Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1874 Blood debt paid in blood!

Chapter 1874 Blood debt paid in blood!

When Tan Yun was chasing Lingxia Shangshen, the Supreme Heavenly Venerable and Zhan Peng, who were closest to the gap in the formation, looked at each other and followed Lingxia Shangshen to escape towards the gap!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Tan Yun unleashes the divine steps of the mammoth, quickly catches up with Lingxia Shangshen, and slashes at his back with a sword!

Lingxia, who couldn't escape, went to God, and said coldly: "I will fight with you!"

"Zhanpeng, no matter what the final result of the original God is, you all have to escape from the Primordial God Realm, and tell the Chaos God and the Primordial God what happened here!"

"Remember, also tell the Primordial Ancestor God the news that this bitch Xueying Tianzun is the daughter of the Primordial Priest!"

After saying that, Lingxia Shangshen held the divine sword, turned around suddenly, and fought fiercely with Tan Yun!

"Master Shangshen, you have to take care!"

"Master Shangshen, you must survive!"

Tears welled up in Zhanpeng's and Supreme Tianzun's cloudy eyes, and if the two looked sad, they escaped from the Hongmeng Slaughtering God Sword Formation!

There is no doubt that Lingxia God has been very good to Zhanpeng and Supreme Heavenly Venerable over the past ten thousand years.

The two of them knew that Lingxia Shangshen might be more or less fortunate today, so when they escaped from the Hongmeng Slaughtering God Sword Formation, the two of them felt sorrow from the bottom of their hearts!

However, the sadness in my heart quickly turned into panic!

Because the two who had just escaped from the Hongmeng Slaughtering Divine Sword Formation found Shen Subing, Tuoba Yingying, and Xuanyuanrou staring at them with murderous intent in the air above Hongmeng Shenshan!

"Zhan Peng, we will fight with them!" The Supreme Heavenly Venerable roared angrily, sacrificed the divine sword, and killed Shen Subing!

"Okay! Let's fight them!" Zhan Peng roared, and unleashed a sharp gun, and the Supreme Heavenly Venerable against Shen Subing and the three of them!

In the eyes of the two of them, they think that they are strong in the Heavenly Exalted Realm, and the three women in front of them are only in the ninth-class God-King Realm, so they have a great chance of winning!

However, in the fierce battle that followed, the two felt that they were wrong!


At the same time, the formation of Hongmeng Tu Shenjian Formation has been closed.

After dodging Tan Yun's sword, Lingxia Goddess flew upside down in the air with disheveled hair, hovered ten thousand feet in front of Tan Yun, stared at Tan Yun and said, "What on earth are you willing to let my husband go?"

"Say it! As long as you say it, I will promise you anything!"

Tan Yun gritted his teeth and said, "You two are going to die today! No one can survive!"

After saying that, Tan Yun pinched the Chaos God with his left hand, and tightly grasped the Hongmeng God Slaughter Sword with his right hand. With a stream of blood, he stabbed into the Chaos God's chest!

"Husband!" Lingxia's heart felt like a knife was twisted, and tears dripped down.

Tan Yun's eyes were ferocious, and the sword in his right hand slowly flipped in the chest of the Chaos God, staring at Lingxia God and roared: "You are a wolf-hearted beast!"

"I adopted you and raised you, but you betrayed me mercilessly!"

"It hurts to see him like this, doesn't it?"

"Okay, let me tell you! I treat you like a daughter, but you betrayed me! My heart ached too!"

Facing Tan Yun's roar, Lingxia wiped away her tears, "I know I'm sorry for you, I apologize to you, and I can kill myself to apologize, please let him go!"

"Let him go? You're dreaming!" Tan Yun sternly said, "At the beginning, he was the one who harmed you. Without him, how could you betray me!"

"Frankly speaking, my desire to kill him is a thousand times stronger than my desire to kill you!"

As he said that, Tan Yun held the sword in his right hand and kept stirring it in the chest of God of Chaos!

When the God of Chaos was dying, Tan Yun sacrificed the Supreme God Venerable Time-Space Tower, sealed off the independent time and space in the tower, and threw the God of Chaos into it!

With the independent time and space in the tower being blocked, the time inside the tower is the same as the time passing outside.

"call out!"

Tan Yun suddenly swung the Hongmeng Killing God Sword with his right hand, pointing the sword at Lingxia Shangshen, "Are you going to catch him without a fight, or I will do it myself!"

Lingxia Shangshen was still burning with her soul, she looked at Tan Yun, held the divine sword in her hand, and said coldly: "Kill!"

Immediately, Lingxia High God used the Myriad Dao Sword Art and killed Tan Yun.


Sparks splashed everywhere, and the primordial void collapsed one after another!

After a full moment, Tan Yun gradually gained the upper hand, God Lingxia had no power to fight back, only parry!

"Everything you have learned all your life is taught by me. Even the Wan Dao Sword Art that you cultivated is also adapted by me. What do you use to fight me?"

When Tan Yun's indifferent voice sounded, he seized a gap in Lingxia's hands, and he cast his grandmeng step, disappeared in a flash, and appeared beside Lingxia, holding a sword on his neck.

"This kick is for you to repay my kindness to you!"


With tears of anger and sadness in Tan Yun's eyes, he kicked and broke the bone in Lingxia Shangshen's left leg!

"Ah!" God Lingxia was in pain.

"This kick is for you to repay my kindness to you!"


As Tan Yun said that, he kicked and broke the bone in Lingxia Shangshen's right leg!

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

Thinking of the scenes in which he raised Lingxia in the past, he felt pain in his heart.

Looking at Lingxia Shangshen whose legs had been crippled by him, Tan Yun didn't feel the slightest desire for revenge, on the contrary, he felt distressed!


Tan Yun hit Lingxia Shangshen's chest with his palm, his ribs were broken, his internal organs were severely injured, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

Immediately afterwards, strands of blood overflowed from her eyes, ears and nose.

Lingxia's tears and blood mixed together and flowed out of her eyes. She stared at Tan Yun with a painful expression, and when she wanted to say something, she never said it.

Looking at the seriously injured Lingxia Shangshen, a tear rolled down Tan Yun's eyes, "Because you betrayed me, do you know how many people you killed?"

"Do you know how many people you have killed for the peace of the Primordial God Realm!"

"Also, after I died, you were the one who ordered the extermination of all the citizens in Hongmeng God City!"

"How can you be so ruthless, how can your heart be so cruel!"

The more Tan Yun said, the more angry he became, and he threw Lingxia Shangshen into the second floor of the top-grade god god tower!

Afterwards, Tan Yun did not disarm the Hongmeng Tu Shenjian Formation immediately!

Because he is so sad!

No matter how ruthless Lingxia is, he once treated her like his own daughter!

Tan Yun stayed alone in the Hongmeng Sacred Sword Formation for a long time before he disarmed the sword formation and put away the eleven Hongmeng Excalibur swords, flying in the air and landing on the top of Hongmeng Divine Mountain.

But at this moment, Supreme Heavenly Venerable and Zhan Peng were lying on the top of the peak dying, and beside them stood the three daughters Shen Subing, Xuanyuan Rou, and Tuoba Yingying who looked tired.

"Husband..." Shen Subing pursed her lips, "Did you kill Lingxia?"

"Not yet." Tan Yun took a deep breath and said, "Slaughter the city first, and then execute Lingxia, Chaos God, Zhan Peng, and Supreme Heavenly Venerable!"

After that, Tan Yun put Zhan Peng on the third floor of the Supreme God Venerable Time-Space God Tower, and the Supreme Heavenly Lord on the fourth floor of the God Tower.

"Well, it's all up to you." Shen Subing's eyes flickered with sadness, and immediately, seeing strands of blood flowing out of Tan Yun's eternal armor, "You are injured, let's recover from your injury first."

"It doesn't matter if I'm hurt." Tan Yun threw a reassuring smile at Shen Subing and said, "Massacre!"

After the words were paused, Tan Yun's hair flew up, and his divine consciousness comparable to that of a god spread rapidly in the night sky like an invisible tide. into everyone's ears:

"I am the Supreme Being of Hongmeng. You killed my subordinates in the past, but today the Supreme Being wants you to pay in blood!"

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