Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1860 Strong people gather!

Chapter 1860 Gather the strong!

There are 73,000 semi-sacred beasts, great holy beasts, holy king beasts, holy emperor beasts, and god-king beasts left by the twelve-clawed dragon clan.

Among them, there are sixteen god king beasts, and the one with the highest state is the commander of the twelve-clawed dragon, a ninth-class god king beast!

There are more than 32,000 wild giant gods and more than 26,000 prehistoric giant gods who participated in the battle.

There are 3,200 of the elves and 13,000 of the fierce spirits.

Since there are only more than 30,000 Pangu giants in total, there are only 690 people above the Heavenly God Realm participating in the battle.

A total of 40,000 one-eyed monkeys participated in the battle!

Today, there are as many as 270,000 of the eight gods participating in the battle!

"Except for the eight chiefs, the eight gods who participated in the war all entered the time-space tower of the supreme god." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he looked at Dongfang Yushu.

Dongfang Yushu smiled knowingly, and sacrificed a thirty-six-story super god tower.

"It's the master!" More than 270,000 of the eight great gods turned into beams of light and shot into the tower.

Afterwards, Tan Yun looked at Dongfang Yushu and said, "Yushu, leave the other towers to the remaining eight gods, and let them practice in the secret ground with peace of mind."

"Mm." Dongfang Yushu left the remaining dozen towers, and then said: "All enter to continue training, and wait in the secret ground for the good news that we will unify the Primordial God Realm!"

"It's the Lord of the Wild God!" After receiving the order, more than two million of the eight gods below the semi-sacred realm and below the semi-sacred beast entered the tower one after another.

At this time, Tan Yun looked at the people and beasts in front of him and said, "Next, let me arrange the battle plan."

All the people and beasts looked at Tan Yun one after another.

Tan Yun looked at Dongfang Yushu affectionately and said, "Yushu, you lead the 278,000 gods to guard the gate of the Hongmeng God City and not let anyone go."

"You are already a first-class eternal realm. I am relieved that you sit at the gate of the city."

"Then, listen to my instructions and start bloodbathing the city of Hongmeng God!"

Dongfang Yushu nodded slightly, "Okay."

Afterwards, Tan Yun looked at the other humans and said, "Except for Tianzun Baicheng and Tianzun Mufeng, all people, beasts, enter the tower of the top-grade gods, and then, adapt to the situation at that time, and follow my instructions before doing anything."

When everyone in Shen Subing heard the words, they entered the pagoda of the highest-grade gods together with Jintong Kunpeng, Huang Gu Qingluan and other beasts. Afterwards, Tan Yun took the pagoda into his ears.

Dongfang Yushu also put the tower containing the 278,000 gods into his sleeves.

Afterwards, Dongfang Yushu, Bai Chengtianzun, Mufeng Tianzun, and Tan Yun left the secret land together, and appeared among the green mountains deep in the abyss of gods.

Tan Yun took a step forward, kissed Dongfang Yushu lightly on the forehead, and said softly, "We have to separate."

"I'll leave the Gods' Fierce Abyss first, and then you leave. One month later, you will be dormant in the mountain stream in the Eastern Eighty Thousand Immortals of the Hongmeng God City."

"At that time, listen to my password and then seal the city gate."

Dongfang Yushu nodded his head, and said with a worried expression: "Lingxia is already a god, and she was your most proud disciple in the past. She is very talented and powerful. You have to be more careful."

"Yes." Tan Yun nodded and said, "Then I'm leaving."

"Go." Dongfang Yushu smiled.

Just as Tan Yun took a step, Dongfang Yushu suddenly took a step forward and grabbed Tan Yun.

"Yushu, what's the matter..." Tan Yun turned around and his voice suddenly stopped, but it was Dongfang Yushu who kissed Tan Yun's lips.

After a long time, Dongfang Yushu took a step back shyly and said, "Promise me that nothing will happen to you. You have to live well and live. I'm still waiting for you to marry me."

Tan Yun cast a reassuring smile at Dongfang Yushu, and joked: "I haven't married you yet, so why would I be willing to die..."

Without waiting for Tan Yun to speak, Dongfang Yushu hurriedly stretched out his jade fingers, covered Tan Yun's lips, and shook his head, "The big battle is coming, don't mention death, it's unlucky."

"Okay, I won't mention it, I promise you that you will definitely defeat your opponent alive and take back the Hongmeng Divine Palace and the Hongmeng Divine City!"

"I am leaving."

After Tan Yun finished speaking, he gave Dongfang Yushu a hug affectionately, and then drove Shenzhou to carry Tianzun Baicheng and Tianzun Mufeng to the exit of the gods' fierce abyss...

Several hours later, Dongfang Yushu turned into a beam of light and disappeared into the depths of the gods' ominous abyss...

As the battle turns and the stars move, the sun and the moon alternate.

a month later.

Hongmeng Divine City.

At this moment, the gods in the entire city of gods are boiling, because today is an important day.

This day is the celebration ceremony of Lingxia High God's most proud disciple, Jing Yun.

The gods can see Jing Yun's status in the heart of Lingxia High God from the fact that Lingxia High God specially held a celebration ceremony for Jing Yun!


In the turmoil of the void, Tan Yun drove the Shenzhou, carrying Tianzun Mufeng and Tianzun Bai Cheng down from the sky, floating outside the city of Hongmeng.

The great general guarding the city gate looked up at the Shenzhou and bowed deeply: "I have seen Mr. Jing, and I have seen the two Lords."

"Young Master Jing, your celebration ceremony will begin in another hour. Lord Shangshen, all the Heavenly Venerables and Lords, are waiting for you."

"Well, I see." Tan Yun nodded and said: "Open the city gate."

"It's Mr. Jing." The great god general hurriedly opened the city gate.

After Tan Yun drove the Shenzhou into the Hongmeng Divine City, he flew towards the Hongmeng Divine Palace...

An hour later, the setting sun was like blood, turning the sky red.

Hongmeng Shrine, Yishenyuan.

The Summer Palace is located in the center of Hongmeng Shenfu's mansion, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of feet. Since Shen Subing used to be the God King of Time and Space, he loved all kinds of exotic trees, flowers, and rare herbs. He ordered the army to search for it in the Hongmeng God Realm.

After finding it, Tan Yun built the Summer Palace with his own hands using exotic trees, flowers and rare grasses.

Therefore, there is no doubt that Yishenyuan is the most beautiful place in Hongmeng Shenfu.

At this moment, six rows of seats were laid out on the luxuriant grass in the center of the Yishenyuan.

The seats are full of delicious food and wine.

On the first row of seats, there were four people, Lingxia High God, Chaos High God, Li Shiyin, and Li Shimin.

On the second row of seats, there were ten seats, and nine of them were seated respectively by the nine personal disciples of Lingxia Shangshen.

The nine disciples are: eldest disciple Mu Zhen Tianzun, second disciple Yuchi Hao Tianzun, third disciple Zhao Wuyi, fourth disciple Yang Yuxin, fifth disciple Ling Huting, sixth disciple Shen Wei, seventh disciple Wu Yu, eighth disciple Luo Yu, ninth disciple Shao Yuan.

There is still a vacant seat, which is naturally prepared for Tan Yun.

On the third row of seats, there are three gray-haired old men. The three are the patriarchs of the three ancient families in the Hongmeng God Realm. Qin, the three of them are all gods of the realm of humanity and myriad things!

On the fourth row of seats, there are thirty-two immortals of the eternal realm, including Supreme Tianzun, Zhanpeng, Jianglong Tianzun, and Taitan Tianzun. There are still two vacancies, which are obviously reserved for Mu Feng Tianzun and Bai Cheng Tianzun.

On the fifth row of seats, there are sixty-six god kings.

In the sixth row of seats, there are a total of 330 people, all of whom are the 330 Patriarchs of the God King Realm in the Primordial God Realm.

There is no doubt that the Yishenyuan today can be described as a gathering of strong people!

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