Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1885 Yu Yan wakes up!

Chapter 1885 Yu Yan wakes up!

After making up his mind, Tan Yun was about to get up and leave the tower when suddenly, his body trembled violently!

"Where am I..."

Suddenly, a weak voice of nature sounded in Tan Yun's mind.

"Yuyan woke up! Yes, Yuyan must have woken up!"

"Very good!"

Tan Yun restrained his excitement, and with a single thought, the Primordial Heart flew out of the spirit pool and hovered in front of him.

Immediately, Tan Yun turned into a beam of light, pierced into the heart of primordial mists, and appeared in the void of primordial mists.

"Where is this place?" At this moment, a weak and beautiful voice came from the palace in Hongmeng Continent.

Tan Yun swooped down emotionally and landed outside the palace.


After Tan Yun opened the palace door, he flew into the majestic palace. In the next moment, he was suspended above the huge couch, but Yu Yan, who was huge on the couch, was looking at the palace with his huge eyes open.

At this moment, Ji Yuyan suddenly found Tan Yun, she was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then a picture appeared in her mind.

In the picture, his naked body was lying in a huge coffin. At that time, a man saw his body!

And the man in memory is the man in purple robe in sight at this moment!

Immediately, Ji Yuyan's eyes showed endless killing intent, she exhausted all her strength and struggled to stand up, standing staggeringly.

She glanced at the giant red dress on her body, then raised her head to look at Tan Yun, and said through gritted teeth, "You put the clothes on me?"

"Yes, it's me." Tan Yun stood in the air, looked at Yu Yan, and said softly.

"Okay, very good!" Ji Yuyan laughed angrily, "Back then, you were the one who broke into the giant coffin and saw the deity's body, right?"

"That's right, it's me too." Tan Yun smiled.

"You disciple, I am the majestic and immortal master, how dare you blaspheme me like this!" Ji Yuyan said coldly, "I am going to kill you!"

She raised her right hand, a tyrannical immortal force gushed out of her body, and when she was about to pat Tan Yun, Tan Yun said softly: "Yu Yan, your body is not recovered yet, don't get angry."

Hearing this, Ji Yuyan sternly said: "You are a mere sixth-class eternity, and you dare to call me by his name directly, you..."

Without waiting for Ji Yuyan to speak, Tan Yun spoke.

What he said next stunned Ji Yuyan.

Tan Yun looked at Ji Yuyan affectionately and said, "Yuyan, I am your husband, and I am the reincarnation of the Great General of the Immortal Ancient God Clan."

"My father is the ancestor god of the ages."

Ji Yuyan's raised right hand hovered in the void, and a look of joy appeared in her beautiful eyes, "You, is what you said true?"

"How do you prove that you are my husband?"

Tan Yun said, "Look."


In the turmoil of the void, Tan Yun released a burst of divine power, condensing a memory image.

In the picture, Tan Yun is standing next to an ancient divine coffin, in which lies a gigantic human skeleton.

In addition, there are three things.

The first is a set of gigantic armor. When Ji Yuyan saw the armor, her beautiful eyes showed sadness, "I recognize this armor. This is the divine armor that my father-in-law refined for my husband."

"At the beginning, before my father-in-law could give it to my husband, my husband passed away."

"Yes, this set of armor was made by my father for me." Tan Yun said with a sad expression, and in a flash, the ancient armor appeared from the surface of his body!

Tan Yun flipped his right hand, and a jade slip appeared in his hand. He looked at Ji Yuyan and said, "This is the jade slip my father left for me. Take a look."

"Oh." Ji Yuyan released her spiritual consciousness and penetrated into the jade slip, but it read on it:

"Boy, I finally waited for you as a father."

"When the divine coffin is opened, my father will know that my beloved son has returned in reincarnation. Only my child's essence and blood can open this ancestral coffin."

"Before the universe collapsed, there were two great ancestor gods, namely, the ancestor god of the ancient times and the ancestor god of the eldest grandson."

"Eternal Ancestor God Tan Xiaotian is the father, and the other eldest grandson ancestor god is the eldest grandson Pengkun."

"When the universe was about to collapse, baby, you loved the Immortal Lord Ji Yuyan deeply. When you confessed your love to her, she wanted to agree to you, but her parents fell into the hands of the eldest grandson Ancestor God."

"Changsun Zushen threatened her not to allow her to marry you, but to marry his son Changsun Xuanfeng."

"That's why Yuyan rejected you. You left the Immortal Ancient God Clan in a fit of anger, but you were captured alive by the eldest grandson Ancestor God."

"The grandson ancestor god threatened my father to fight him to the death. At that time, my father was wounded in a fierce battle with the great demon ancestor. If he fights the grandson ancestor god again, it will be very dangerous!"

"But my son, you are in the hands of the ancestor god of the eldest grandson, how can you ignore you as a father? So I went to fight for my father."

"During the confrontation with the eldest grandson, the ancestor god, you chose to commit suicide in order not to implicate your father."

"Seeing you die, my father was very sad and indignant, and started a duel with the grandson ancestor god. In the end, the body of the grandson ancestor god was destroyed by the father, and his soul was severely injured and fled."

"And for the father fell, for the father's wreckage, with the body of your child, I found Yuyan."

"Yuyan was devastated when she learned of your death. She hugged your body, and under the witness of her father, she married you and became your wife."

"Her actions offended Changsun Xuanfeng, so Changsun Xuanfeng killed Yuyan's parents."

"On the second day after Yuyan and you got married, she left a letter and entered the ancient city of Changsun alone, killed Changsun Xuanfeng, and also killed Changsun Xuanfeng's sister, Changsun Xuanqi, which completely angered the ancestor god of Changsun. "

"The soul of the grandson ancestor, would rather fall into a deep sleep than kill Yuyan."

"When the father rushed away, the eldest grandson, Zushen, had disappeared, and Yuyan had died."

"The remnant soul of the father brought Yu Yan's body back to the Immortal Ancient God Clan, in order to regenerate you, to resurrect Yu Yan, and to allow you, a pair of fateful mandarin ducks, to escape the catastrophe of the universe. Continuing the frontier, exhausting my life for my father, so that Yuyan can keep her pulse going."

"Another independent time and space has been opened up, and Yuyan is placed in it, so that she can escape the Great Destruction of the Universe."


When Ji Yuyan saw this, she stared at Tan Yun with tears in her beautiful eyes, and only then did she know the truth of why she didn't die!

"Woooo..." She looked at Tan Yun and choked up, "You... are you really my husband?"

"Yes, I am, but I have forgotten what we have experienced before." Tan Yun's eyes were wet with tears, "Yuyan, if you don't believe me, I still have a witness to prove it."

After saying that, Tan Yun sent a voice transmission to Xiao Longshe who was retreating in the 35th-floor divine tower: "Xiao Lao, Yuyan has woken up, she has some doubts about my identity, you come up to confirm it."

"It's the little master." With the voice of respect, the door of the thirty-fifth floor pagoda opened soon.

Immediately, Xiao Longsnake walked in, flew into the heart of Hongmeng, flew in the sky and landed in Hongmeng Continent, and stepped into the palace!

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