the spatial golden quicksand. It should be called the spatial golden sand."

"Xiaoyou Jing, do you mean that the word 'flow' is also very learned?" At this moment, Ling Tong spoke.

His address to Tan Yun changed from Mr. Jing to Xiaoyou Jing, which shows that he has a lot of love for Tan Yun.

"That's right." Tan Yun said.

"Hehehehe, I would like to hear more about it." Ling Tong stroked his long white beard and said amiably.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on Tan Yun.

With a smile like a spring breeze, Tan Yun said: "According to the incomplete classical records, the source of the spatial golden quicksand is in the dry mountain body, and it has nothing to do with the flow of water in any case."

"In fact, it is not, because the space gold quicksand is a very magical refining material, and it is also one of the few refining materials that can extend properties."

"Because it has time, space, and metal properties, it can also extend the properties of water, and it is also metal that produces water."

"To be precise, it has the four attributes of time, space, gold, and water, so it is called space golden quicksand, which is the origin of the name."

Hearing this, Lingxia Tianzun was shocked and said: "Really? Space golden quicksand still has water attributes?"

"Yes, little friend Jing." Ling Tong couldn't believe it, his expression excited.

The reason for the excitement is that if the space golden quicksand really has water attributes in addition to time, space, and metal properties, for a person like him who is immersed in the art of refining, it is undoubtedly like discovering a new world!

"No accidents." Tan Yun said, "Let's verify it next."

After finishing speaking, Tan Yun looked at Luo Yu and bowed, "Eighth Senior Sister, continue to burn the space golden quicksand, and then listen to my password."

"Good little brother." Luo Yu smiled charmingly, and then controlled the raging fire to continue burning the golden quicksand in space.

When the space golden quicksand burned to white, Tan Yun said: "Eighth Senior Sister, use the power of gold to cover the space golden quicksand."

"Okay!" Luo Yu hastily released the rolling gold power, covering the golden quicksand in the space.

"Little brother, what then?" Luo Yu asked.

"Continue burning." Tan Yun urged.

A moment later, when the burning golden quicksand in space turned white, Tan Yun said: "Eighth Senior Sister, put away the raging fire, the power of gold is still covering the golden quicksand in space."

Luo Yu immediately followed suit.

"Master, Mr. Ling and everyone, please look at it." After Tan Yun said, a splendid scene happened immediately.

But seeing hundreds of grains of space golden quicksand, suddenly released a cloud of hazy blue water power, and then collapsed into nothingness.

"It's really incredible to be able to derive the power of water!" Ling Tong laughed loudly, clasped his fists at Tan Yun and said, "Little friend Jing, the old man has been taught today, but it's an eye-opener."

"You are talking too much." Tan Yun bowed deeply.

At this time, Li Shiyin and Mu Zhen Tianzun looked at Tan Yun with unstoppable adoration in their eyes.

When Yu Chihao saw his beloved woman looking at Tan Yun like this, he wished he could kill Tan Yun on the spot!

"Junior Brother, you are really amazing." Luo Yu laughed.

"Okay, very good!" At this time, Lingxia Tianzun looked at Tan Yun with admiration and said, "I announce for the teacher that Yun'er won the first round."

Hearing the news of Tan Yun's victory, Zhao Wuyi felt his face was hot and hot, as if he had been slapped by Tan Yun.

"In the second round, I must win, otherwise, my face will be completely humiliated!" Zhao Wuyi thought to himself: "In the first round, Jing Yun, a bastard who saw the incomplete classic by chance, won against me." of!"

Just as Zhao Wuyi was comforting himself, Ling Tong's old voice sounded, "Now the old man announces that the second round of the game will begin, and Mr. Zhao will present the question."

"It's senior." After Zhao Wuyi responded, he fell into deep thought. He was thinking about a problem in the art of refining that he thought was extremely difficult.

After thinking for a few breaths, Zhao Wuyi said: "What are the three important points when refining the ultimate artifact, and how are these three points..."

Not waiting for Zhao Wu's last words, an unexpected scene happened.

"I admit defeat in this round." Tan Yun interrupted: "I wanted to let the third senior brother in the first round, but in the end he lost to me."

"I admit defeat in the second round. If I answer such a simple question, then the third senior brother will definitely lose."

Hearing Tan Yun's words, Zhao Wuyi was trembling with anger, and his head was sweating!

The **** is obviously not taking herself seriously!

Immediately, Zhao Wuyi's eyes showed a hint of enlightenment, and he said in a deep voice: "Jing Yun, you obviously just can't answer it!"

"You obviously don't understand, but you pretend to be the face you made me, it's really disgusting!"

"You answer, answer quickly!"

Tan Yun frowned, and smiled sincerely, "Senior brother, I let you, little brother, but you don't know what's good, so don't blame me for being merciless in the third round."

After finishing speaking, Tan Yun looked at Elder Ling, clasped his fists and said, "Senior, since this junior said to let him play, it will count. You should announce it."

"Okay." Ling Tong announced, "Young Master Zhao won the second round."

"The old man announces that the assessment for the third round is..."

Without waiting for Ling Tonghua, Tan Yun said, "Senior, this junior has something to say, I don't know if it should be said or not."


Tan Yun replied: "In the second round, you have heard the content of the question proposed by the third senior brother. This junior wants you to increase the difficulty by more than ten times. This junior wants you to convince the third senior brother to lose."

Upon hearing the ten-fold increase, Zhao Wuyi blushed anxiously, "Jing Yun, you are too despicable, you clearly want me to fail to answer in the third round, and you also fail to answer, and then draw with me!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said calmly: "If you are not my third senior brother, if you dare to yell at me like this, I will definitely beat you to the ground!"

"You..." Zhao Wuyi was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, "You are only a second-class holy emperor, but you are so arrogant, and our brothers and sisters are just going to discuss each other later!"

"At that time, I'd like to see how you beat me so hard!"

"Okay, you two, stop arguing." Lingxia Tianzun said: "Peace is the most important thing, don't make any more noise."

After Zhao Wuyi nodded, he looked at Ling Tong angrily, "You can't listen to him, he clearly..."

"Shut up!" Ling Tong scolded, "I still need you to teach me how to do this old man?"

"Now, the third round begins. The third round is a rush to answer questions. Whoever answers correctly first is the winner."

"If you answer wrong after rushing to answer, it will be regarded as a loss!"

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