Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1853 The King Returns!

Chapter 1853: Return of the King!

After receiving the order, all the big demons will lead the extraterritorial demons to retreat at a high speed...

Tan Yun did not catch up.

In his heart, sooner or later, the extraterrestrial demons will be wiped out, and now it is just to let them live a little longer!

Besides, the demon's blood essence and remnant soul had no effect on Yuyan.

When the extraterrestrial celestial demons receded, Bai Chengtian hastily opened the protective formation.

Tan Yun flew into Qingtian Army City with the Deputy Commander of Tianma, and then destroyed the magic pond in his mind, and threw it in front of Bai Chengtian, "Please lock it up first."

The magic pool is abolished, just like the spirit pool of God is abolished, reduced to waste.

"Ah! You damned human being, you might as well kill me if you destroy my Demon Pool!" the Deputy Commander of the Heavenly Demon cursed with a ferocious face.

"Don't worry, I'll kill you sooner or later, but not now." After Tan Yun finished speaking, his body shrank to a normal height.

"Okay!" Bai Chengtian replied, and sacrificed a spirit animal bag.

"You bastard!" The deputy commander of the Heavenly Demon roared, "I am the grandson of the great demon lord, how dare you put this deputy commander in a spirit beast bag!"

"Hehe." Bai Chengtianzun said with a sneer: "You are a beast, where will you go if you don't put you in a spirit beast bag?"

Afterwards, Bai Chengtianzun put the deputy commander of Tianmo who had lost his limbs into the spirit beast bag.

Then, Tan Yun looked at Bai Chengtian with Bai Jiajun's adoring eyes and said, "You always follow me."

"Okay." Bai Chengtian replied, and followed Tan Yun into the sky, and not long after, he flew to the top of Qingtian Mountain.

Looking at the wives with pale faces, Tan Yun raised the top-grade God Venerable Time-Space God Pagoda and said: "Enter the cultivation first, and we will talk later."

"En." After Shen Subing and others responded, they entered the tower with Bai Chengtian, and Tan Yun also entered to recover from his injuries.

Not long after, Tan Yun, Bai Chengtianzun and others stepped out of the tower intact.

"Yun'er, if you have anything to say, go to the Divine King's Mansion and say it." Bai Chengtianzun said.

"Okay." Tan Yun put away the divine pagoda, took all the daughters, the Heaven-killing Demon Ape and all the beasts, followed Bai Chengtian into the God King's Mansion, and came to the meeting hall.

At this moment, Commander Bai Feng also walked in.

Tan Yun looked at Bai Chengtianzun and Bai Fengshao commander and smiled slightly, and said pointingly: "Don't you have anything to ask? For example, why did I use the Grandmist Overlord Body, and why was it possible to arrange the Hongmeng Tu Shenjian Formation?"

Bai Chengtian shook his head with a smile and said: "I don't want to ask, old man, I know you will naturally say it when you want to."

"No matter what you want to do, old man, I will fully support you."

"With your old words, I feel relieved." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he took a deep breath and said, "I am the reincarnation of the Supreme Being of Hongmeng. My name is Tan Yun, not Jing Yun."

After saying that, Tan Yun was confused.

Because he couldn't see any changes on the faces of Bai Chengtianzun and Bai Fengshao, and there were smiles all over them.

"Yun'er, I'm telling you the truth." Commander Bai Feng said, "Actually, when you killed Yu Chiqing on the way back to Qingtian Army City, I guessed your identity."

Hearing this, Tan Yun was stunned.

At this moment, Lord Bai Chengtian and Commander Bai Fengshao looked at each other, then knelt down on one knee towards Tan Yun, and said respectfully: "My subordinates pay homage to Your Excellency!"

"From now on, this subordinate is willing to lead the Bai family army to follow His Excellency to the death, and will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

"What are you doing? In my heart, you are my relatives. Get up quickly." Tan Yun hurriedly stepped forward to help the father and son.

Afterwards, Tan Yun said again: "You don't need to be formal with me, it seems too unfamiliar."

Hearing this, the father and son smiled and nodded in agreement.

"I'll introduce some people to you." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he looked at Shen Subing and said, "She is my wife from the past, the reincarnation of the God King of Time and Space."

"Ah!" The father and son were quite surprised, and hastily bowed to Shen Subing, "This subordinate has seen Madam."

"You don't need to be too polite." Shen Subing said with a smile.

Tan Yun pulled Wuxinshangshen, and introduced to the father and son, "He is my sworn brother in the past, Wuxinshangshen."

"It turns out that you are careless and disrespectful." Bai Chengtianzun clasped his fists and said, "Your prestige has been heard from elders since I was very young."

Wuxin Shangshen smiled, and after saying hello, Tan Yun looked at Tuoba Yingying and introduced, "She is the former Celestial Clan God Lord."

Hearing this, Bai Chengtian's eyes widened, and he bowed deeply to Tuoba Yingying and said, "So you are the senior God Lord of the Celestial Clan, whom I have admired for a long time."

"This junior has heard from childhood that in the old Hongmeng God Realm, the Celestial Clan God Lord next to Supreme Master Hongmeng was the head of the twelve mighty generals under his command. Not only that, but also His Excellency's number one adviser."

"It's an honor for this junior to meet you today!"

Tuoba Yingying smiled slightly and said: "You are too old."

Tan Yun looked at Fang Zhiqing, and introduced: "She is Fang Zhiqing, the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor in the former Hongmeng Nine Heavens Immortal Realm."

"So it's Immortal Emperor Fang!" Bai Chengtianzun said with a smile: "I've known you for a long time. When I was very young, I learned from my father that Supreme Master Hongmeng sent a little girl in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm."

"Later, when the little girl grew up, she single-handedly singled out many powerful people in the Hongmeng Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, and was finally conferred the title of Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor by the Supreme Lord."

"And she is the number one beauty in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm."

Fang Zhiqing smiled all over the city: "You are too much."

Afterwards, Tan Yun looked at Zhen Ji and said, "Restore your appearance."

"En." Zhen Ji nodded her head, and immediately, her appearance began to change, and she instantly regained her indescribably beautiful appearance.

"You..." Bai Chengtianzun widened his eyes and said in shock, "You, you are Senior Zhen!"

"He was the only direct disciple of Lingxia Tianzun in the past."

"Well, that's right, it's me." Zhen Ji smiled and said, "I have an impression of you. When I first met you, you were still a teenager."

"Yes!" Bai Chengtian was very excited, "Oh my God, I used to regard you as the younger generation, but now I know that each of you has a bigger background than the other!"

Commander Bai Feng was already stunned, he never expected that all the famous people from the past would appear in front of him one by one.

In the end, Tan Yun told the father and son that the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape and the Golden Dragon God Lion were the disciples of the Twelve-Clawed Demon Dragon Lord and the Twelve-clawed Golden Dragon Lord, and that the bones of the two beasts merged with the two masters were inherited. .

After hearing this, the father and son were too excited to say a word.

After a long time, Bai Chengtian regained his composure, looked at Tan Yun and said, "My lord..."

Without waiting for Bai Chengtian to speak, Tan Yun said with a smile: "I still think it's more kind that you always call me Yun'er."

"Okay, okay." After Bai Chengtian smiled, he put away his smile and said solemnly: "Yun'er, are you planning to take revenge?"

"Yes!" Tan Yun nodded, with a hint of coldness in his starry eyes, "Those who betrayed me, betrayed my gods, they should pay the price!"

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